Manning Puts Lives in Danger...Goes Free. DNC Hacked by Wikileaks...OH MY GOD! That's Unlawful!

Manning put no one at risk. Manning didn't even reveal any classified information.

The OP is a fucking liar.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

At least we all know the rules of engagement. Espionage isn't really a crime.

selective wikileaks outrage

Julian Assange says he'll turn himself in if Obama pardons Chelsea Manning
Assange didn't say "pardon". He said clemency. Big difference.

Obama did grant Manning clemency.

However, Assange made that promise in September, before most people knew he was working with Putin to install Trump as President.

No WikiLeaks tweeted it again just last week.
Cool. Do you have a link?

With clemency for Manning, attention turns to WikiLeaks head
Nah...don't work that way. Attention turns to two faced liberal Democratic Party who's outgoing POTUS just took a giant shit all over their hacking outrage argument.
Julian Assange says he'll turn himself in if Obama pardons Chelsea Manning
Assange didn't say "pardon". He said clemency. Big difference.

Obama did grant Manning clemency.

However, Assange made that promise in September, before most people knew he was working with Putin to install Trump as President.

No WikiLeaks tweeted it again just last week.
I'm looking at Wikileaks twitter page, and it looks like a lot of other people retweeted the promise to goad Assange. I don't see where Assange repeated his promise.

WikiLeaks on Twitter
Goad him all you want. Your POTUS just pardoned a crimminal that gave documents to Wikileaks and put lives in danger. He just shit on your "hacking waaaaaaa" argument. I hear Manning likes to get goaded behind bars.
Manning put no one at risk. Manning didn't even reveal any classified information.

The OP is a fucking liar.
Now you done it fuck-o-roo...time to embarrass you.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning endangered lives.
Manning, WikiLeaks endangered entire Afghan villages
I'm sure cut and run Democrat, Donald Trump, was okay with what Manning did.

He'll probably pardon Assange.
I'm sure cut and run Democrat, Donald Trump, was okay with what Manning did.

He'll probably pardon Assange.
Why? Assange did what he did on his own. DNC should protect their shit better and not be the Keystone Cops of Internet security.
Straight people never betray America. Nope.

If you are a traitor, you are obviously gay. How do you know you are gay? Because you betrayed America!
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning exposed American war crimes, notably the targeting and murder of many civilians. Contrary to what you say, prosecutors were unable to find a single person who was harmed by Manning's leaks. Manning was given a very long sentence by the army because they were embarrassed by the leaks. Manning did the American people a service by showing them what was happening in their name. Manning tried to report the war crimes to his superiors but was told to keep quiet. Manning is an American hero.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning exposed American war crimes, notably the targeting and murder of many civilians. Contrary to what you say, prosecutors were unable to find a single person who was harmed by Manning's leaks. Manning was given a very long sentence by the army because they were embarrassed by the leaks. Manning did the American people a service by showing them what was happening in their name. Manning tried to report the war crimes to his superiors but was told to keep quiet. Manning is an American hero.
Manning violated his security oath, UCMJ, and federal law. He put lives in danger. He is no hero liberal loser. He done no one any favors. In a war zone things happen. If this little pussy in the rear with the gear ever went up front...sometimes there are no civilians...just targets of opportunity.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning exposed American war crimes, notably the targeting and murder of many civilians. Contrary to what you say, prosecutors were unable to find a single person who was harmed by Manning's leaks. Manning was given a very long sentence by the army because they were embarrassed by the leaks. Manning did the American people a service by showing them what was happening in their name. Manning tried to report the war crimes to his superiors but was told to keep quiet. Manning is an American hero.
Manning violated his security oath, UCMJ, and federal law. He put lives in danger. He is no hero liberal loser. He done no one any favors. In a war zone things happen. If this little pussy in the rear with the gear ever went up front...sometimes there are no civilians...just targets of opportunity.
He did not put lives in danger. That is a FAUX News lie. I told you the military prosecutors after trying hard found no harm was done to anyone by Manning's leaks. In the United States military orders to commit crimes should be reported and disobeyed. His oath was abrogated by his superiors who refused to act on the war crimes. He acted in a way to make Americans proud.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning exposed American war crimes, notably the targeting and murder of many civilians. Contrary to what you say, prosecutors were unable to find a single person who was harmed by Manning's leaks. Manning was given a very long sentence by the army because they were embarrassed by the leaks. Manning did the American people a service by showing them what was happening in their name. Manning tried to report the war crimes to his superiors but was told to keep quiet. Manning is an American hero.
Manning violated his security oath, UCMJ, and federal law. He put lives in danger. He is no hero liberal loser. He done no one any favors. In a war zone things happen. If this little pussy in the rear with the gear ever went up front...sometimes there are no civilians...just targets of opportunity.
He did not put lives in danger. That is a FAUX News lie. I told you the military prosecutors after trying hard found no harm was done to anyone by Manning's leaks. In the United States military orders to commit crimes should be reported and disobeyed. His oath was abrogated by his superiors who refused to act on the war crimes. He acted in a way to make Americans proud.
There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

Wikileaks releases what Manning got and Assange should be executed.

Wikileaks releases DNC stuff and Assange is a hero.


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