Manning Puts Lives in Danger...Goes Free. DNC Hacked by Wikileaks...OH MY GOD! That's Unlawful!

Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

I think Obama is a transgender....Michelle seems to have the balls in the family. Obama only pardoned him/her for being transgender.
Oh, he won two elections, get over it, you right wingers and your "butthurt".
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Nothing matters to libtards more than politics.

Not national security, not classified documents, not morality, not honesty, not ANYTHING just political success.

They are ideologues obsessives and there is nothing so low that they would not gladly stoop to it in order to win.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

Wikileaks releases what Manning got and Assange should be executed.

Wikileaks releases DNC stuff and Assange is a hero.

Just the opposite my friend. Manning pardoned and Democrats ok with that...when Wikileaks first released this stuff they were heroes to the left. After election the left thinks Assange an asshole.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning exposed American war crimes, notably the targeting and murder of many civilians. Contrary to what you say, prosecutors were unable to find a single person who was harmed by Manning's leaks. Manning was given a very long sentence by the army because they were embarrassed by the leaks. Manning did the American people a service by showing them what was happening in their name. Manning tried to report the war crimes to his superiors but was told to keep quiet. Manning is an American hero.
Manning violated his security oath, UCMJ, and federal law. He put lives in danger. He is no hero liberal loser. He done no one any favors. In a war zone things happen. If this little pussy in the rear with the gear ever went up front...sometimes there are no civilians...just targets of opportunity.
He did not put lives in danger. That is a FAUX News lie. I told you the military prosecutors after trying hard found no harm was done to anyone by Manning's leaks. In the United States military orders to commit crimes should be reported and disobeyed. His oath was abrogated by his superiors who refused to act on the war crimes. He acted in a way to make Americans proud.
There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

Wikileaks releases what Manning got and Assange should be executed.

Wikileaks releases DNC stuff and Assange is a hero.

Just the opposite my friend.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Nothing matters to libtards more than politics.

Not national security, not classified documents, not morality, not honesty, not ANYTHING just political success.

They are ideologues obsessives and there is nothing so low that they would not gladly stoop to it in order to win.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Nothing matters to libtards more than politics.

Not national security, not classified documents, not morality, not honesty, not ANYTHING just political success.

They are ideologues obsessives and there is nothing so low that they would not gladly stoop to it in order to win.
They don't care. He thinks he is a she so that makes him/her a victim. They loved Assange in 2015.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning exposed American war crimes, notably the targeting and murder of many civilians. Contrary to what you say, prosecutors were unable to find a single person who was harmed by Manning's leaks. Manning was given a very long sentence by the army because they were embarrassed by the leaks. Manning did the American people a service by showing them what was happening in their name. Manning tried to report the war crimes to his superiors but was told to keep quiet. Manning is an American hero.
Manning violated his security oath, UCMJ, and federal law. He put lives in danger. He is no hero liberal loser. He done no one any favors. In a war zone things happen. If this little pussy in the rear with the gear ever went up front...sometimes there are no civilians...just targets of opportunity.
He did not put lives in danger. That is a FAUX News lie. I told you the military prosecutors after trying hard found no harm was done to anyone by Manning's leaks. In the United States military orders to commit crimes should be reported and disobeyed. His oath was abrogated by his superiors who refused to act on the war crimes. He acted in a way to make Americans proud.
There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Targeting of civilians never happened.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

I think Obama is a transgender....Michelle seems to have the balls in the family. Obama only pardoned him/her for being transgender.
Oh, he won two elections, get over it, you right wingers and your "butthurt".
Trump won two elections...they general election and Green Party recount whine.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

Wikileaks releases what Manning got and Assange should be executed.

Wikileaks releases DNC stuff and Assange is a hero.

Just the opposite my friend. Manning pardoned and Democrats ok with that...when Wikileaks first released this stuff they were heroes to the left. After election the left thinks Assange an asshole.

I'm not saying there aren't many partisan hacks on the left who are fine with things when they go their way. I'm saying the right has just as many, if not more, of them. That isn't "just the opposite".
Manning exposed American war crimes, notably the targeting and murder of many civilians. Contrary to what you say, prosecutors were unable to find a single person who was harmed by Manning's leaks. Manning was given a very long sentence by the army because they were embarrassed by the leaks. Manning did the American people a service by showing them what was happening in their name. Manning tried to report the war crimes to his superiors but was told to keep quiet. Manning is an American hero.
Manning violated his security oath, UCMJ, and federal law. He put lives in danger. He is no hero liberal loser. He done no one any favors. In a war zone things happen. If this little pussy in the rear with the gear ever went up front...sometimes there are no civilians...just targets of opportunity.
He did not put lives in danger. That is a FAUX News lie. I told you the military prosecutors after trying hard found no harm was done to anyone by Manning's leaks. In the United States military orders to commit crimes should be reported and disobeyed. His oath was abrogated by his superiors who refused to act on the war crimes. He acted in a way to make Americans proud.
There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Targeting of civilians never happened.
It sure did. I saw a cameraman and a reporter riddled to death with other civilians from a helicopter and so did millions of other people. You can watch again.

Wikileaks hacked no one. They just release what they are given. So, even more to your point.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents
Manning violated his security oath, UCMJ, and federal law. He put lives in danger. He is no hero liberal loser. He done no one any favors. In a war zone things happen. If this little pussy in the rear with the gear ever went up front...sometimes there are no civilians...just targets of opportunity.
He did not put lives in danger. That is a FAUX News lie. I told you the military prosecutors after trying hard found no harm was done to anyone by Manning's leaks. In the United States military orders to commit crimes should be reported and disobeyed. His oath was abrogated by his superiors who refused to act on the war crimes. He acted in a way to make Americans proud.
There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Targeting of civilians never happened.
It sure did. I saw a cameraman and a reporter riddled to death with other civilians from a helicopter and so did millions of other people. You can watch again.

Was the Manning's fault? Was it Bush's fault for going into Iraq in the first place and putting the conditions down that led to Manning getting frustrated and getting the information?

Let's put it this way. Who is guilty of murder, the murderer or the witnesses?
He did not put lives in danger. That is a FAUX News lie. I told you the military prosecutors after trying hard found no harm was done to anyone by Manning's leaks. In the United States military orders to commit crimes should be reported and disobeyed. His oath was abrogated by his superiors who refused to act on the war crimes. He acted in a way to make Americans proud.
There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Targeting of civilians never happened.
It sure did. I saw a cameraman and a reporter riddled to death with other civilians from a helicopter and so did millions of other people. You can watch again.

Was the Manning's fault? Was it Bush's fault for going into Iraq in the first place and putting the conditions down that led to Manning getting frustrated and getting the information?

Let's put it this way. Who is guilty of murder, the murderer or the witnesses?

Those Apache pilots put thei lives on the line every day for our country. The dumbass wielding the camera in the middle of the night should expect to be sparked up. Looks like a weapon to me. What do you want our front line troops to do?
There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Targeting of civilians never happened.
It sure did. I saw a cameraman and a reporter riddled to death with other civilians from a helicopter and so did millions of other people. You can watch again.

Was the Manning's fault? Was it Bush's fault for going into Iraq in the first place and putting the conditions down that led to Manning getting frustrated and getting the information?

Let's put it this way. Who is guilty of murder, the murderer or the witnesses?

Those Apache pilots put thei lives on the line every day for our country. The dumbass wielding the camera in the middle of the night should expect to be sparked up. Looks like a weapon to me. What do you want our front line troops to do?

I'm not sure why you posted this in response to my post, perhaps you'd care to enlighten me.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

He should have been given the Congressional Medal of honor. He should have NOT been prosecuted.

The fucking welfare/warfare police state IS the criminal entity.

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I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Targeting of civilians never happened.
It sure did. I saw a cameraman and a reporter riddled to death with other civilians from a helicopter and so did millions of other people. You can watch again.

Was the Manning's fault? Was it Bush's fault for going into Iraq in the first place and putting the conditions down that led to Manning getting frustrated and getting the information?

Let's put it this way. Who is guilty of murder, the murderer or the witnesses?

Those Apache pilots put thei lives on the line every day for our country. The dumbass wielding the camera in the middle of the night should expect to be sparked up. Looks like a weapon to me. What do you want our front line troops to do?

I'm not sure why you posted this in response to my post, perhaps you'd care to enlighten me.

The video you replied to.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

He should have been given the Congressional Medal of honor. He should have NOT been prosecuted.

The fucking welfare/warfare police state.

Medal of Honor...the very premise of your post is a disgrace to all the men who have earned that award through their heroism on the field of battle. Manning is just a sexually confused little shit bag that betrayed his nation.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

He should have been given the Congressional Medal of honor. He should have NOT been prosecuted.

The fucking welfare/warfare police state.

Medal of Honor...the very premise of your post is a disgrace to all the men who have earned that award through their heroism on the field of battle. Manning is just a sexually confused little shit bag that betrayed his nation.

I hope my president DJT conludes that the warfare states makes no sense and abolishes or substantially reduces it.

Manning expose the criminality of the warfare state.

That has NOTHING to do with heroism.

If the fuckers leave our right to bear arms alone that should be more than enough to keep the foreign motherfuckers at bay. They won't invade us.

Nobody wants to invade us.

Pear Harbor happened because FDR was secretly fighting against Japan in Indochina, he froze Japanese assets and refuse to sell them oil.

Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

He should have been given the Congressional Medal of honor. He should have NOT been prosecuted.

The fucking welfare/warfare police state.

Medal of Honor...the very premise of your post is a disgrace to all the men who have earned that award through their heroism on the field of battle. Manning is just a sexually confused little shit bag that betrayed his nation.

I hope my president DJT conludes that the warfare states makes no sense and abolishes or substantially reduces it.

Manning expose the criminality of the warfare state.

That has NOTHING to do with heroism.

If the fuckers leave our right to bear arms alone that should be more than enough to keep the foreign motherfuckers at bay. They won't invade us.

Nobody wants to invade us.

Pear Harbor happened because FDR was secretly fighting against Japan in Indochina, he froze Japanese assets and refuse to sell them oil.

FDR responsible for Pearl Harbor...get your dumb ass to North Korea, then you will appreciate this country more. Also, unfuck your head with that Howard Zinn bullshit.
Barry is going out like the liberal loon that he really is. Pardons Bradley Manning who gave secret documents to Wikileaks. But the Wikileaks hack of Podesta emails is an "outrage!" Manning put lives in danger, perhaps got them killed. Hypocrites. Also, I want to know why my tax dollars are going to pay for inmate Manning's new tits.
Obama commutes Chelsea Manning's sentence for leaking Army documents

He should have been given the Congressional Medal of honor. He should have NOT been prosecuted.

The fucking welfare/warfare police state.

Medal of Honor...the very premise of your post is a disgrace to all the men who have earned that award through their heroism on the field of battle. Manning is just a sexually confused little shit bag that betrayed his nation.

I hope my president DJT conludes that the warfare states makes no sense and abolishes or substantially reduces it.

Manning expose the criminality of the warfare state.

That has NOTHING to do with heroism.

If the fuckers leave our right to bear arms alone that should be more than enough to keep the foreign motherfuckers at bay. They won't invade us.

Nobody wants to invade us.

Pear Harbor happened because FDR was secretly fighting against Japan in Indochina, he froze Japanese assets and refuse to sell them oil.

FDR responsible for Pearl Harbor...get your dumb ass to North Korea, then you will appreciate this country more. Also, unfuck your head with that Howard Zinn bullshit.



There were no war crimes to act upon. The only crime was his making public these documents.
I already told you that targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime and this was being dome by the Americans. You and the world saw it on our TVs. Have you no shame to continue repeating falsehood after I exposed your Opening Post as nonsense? The American people were horrified at what was being done in their name. The crimes exposed by Manning were not prosecuted by the military. Surprised?
Targeting of civilians never happened.
It sure did. I saw a cameraman and a reporter riddled to death with other civilians from a helicopter and so did millions of other people. You can watch again.

Was the Manning's fault? Was it Bush's fault for going into Iraq in the first place and putting the conditions down that led to Manning getting frustrated and getting the information?

Let's put it this way. Who is guilty of murder, the murderer or the witnesses?

Those Apache pilots put thei lives on the line every day for our country. The dumbass wielding the camera in the middle of the night should expect to be sparked up. Looks like a weapon to me. What do you want our front line troops to do?

It was not nighttime. It was a camera. They were clearly civilians and when the people at the scene were questioning, they were told to shoot. Then when a van came for the wounded, they shot that up too. It was one of very many war crimes and if those pilots are putting their lives at risk, the civilians and children are at even greater risk from the Americans. This is the kind of crime Manning exposed and for embarrassing the military, they threw the book at him. What a bunch of Nazis the Americans have turned out to be with their show trial court marshals to put the fear into any other would-be whistle-blowers.

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