Manslayer/Stalker: Biblical Terminology (Modernism?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
And they shall be unto you cities for refuge from the avenger; that the manslayer die not, until he stand before the congregation in judgment (Numbers 35:12, KJV).

A guide leads two men through an area known as the Zone to find a room that grants wishes (Plot Summery for "Stalker" [1979] Soviet sci-fi art film on Internet Movie Database [IMDb]).

The crime-laden words 'manslayer' and 'stalker' both have connotations about obsession, predatory behaviors, and malicious mischief.

However, 'stalker' or any synonym thereof is never used in the Bible, even though there are plenty of references in the Bible about pedestrian consciousness and walking or roaming around (e.g., Joseph, Paul, etc.). Instead, we get idea-laden inferential concepts such as 'glutton,' 'thief,' and 'deceiver.'

We can argue from modern-day art (two sample American horror film ghouls) that Michael Myers (the fictional masked serial killer who skulks around on Halloween Eve) is a stalker, while Leatherface (the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal) is a manslayer.

I bring up this consideration about 'communicating spiritualism,' since I was first made curious about 'anachronistic soothsaying' from the Martin Scorsese film The Color of Money in which the main character Eddie suggests, "The Bible talks about wine and such but not about hard drugs...these days, kids do hard drugs [making me wary of the 'street-scene']; the Bible never said anything about methamphetamines!!"

In evaluating how spiritualism is communicated in the modern age of tech-gauged networking (i.e., email, Facebook, etc.), we could ask, "What does the Bible suggest about the development of tools and the evolution of language?"

Such analysis could enhance our discussions about how Creationism seems 'outmoded' when contoured with modern theories about Evolution.


MICHAEL MYERS: The Biblical 'manslayer' is the great 'Red Dragon' novelist Thomas Harris presented.
LEATHERFACE: Chainsaw!!!
MICHAEL MYERS: No, Leatherface, not a chainsaw (necessarily) but a dagger!
LEATHERFACE: Modern times!
MICHAEL MYERS: We should watch a Charlie Chaplin film together sometime.



Imagine that a modern-day journalist working for the New York Post decided to become an 'Internet vigilante' of sort, posting photos of himself in various strange masks and outfits and writing about consumerism gluttonies and Facebook obsession (etc.), and the readers start joking and comparing him to a 'people's Bartleby' such as Tom Cruise or to the pedestrianism-defending archangel Michael.

This hypothetical 'Internet vigilante' (let's call him The Batman) believes the world is headed towards an apocalypse, but standing in his way is the AntiChrist, so let's suppose Tom Cruise and Michael (!) 'help him out' by talking about him in the media and in their works.

How should we coordinate 'Biblical apocrypha' with 'sociological storytelling'? What is permissible and what is heretical?


Lucifer was standing above the MIT computer science department and cursing at God for making Adam and Eve so adept at the use of computers and the Internet. Not deterred, however, Lucifer fixed his eyes upon a precocious 'Internet vigilante' calling himself 'The Batman' and posting random but connected ideas about pedestrian gluttonies and misuse of the Internet. Lucifer realizes that the AntiChrist is also in the midst of all this, disguised as a wealthy movie star (Leo DiCaprio) making fortune-paranoia films such as The Wolf of Wall Street.

Lucifer helps the AntiChrist by nudging Internet scrollers to post slander about this new 'Internet vigilante' known as The Batman. The movie star Tom Cruise, just finishing his perception-futurama film Oblivion, decides this slander on the Internet about 'The Batman' is unwarranted, and so, during a nationally televised interview on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Cruise states that the slander following this nifty little 'Internet vigilante' known as 'The Batman' is counter-productive to modern discourse.

Lucifer is enraged at this pseudo-vigilante deed taken up by the movie star Tom Cruise and decides to trick God's archangel Michael into sabotaging both Tom Cruise and The Batman, citing that the two 'upstart pseudo-vigilantes' are creating unwanted ripples in society, drawing in the power-prophecies of the AntiChrist himself. Michael at first is tricked but then realizes that the modern world is as dependent on classical definitions of religion as it is on pedestrian networking (e.g., Facebook) and refuses to do what Lucifer suggests.

Lucifer realizes that the power of the AntiChrist will now be challenged by a 'Golem triumvirate' of Tom Cruise, The Batman, and Michael simultaneously, so he decides to grant the AntiChrist (the adversary of Earth) a small portion of battle-glory by motivating him to give a small address about 'power infrastructure in the modern world.' The AntiChrist (Leo DiCaprio) then delivers the following message on The popular Don Imus radio show:

"The Batman, Tom Cruise, and the Christian archangel Michael all symbolize a human focus on 'pedestrian intelligence,' which is why you can find 'profile pages' of all three on the globally-popular social networking website Facebook. This is the hour of the manslayer!"



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