Manufacturing a “Manufactured Crisis”: Liberals Exposed

CNN, like NBC/MSNBC/Comcast, ABC, CBS, PBS, NYT, Washpo, AP, etc only broadcast, or publish issues that advance the Liberal/Progressive (Democrat) agenda. Yes there are OCCASIONAL exceptions, but generally their stories, or omission of stories are to support the lib/prog narrative.
CNN, like NBC/MSNBC/Comcast, ABC, CBS, PBS, NYT, Washpo, AP, etc only broadcast, or publish issues that advance the Liberal/Progressive (Democrat) agenda. Yes there are OCCASIONAL exceptions, but generally their stories, or omission of stories are to support the lib/prog narrative.
That’s what they are doing here with border security issue. It’s as if they call Congressional Democratic leaders before they run their stories. Dangerous. Reminiscent of former Soviet Union.
CNN, like NBC/MSNBC/Comcast, ABC, CBS, PBS, NYT, Washpo, AP, etc only broadcast, or publish issues that advance the Liberal/Progressive (Democrat) agenda. Yes there are OCCASIONAL exceptions, but generally their stories, or omission of stories are to support the lib/prog narrative.
That’s what they are doing here with border security issue. It’s as if they call Congressional Democratic leaders before they run their stories. Dangerous. Reminiscent of former Soviet Union.
Democrats have shown their true colors, and they are the enemy.

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