Many Dems here have claimed to be against open borders…Is there a reason they never post / express their discontent with this admin on the issue?

Same reason why the dems didn't when they had the chance; they don't have the votes to do it. For one thing, the solutions differ and neither side can support what the other one wants to do. For another, it's a political football that each side tries to use against the other to rally their base. Nobody wants to help the president if he/she is in the other party. Doing what is best for us and the country is kinda a lower priority. Result: we all lose.
I would agree with that. Especially the part about it being a political football. You pretty much summed it up perfectly.
I‘ve engaged with many who have openly claimed to be against open borders….It’s hard to believe they‘re sincere when they never really post on the subject…..SO….Dems, how do you feel about the tens of thousands, the caravans in route to us now?
What issue? We don’t have open borders. What discontent with what issue?
I‘ve engaged with many who have openly claimed to be against open borders….It’s hard to believe they‘re sincere when they never really post on the subject…..SO….Dems, how do you feel about the tens of thousands, the caravans in route to us now?
Only right-wingers prefer to "hate on the Poor" rather than solve any problems
Same reason why the dems didn't when they had the chance; they don't have the votes to do it. For one thing, the solutions differ and neither side can support what the other one wants to do. For another, it's a political football that each side tries to use against the other to rally their base. Nobody wants to help the president if he/she is in the other party. Doing what is best for us and the country is kinda a lower priority. Result: we all lose.
I think the political will is also lacking….so kick the can down the road.

There are things we could agree on.

We all want a secure border, we differ on what constitutes that.

We all feel the current immigration system is antiquated…but we differ on how it should be reformed.

We are at an unprecedented crossroads (and here many will disagree with me) in that we are seeing the biggest upheaval of displaced people and migrants since WW2, maybe more, from everywhere. People are fleeing drought, failed states, economic collapse, war, violence, famine - all over. To some extent (IMO) climate change is driving it. It is not just here in the US. Unlike previous eras we are seeing an influx of families and children (this started under Obama) and that is a big change.

So…as a nation how do we handle this while respecting the rule of law, our humanitarian values and human rights? It isn’t going to end. Guatemala is in a severe multi year drought. Other countries are controlled by violent gangs. Etc.

How does a nation with a defended border end up with 20-40 million unvetted illegal aliens?
Because the there are so many trying to get in. Most are apprehended at tbe “open border”.
You still havent answered me how your life would change if there were zero illegals. I've asked you 3 times now. I guess you are just refusing to answer.
He'd just find something new to blame the lot of his miserable life about. Magaturds have no self awareness. It's always poor people, the 'other' party, minorities and illegal immigration that turned them into magaturds.

Edit. Oh and lately it's the gays and trannies that are getting top billing in their manufactured outrage.

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