Many Dems here have claimed to be against open borders…Is there a reason they never post / express their discontent with this admin on the issue?

Explain in detail how real Americans benefit from illegal labor….explain what Americans save per year as a result of this illegal labor. I’m certain you have the data…since you sound so confident in what you assert.
We need numbers.
Lower costs of goods and services
That produce doesn’t pick itself
So my 25% savings on produce is worth a destroyed public school system, a destroyed healthcare system, destroyed blue collar trade work, the life of Mollie Tibbetts?
My public school system and healthcare is just fine
Save me the drama

8000 other people were killed last year
The overwhelming majority by legal residents
My public school system and healthcare is just fine
Save me the drama

8000 other people were killed last year
The overwhelming majority by legal residents

Can Democrats solve the problems they complain about most by adding more illegal aliens to our population?

Does the presence of illegals increase the amount of entitlements we can offer to struggling Americans?
Does their presence improve the workings of our social service offices?
Does their presence create more or less opportunity for blacks?
Does their presence improve wages paid for menial jobs?
Does their presence help get homeless off the streets?
Does their presence improve the quality of education we can offer?
Does their presence improve the quality of healthcare we can offer?
Does their presence drive rent costs down on homes?
Does their presence improve our air quality?
Does their presence improve our infrastructure?

I'm confused, how can Democrats improve the things they complain about most if they stay hellbent on expanding the desperate underclass?
Are we sure they want to resolve the issues they complain about most? Isn't this proof that power and control are far more important than fixing the issues that plague America?
So my 25% savings on produce is worth a destroyed public school system, a destroyed healthcare system, destroyed blue collar trade work, the life of Mollie Tibbetts?
Never did get an answer from you how your life would be affected if there were zero illegals entering into the US. I guess this is it. Lies.
Speaking as a Democrat we're often confused on what to admit to, due to our dependencies and how our definitions flip on a dime.

That said, if you haven't noticed, My Democrats always entertain the smallest numbers and attempt to make them mainstream. We honor our Democrats, so sometimes it's just best to remain silent.
I‘ve engaged with many who have openly claimed to be against open borders….It’s hard to believe they‘re sincere when they never really post on the subject
I'm an independent. Magaturd assholes like you never shut your pie holes up about race and the border issue. We'd rather just let you fools bitch, because we find your opinions meaningless anyway. We generally just want to beat your magaturd asses pretty much 24/7.
I'm an independent. Magaturd assholes like you never shut your pie holes up about race and the border issue. We'd rather just let you fools bitch, because we find your opinions meaningless anyway. We generally just want to beat your magaturd asses pretty much 24/7.
so instead of attacking the loser.....why dont you tell us what your opinion is of the border situation......
I'm an independent. Magaturd assholes like you never shut your pie holes up about race and the border issue. We'd rather just let you fools bitch, because we find your opinions meaningless anyway. We generally just want to beat your magaturd asses pretty much 24/7.

So you're saying your fine with illegal immigration as long as it benefits dems.
Caravans of people oh my!...Now you know how the Indian tribes felt.
So what you are saying is that the men and omen coming here are much better and superior to what is here now. And it is our turn to be the Native Americans. So it will be futuristic everything for them here after some years like out of a science fiction move with plenty to go around as we the native whites become more towards the downtrodden. But say it does not end up that way. It is going to be messy to say the least.
You ever ask yourself why didnt the repubs fix this problem when they had the chance?

Same reason why the dems didn't when they had the chance; they don't have the votes to do it. For one thing, the solutions differ and neither side can support what the other one wants to do. For another, it's a political football that each side tries to use against the other to rally their base. Nobody wants to help the president if he/she is in the other party. Doing what is best for us and the country is kinda a lower priority. Result: we all lose.

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