Many Hamas soldiers surrender

Because he's a dimocrap. Which means he/she/it is stupid. Not just stupid, FUCKING stupid. Incapable of original thought so dimocrap scum are happy to fill that void in his/her/its life.

dims are incapable of empathy. Except when their masters in one of the dimocrap scum cabals of evil like the DISGUSTING FILTH or Academia

He's not a Democrat, winger.

Dozens of Hamas terrorists surrender to Israeli soldiers, report says© Provided by New York Post

Hamas members in the back of an Israeli military vehicle
The stark hatred here is doing a grand job of burying the truth....~S~
The haters aren’t burying the truth. They can’t or won’t accept the truth. Americans have been so effectively brainwashed into believing Israel is this great benevolent democracy that just wants peace, when none of that is true. They refuse to accept any criticism of Israel, while accepting lies and distortions about Palestinians.
Likely just young Palestinian men unaffiliated with Hamas, but Israel will call them Hamas for your benefit.
Just saw the photos on CNN.

I think that some impartial observers wonder whether all of them are actually Hamas members.

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