Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Sorry, I am not going to click your moronic links. I have already gained my information from credible sources who actually passed high school physics.
Learning actual facts is inconvenient-- I understand.
You embarrass yourself. You lying liars are easily debunked by anyone with a stopwatch.
Remember during his campaign Donald Trump promised to expose the truth about 9/11. He reneged on that promise.

The deep state has Trump by the balls.
Remember during his campaign Donald Trump promised to expose the truth about 9/11. He reneged on that promise.

The deep state has Trump by the balls.
I thought it was JFK. ( the rest of the classified documents especially now that GHW Bush is gone)The only thing I know about Trump and 9/11 is that he falsely claims he saw
jumpers from his balcony at Trump Tower , which would have been impossible. On a clear day you can barely see the towers themselves from there( 4 miles uptown), much less be able to see people jumping off of them even with binoculars ( which he did not have )
Remember during his campaign Donald Trump promised to expose the truth about 9/11. He reneged on that promise.

The deep state has Trump by the balls.
I thought it was JFK. ( the rest of the classified documents especially now that GHW Bush is gone)The only thing I know about Trump and 9/11 is that he falsely claims he saw
jumpers from his balcony at Trump Tower , which would have been impossible. On a clear day you can barely see the towers themselves from there( 4 miles uptown), much less be able to see people jumping off of them even with binoculars ( which he did not have )

Follow the money. Larry Silverstein and Rudi Giuliani profited from 9/11.

The name of the entity short-selling airline stocks before the event was concealed from the public.

Donald Trump reneged on his promise. He did not even start an inquiry.

Trump says if he is elected: "you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center."

Donald Trump on 9/11: "You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center"
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date February 17, 2016

At a Wednesday morning campaign event in Bluffton, SC, Donald Trump takes his relitigation of the Bush administration's record on 9/11 and Iraq to the next level, seeming to imply that we don't currently know who "really" committed the 9/11 attacks.

Trump says if he is elected: "you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center."
"It wasn't the Iraqis," he explained. "You may find it's the Saudis."
"They have papers in there that are very secret," he also said, referencing the 28 still-classified pages of the 9/11 commission report. "But you will find out."

DONALD TRUMP: We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center. It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran’s taking over, okay.

But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.

But when I look at a guy like Lindsey Graham, you’ll end up being over in that war forever, you’ll start World War Three. ...
I'm beginning to smell guilt in some of these desperate posts.
I feel like I'm talking to some criminals trying to cover their tracks.
Why is that ?

Question # 71 that won't be answered.
You mean desperation like refusing to answer the question of about what floor did the towers begin collapsing?

Btw, I know why you refuse to answer -- it's because the answer reveals what a schmuck you are for foolishly asserting that beams were cut somewhere between the 50th floor and 60th floor. In reality, from which you are disconnected, the collapse of the towers began nowhere near those floors. It actually began at the floors where the planes crashed into the towers.
The angle cuts allowed the downward acceleration dimwit.
Of course the fucking collapses initiated at the impact zones, but without taking out the core, the law of motion would not have allowed the collapse - conservation of momentum and all that physics stuff that's over everyone's head. In other words the main core columns located around the elevator shafts were blasted at 45 degree angles near the middle and at the bottom ---we do know there were more than one lobby-level or below explosions as well before the collapses.

The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!
Which they all agreed the reason being was that early on, they recognized the futility of trying to save building #7.
Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire.
Do you not know the difference between a lie and a mistake? Bush was mistaken. He, remembers the second plane as being the first because of all of the replays. Now, he knows what he said was wrong, as do I. A lie would be knowing that you were wrong and still claiming that he saw the first plane hit, when no one did for some time.

You lie, because you know what you say is wrong and yet you refuse to accept it and keep spreading your imagined events.

For example, you backtracked on the beams being cut about 5 times in this thread, and even posted a video showing that the main structural support for the buildings is in the exterior beams. You lied, again and again after you were proven wrong.
Not wasting my time schooling you anymore.
The person who actually ordered the evacuation said he did so because of "heavy fires on many floors". Daniel Nigro was chief of operations on 9/11. So who are we to believe? You or the person who actually ordered the evacuation and the perimeter?

"Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire."

Well, yeah, that and drop a 104 story building on it.

Hmmmm. Building 6 was right next door and still standing.

Yes, that building looks ready to move back in, doesn't it!

Why is there parts of the building missing and who broke out all of those windows?

Also, is this building built OVER a ConEd substation?
Maybe you can answer this question then. If the government was faking Shanksville, why wouldn't they put obvious plane parts all over the place? It always amazes me how the same people who believe the government successfully covered up a massive conspiracy for over 18 years would also be so inept they would forget to plant the parts that make their story plausible
First off looks like a new payed shill fuck wad. not playing your game no plane crashed there

So the eyewitnesses who saw it crash were lying?

The radar tracks were created?

The tail section of the plane is not part of that aircraft?

Are you trying to "outstupid" Angelo and the other nutjobs on this thread?
twoofer nutter lol
twoofer nutter lol
The fake patriots are out en force today.

twoofers are tards lol
Brainwashed American sheep like you are disgusting.

G'head.... tell the forum again how a building which had already collapsed 20 stories would not have collapsed unless beam were precut with super thermite.

Newton's Law of motion, genius. No way either twin would have accelerated to freefall without resistance from the core structure.

Why? The buildings structural support was not in the core structure which merely provided support for the floors. You didn't watch or didn't understand your own video!

Remember the large floor sections that were lifted into place by cranes to complete each floor? The floor sections just slipped off that core structure and the core structure was destroyed as debris fell down on top of it from above where the planes struck the exterior walls.
The buildings WTC 1, 2, 7 and others are the only steel-framed buildings ever purportedly collapsed by fire.
twoofer nutter lol
twoofer nutter lol
The fake patriots are out en force today.

twoofers are tards lol
Brainwashed American sheep like you are disgusting.

G'head.... tell the forum again how a building which had already collapsed 20 stories would not have collapsed unless beam were precut with super thermite.

Newton's Law of motion, genius. No way either twin would have accelerated to freefall without resistance from the core structure.
Why on Earth would anyone care about freefall if this were an inside job? Clearly, even according to you, the buildings did not need any beams cut to collapse. So now your argument becomes they cut beams just to make the building fall faster. :cuckoo:
The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

At 10:00 to 10:30 (30 seconds) you'll see them slapping the sides on. Those outside frames were not the support beams.
The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

At 10:00 to 10:30 (30 seconds) you'll see them slapping the sides on. Those outside frames were not the support beams.

Look at 8:30 dumbass! It specifically says they are the support beams!

You are either stupid or deaf! Make up your fucking mind, asshole!
The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

At 10:00 to 10:30 (30 seconds) you'll see them slapping the sides on. Those outside frames were not the support beams.

Look at 8:30 dumbass! It specifically says they are the support beams!

You are either stupid or deaf! Make up your fucking mind, asshole!

Dude. At 7:30 the narrator even says "The cranes were assembled on TOP OF THE CORE COLUMNS.....'

If you don't pay attention soon I'm about to ignore you completely.
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