Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Sorry, I am not going to click your moronic links. I have already gained my information from credible sources who actually passed high school physics.
Learning actual facts is inconvenient-- I understand.

Indeed,that sock puppet shill,the newbie that has penetrated this site,he keeps evading evidence of facts of explosives being planted and going into evade mode talking about how it did not fall at freefall speed blah blah blah which does not counter the evidence in the least explosives were planted.:abgg2q.jpg:
The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

At 10:00 to 10:30 (30 seconds) you'll see them slapping the sides on. Those outside frames were not the support beams.

Look at 8:30 dumbass! It specifically says they are the support beams!

You are either stupid or deaf! Make up your fucking mind, asshole!

Dude. At 7:30 the narrator even says "The cranes were assembled on TOP OF THE CORE COLUMNS.....'

If you don't pay attention soon I'm about to ignore you completely.

WTF does that have to do with what I said? Absolutely not a fucking thing!

At 8:30 they are assembling the steel beams that make up the exterior structure of the towers. If you can't see that, I suggest getting your ass to an emergency room or call an ambulance because you have apparently suffered a massive stroke!
I need to hurry and burn all these videos onto dvd's before Big Brother
makes Youtube remove them.

Indeed. big brother youtube is always deleting 9/11 videos.

Well not so far, but they have to be careful not to set off too many alarms. You know censorship could backfire on them and just piss everyone off.....they want to quiet the storm not fuel it.

thats WHY they only delete a few ones from time to time once in a while so that it does not look obvious they do that and it is usually the ones that are new that most dont know about,for example,when 9/11 first happened,there were a lot of videos that were put it that exposed it but since they were so new and not well nown,before they became real popular they deleted them.if they deleted a lot at one time,then it would not a be secret anymore they delete them and they would be exposed so they avoid the storm and not fuel it that way.
Indeed,that sock puppet shill,the newbie that has penetrated this site,he keeps evading evidence of facts of explosives being planted and going into evade mode talking about how it did not fall at freefall speed blah blah blah which does not counter the evidence in the least explosives were planted.:abgg2q.jpg:
He's a wimp.
No argument of his own so he jumps in when the others are posting to help gang up on you..
WTF does that have to do with what I said? Absolutely not a fucking thing!

At 8:30 they are assembling the steel beams that make up the exterior structure of the towers. If you can't see that, I suggest getting your ass to an emergency room or call an ambulance because you have apparently suffered a massive stroke!
And that exterior is not support beams as you earlier claimed.
Wrong again as always.
The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

At 10:00 to 10:30 (30 seconds) you'll see them slapping the sides on. Those outside frames were not the support beams.

You're fucking deranged, Truther. Starting at 1:30 in the video YOU posted...

Their great height was made possible by the use of load-bearing walls. Extremely tall buildings were traditionally inefficient since huge amounts of interior space were taken up by structural support and elevators. The Trade Center Towers would overcome this problem. The exterior walls were designed to bear much of the weight of the towers as well as all of the wind loads. The only internal supports would be in a central core of columns. Elevators would be placed in the shafts formed by the four columns.
You're fucking deranged, Truther. Starting at 1:30 in the video YOU posted...

Their great height was made possible by the use of load-bearing walls. Extremely tall buildings were traditionally inefficient since huge amounts of interior space were taken up by structural support and elevators. The Trade Center Towers would overcome this problem. The exterior walls were designed to bear much of the weight of the towers as well as all of the wind loads. The only internal supports would be in a central core of columns. Elevators would be placed in the shafts formed by the four columns.

Those are not the core support columns.
The entire floor is in place before they connect the walls together.

You guys aren't too convincing when you clearly
can't even admit when you're wrong.

But you never leave out the ad hominem attacks, either way do ya ?.
thats WHY they only delete a few ones from time to time once in a while so that it does not look obvious they do that and it is usually the ones that are new that most dont know about,for example,when 9/11 first happened,there were a lot of videos that were put it that exposed it but since they were so new and not well nown,before they became real popular they deleted them.if they deleted a lot at one time,then it would not a be secret anymore they delete them and they would be exposed so they avoid the storm and not fuel it that way.
Maybe I should take your advice and ignore all these assholes.
Getting boring.
Build 2 snowmen - one normal one
and one around a fence post. . Now raise a backhoe shovel above and
push down on each one the same way.

Which one do you think will survive all that weight crushing down on it ?
You're fucking deranged, Truther. Starting at 1:30 in the video YOU posted...

Their great height was made possible by the use of load-bearing walls. Extremely tall buildings were traditionally inefficient since huge amounts of interior space were taken up by structural support and elevators. The Trade Center Towers would overcome this problem. The exterior walls were designed to bear much of the weight of the towers as well as all of the wind loads. The only internal supports would be in a central core of columns. Elevators would be placed in the shafts formed by the four columns.

Those are not the core support columns.
The entire floor is in place before they connect the walls together.

You guys aren't too convincing when you clearly
can't even admit when you're wrong.

But you never leave out the ad hominem attacks, either way do ya ?.

Faun quoted it perfectly. It defies what you just posted. It does it show them connecting the outside structure after the floor is in place. How would the floor be held up on the exterior walls if they were not attached? This is not a fucking cartoon! It is real life where physics works.

Apparently you are suffering from brain damage. Please have a relative of yours review the pattern of your writing in this thread and get you some professional help.
twoofer nutter lol
twoofer nutter lol
The fake patriots are out en force today.

twoofers are tards lol
Brainwashed American sheep like you are disgusting.

yeah this stupid fuck is about the only one on here that is NOT a paid shill and is just that, a stupid fuck brainwashed sheep afraid of the truth and afraid to look at the evidence. this coward always evades it running off everytime you challenge him to watch an informative video or read a link .

He is such a stupid fuck,he seriously thinks it was ONLY the mob that was involved in the JFK assassination,that it was not a CIA operation.:abgg2q.jpg:

Even if you tell him that CIA covert operater E Howard Hunt who was also arrested in the watergate scandal.even if you lay out pesky facts to him that after decades of denying he was involved in the plot to kill JFK and that LBJ and Nixon had a role in it,EVEN if you point out to him that he confessed on his deathbed confession to his son that he WAS in dallas that day part of a CIA operation to kill JFK and LBJ and Nixon had key roles in it,you wont believe this,he dismisses that evidence of being irrelevent or something like that.:laughing0301::lmao::iyfyus.jpg:

at one point years ago, I had hope for him that he could accept it that he is a brainwashed sheep that fell for the propaganda version of the government since he at least isnt like so many other stupid fucks around here who believe in magic bullets and fall for that other BS fiction of the government that oswald was the lone assassin since he DID say years ago he thinks it was the mob that killed him.

Incredible isnt it that this moron toto DOES accept it that the government lied to him that oswald was the lone assassin able to accept facts there was more than one shooter, yet he cant accept the truth as well they lied to him about 9/11 also? :laughing0301::lmao::rolleyes:

the thing that i failed to realise why he was afraid of the truth on 9/11 is the TRUTH that the CIA killed kennedy,is too scary a reality for him to accept,he does not want to believe our own government killed JFK,so he brushs it up to the unproven the mob did it alone theory, so that was key right there that told me that if he cant accept reality the CIA AND MOSSAD killed JFK,he would NEVER accept 9/11 being an inside job so i dont bother with the troll anymore.
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Build 2 snowmen - one normal one
and one around a fence post. . Now raise a backhoe shovel above and
push down on each one the same way.

Which one do you think will survive all that weight pushing down ?

That fence post is not hollow, nor is it supporting the snowman's weight! Make that post hollow and made of cardboard and then you might have a valid comparison. Faun quoted where the weight of the tower is supported by the exterior walls. There is no weight other than the weight of the core itself that is supported by the core beams. Pull the exterior support beams off and the floor falls to the one below it, just like what happened during the collapse.

You are a moron, that is plain to see!
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Admiral Rockwell Tory now on ignore for being a lying pos.
Who's next ?

Where did I lie? You cannot say, because I did not.

If we applied that same standard to you, your thread would die. Hardly anyone is commenting because you lie in every post. That is why no one supports your argument that has an IQ over 60, or does not have their mouth applying suction to your nether orifice.
the thing that i failed to realise why he was afraid of the truth on 9/11 is the TRUTH that the CIA killed kennedy,is too scary a reality for him to accept,he does not want to believe our own government killed JFK,so he brushs it up to the unproven the mob did it alone theory, so that was key right there that told me if he accept reality the CIA AND MOSSAD killed JFK,he would NEVER accept 9/11 being an inside job so i dont bother with the troll anymore.

The pods have been out here ever since 9/11. ( paid online disinformation soldiers).
Think about it. War crimes by our government against it's own citizens
is not playtime.
Admiral Rockwell Tory now on ignore for being a lying pos.
Who's next ?
wow MAYBE there IS actually hope for you after all in NOT feeding these lying paid trolls as I have advised you on many times before that you NEED to put all these lying paid shills that have penetrated this thread ALL on ignore like rightwinger, indiana,ect,ect.:2up:

dont put toto on ignore though since he is just a brainwashed stupid fuck sheep who cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs unable to stand toe to toe in a debate.

I know you remember me saying to you time and time again,:trolls:

are you NOW ready to be wise and take my advise and just discuss your posts with people like me and runfunk that WANT to know the truth?
Admiral Rockwell Tory now on ignore for being a lying pos.
Who's next ?
wow MAYBE there IS actually hope for you after all in NOT feeding these lying paid trolls as I have advised you on many times before that you NEED to put all these lying paid shills that have penetrated this thread ALL on ignore like rightwinger, indiana,ect,ect.:2up:

dont put toto on ignore though since he is just a brainwashed stupid fuck sheep who cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs unable to stand toe to toe in a debate.

I know you remember me saying to you time and time again,:trolls:

are you NOW ready to be wise and take my advise and just discuss your posts with people like me and runfunk that WANT to know the truth?
I don't mind debating with people if they're honest enough to admit when they're wrong.
But these guys just lie in your face, disrespectfully,'s uncalled for. Fuck them.
Admiral Rockwell Tory now on ignore for being a lying pos.
Who's next ?
wow MAYBE there IS actually hope for you after all in NOT feeding these lying paid trolls as I have advised you on many times before that you NEED to put all these lying paid shills that have penetrated this thread ALL on ignore like rightwinger, indiana,ect,ect.:2up:

dont put toto on ignore though since he is just a brainwashed stupid fuck sheep who cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs unable to stand toe to toe in a debate.

I know you remember me saying to you time and time again,:trolls:

are you NOW ready to be wise and take my advise and just discuss your posts with people like me and runfunk that WANT to know the truth?
I don't mind debating with people if they're honest enough to admit when they're wrong.
But these guys just lie in your face, disrespectfully,'s uncalled for. Fuck them.

Oh, the irony! You just lie about everything.
the thing that i failed to realise why he was afraid of the truth on 9/11 is the TRUTH that the CIA killed kennedy,is too scary a reality for him to accept,he does not want to believe our own government killed JFK,so he brushs it up to the unproven the mob did it alone theory, so that was key right there that told me if he accept reality the CIA AND MOSSAD killed JFK,he would NEVER accept 9/11 being an inside job so i dont bother with the troll anymore.

The pods have been out here ever since 9/11. ( paid online disinformation soldiers).
Think about it. War crimes by our government against it's own citizens
is not playtime.

brainwashed sheep toto seriously thinks all our politicians in washington are all looking out for us,that they never lie to the american people,are looking out for our best interests,that this is a free country,they we elect our presidents,and that our polliticians all follow the constitution.:abgg2q.jpg:

I am serious,he seriously believes all that.He doesnt believe that the NSA illegally spies on its citizens and thinks the patriot act that Bush signed and Obama expanded after LYING he would reverse it,he thinks the patriot act does not trample on our freedoms and libertys nor that we have lost all that since 9/11,that the politicians in washington are not the REAL terrorists.:laughing0301::lmao:

I am not kidding,he seriously believes all of what i said to be true.:lmao:
You're fucking deranged, Truther. Starting at 1:30 in the video YOU posted...

Their great height was made possible by the use of load-bearing walls. Extremely tall buildings were traditionally inefficient since huge amounts of interior space were taken up by structural support and elevators. The Trade Center Towers would overcome this problem. The exterior walls were designed to bear much of the weight of the towers as well as all of the wind loads. The only internal supports would be in a central core of columns. Elevators would be placed in the shafts formed by the four columns.

Those are not the core support columns.
The entire floor is in place before they connect the walls together.

You guys aren't too convincing when you clearly
can't even admit when you're wrong.

But you never leave out the ad hominem attacks, either way do ya ?.
Truther, I didn't say they were the "core support columns." I said there were external support beams, which your own video says as well. Disputing your claim that the external beams were not support beams.
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