Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Truthers are identified as conspiracy nuts over 9/11, not by the number of threads they start on the conspiracy.

You're the very definition of a Truther, whether you like it or not. Truthers actually deny the truth about 9/11, just like you're doing here.

For example, show you how that beam was cut by clean up crews and not by anyone trying to demolish that building on 9/11 and here you are ignoring that truth and cite that cut column again as evidence of foul play.

Point out to you how the towers were collapsing above the 60th floor, which you claimed as the highest point where beams were intentionally cut, and you ignore that and switch to talking about explosions in the lobby.
Unfortunately you are wasting your time. The problem with truthers is they have an answer, and will only accept input that supports their answer. Trying to show them anything that does not support their answer gets ignored. There is nothing in the world that will convince them otherwise.

Dude what deserted Island have YOU been living on the last 18 years?:abgg2q.jpg:

that book NEEDS to say-WHY the 9/11 conspiracy theory of the governments cannot stand up to facts. that propaganda link and propaganda book has been debunked by this book charlie,get with the program.:abgg2q.jpg:

Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory Revised and updated Edition
by David Ray Griffin (Author)
Truthers are identified as conspiracy nuts over 9/11, not by the number of threads they start on the conspiracy.

You're the very definition of a Truther, whether you like it or not. Truthers actually deny the truth about 9/11, just like you're doing here.

For example, show you how that beam was cut by clean up crews and not by anyone trying to demolish that building on 9/11 and here you are ignoring that truth and cite that cut column again as evidence of foul play.

Point out to you how the towers were collapsing above the 60th floor, which you claimed as the highest point where beams were intentionally cut, and you ignore that and switch to talking about explosions in the lobby.
Boy. You wouldn't know the truth if it got shoved up your ass by Mike Tyson.

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:abgg2q.jpg:
Truthers are identified as conspiracy nuts over 9/11, not by the number of threads they start on the conspiracy.

You're the very definition of a Truther, whether you like it or not. Truthers actually deny the truth about 9/11, just like you're doing here.

For example, show you how that beam was cut by clean up crews and not by anyone trying to demolish that building on 9/11 and here you are ignoring that truth and cite that cut column again as evidence of foul play.

Point out to you how the towers were collapsing above the 60th floor, which you claimed as the highest point where beams were intentionally cut, and you ignore that and switch to talking about explosions in the lobby.
Unfortunately you are wasting your time. The problem with truthers is they have an answer, and will only accept input that supports their answer. Trying to show them anything that does not support their answer gets ignored. There is nothing in the world that will convince them otherwise.
Nah, I'm not wasting my time. True, they won't accept reality, but I'm here for entertainment and dayum if this doesn't take care of that.
Just as a note, gasoline does not burn as hot as jet fuel...

Tanker Truck Fire Collapses Bay Area Overpass

true but the FACTS are those fires were not even hot enough to melt a marshmellow-let alone weaken the steel as you government apologists like to desperately believe in defeat.

oh and what about bld 7? all the government apologists ignore it since it was NOT hit by a plane.:abgg2q.jpg:
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Indeed,that sock puppet shill,the newbie that has penetrated this site,he keeps evading evidence of facts of explosives being planted and going into evade mode talking about how it did not fall at freefall speed blah blah blah which does not counter the evidence in the least explosives were planted.:abgg2q.jpg:
He's a wimp.
No argument of his own so he jumps in when the others are posting to help gang up on you..

you noticed that also huh?:abgg2q.jpg:
thats WHY they only delete a few ones from time to time once in a while so that it does not look obvious they do that and it is usually the ones that are new that most dont know about,for example,when 9/11 first happened,there were a lot of videos that were put it that exposed it but since they were so new and not well nown,before they became real popular they deleted them.if they deleted a lot at one time,then it would not a be secret anymore they delete them and they would be exposed so they avoid the storm and not fuel it that way.
Maybe I should take your advice and ignore all these assholes.
Getting boring.

toto and drain guy are the ONLY ones on here that are not paid shills,at least toto I know for SURE isnt,address them but NONE of the others since they are paid shills working for the government sent here to try and derail your thread.
Faun and his friends are paid to post there bs here,when they get in trouble the handlers will send more of these fucks.
Just like every other site like this one.
No body could be stupid enough to believe the governments bull shit story.
You're fucking deranged, Truther. Starting at 1:30 in the video YOU posted...

Their great height was made possible by the use of load-bearing walls. Extremely tall buildings were traditionally inefficient since huge amounts of interior space were taken up by structural support and elevators. The Trade Center Towers would overcome this problem. The exterior walls were designed to bear much of the weight of the towers as well as all of the wind loads. The only internal supports would be in a central core of columns. Elevators would be placed in the shafts formed by the four columns.

Those are not the core support columns.
The entire floor is in place before they connect the walls together.

You guys aren't too convincing when you clearly
can't even admit when you're wrong.

But you never leave out the ad hominem attacks, either way do ya ?.

yeah i dont bother with trolls who cant admit it when they have clearly been proven wrong.I put them all on ignore.
You're fucking deranged, Truther. Starting at 1:30 in the video YOU posted...

Their great height was made possible by the use of load-bearing walls. Extremely tall buildings were traditionally inefficient since huge amounts of interior space were taken up by structural support and elevators. The Trade Center Towers would overcome this problem. The exterior walls were designed to bear much of the weight of the towers as well as all of the wind loads. The only internal supports would be in a central core of columns. Elevators would be placed in the shafts formed by the four columns.

Those are not the core support columns.
The entire floor is in place before they connect the walls together.

You guys aren't too convincing when you clearly
can't even admit when you're wrong.

But you never leave out the ad hominem attacks, either way do ya ?.

yeah i dont bother with trolls who cant admit it when they have clearly been proven wrong.

I have another experiment coming up,
Admiral Rockwell Tory now on ignore for being a lying pos.
Who's next ?
wow MAYBE there IS actually hope for you after all in NOT feeding these lying paid trolls as I have advised you on many times before that you NEED to put all these lying paid shills that have penetrated this thread ALL on ignore like rightwinger, indiana,ect,ect.:2up:

dont put toto on ignore though since he is just a brainwashed stupid fuck sheep who cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs unable to stand toe to toe in a debate.

I know you remember me saying to you time and time again,:trolls:

are you NOW ready to be wise and take my advise and just discuss your posts with people like me and runfunk that WANT to know the truth?
I don't mind debating with people if they're honest enough to admit when they're wrong.
But these guys just lie in your face, disrespectfully,'s uncalled for. Fuck them.

Its hard to find people on the net that are respectful enough to ADMIT it when they have been proven wrong. see thats how you can tell people like faun,rightwinger and the other are paid shills because they post outright LIES when they cant counter the evidence where non paid trolls that are just brainwashed idiots like toto,people like him dont even try and debate the eviidence,they just insult you in defeat and run off so they are not worthy of your time either since they never have anything constructive to contribute.

the ones that say something like -i dont agree with you but i will look into it and watch that video and check it out and get back to you later.those are the ones that are open minded and willing to look at the evidence that i enjoy talking to ,those people are VERY rare to find on the net unfortunately though.
If anyone here is “on the fence” about what happened on 9-11, let me set you in the path to truth:

It’s very difficult to piece together everything that happened on that day. Naturally, there will be questions that don’t have an answer. The official story that the Truthers like to say is a lie, is a best guess of what happened based on the evidence. Frankly, I’d be suspicious of any account of events that covered all the bases.

Truthers like to poke holes in the official explanation, which is easy considering what I explained above, but they always offer a theory that has far more holes in it and requires far more fantastic and improbable events. If, that is, they offer any explanation at all.

Many will claim that there were no planes at all but missiles, yet thousands of New Yorkers actually saw planes that day, and hundreds of families have been missing loved ones for 18 years.

Many will claim that the buildings were brought down by demolition, but they can’t explain how an entire demolition crew could rig a building that’s 150+ stories tall to explode and none of the thousands of people who work there ever saw them do it.

Truthers REALLY want to believe their conspiracy theory and are able to ignore anything and everything it takes to do so.

There might be things that happened that we don’t know and cannot explain but that in no way means that the entire thing is a lie.
So here's my new snowman experiment. What you need; Snow. 2 backhoes... 2 eight foot fence posts buried 2 feet deep in concrete . 2 backhoe operators. Build a snowman around the first fence post. Before you build the second snowman make for 45 degree angle cuts on the second fence post glue it back together and wait 24 hours then build the second Snowman around it...... just to make sure they're nice and solid - spray water on both of them and wait another 24 hours until they're solid ice. Then have both backhoe drivers simultaneously push the buckets down on top of the Snowmen with full force and see what happens.
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Truthers are identified as conspiracy nuts over 9/11, not by the number of threads they start on the conspiracy.

You're the very definition of a Truther, whether you like it or not. Truthers actually deny the truth about 9/11, just like you're doing here.

For example, show you how that beam was cut by clean up crews and not by anyone trying to demolish that building on 9/11 and here you are ignoring that truth and cite that cut column again as evidence of foul play.

Point out to you how the towers were collapsing above the 60th floor, which you claimed as the highest point where beams were intentionally cut, and you ignore that and switch to talking about explosions in the lobby.
Unfortunately you are wasting your time. The problem with truthers is they have an answer, and will only accept input that supports their answer. Trying to show them anything that does not support their answer gets ignored. There is nothing in the world that will convince them otherwise.

It’s kind of fun to debunk Truthers. Yeah it’s the low hanging fruit I know, but willful ignorance deserves to be smashed whenever it shows up.
If anyone here is “on the fence” about what happened on 9-11, let me set you in the path to truth:

It’s very difficult to piece together everything that happened on that day. Naturally, there will be questions that don’t have an answer. The official story that the Truthers like to say is a lie, is a best guess of what happened based on the evidence. Frankly, I’d be suspicious of any account of events that covered all the bases.

Truthers like to poke holes in the official explanation, which is easy considering what I explained above, but they always offer a theory that has far more holes in it and requires far more fantastic and improbable events. If, that is, they offer any explanation at all.

Many will claim that there were no planes at all but missiles, yet thousands of New Yorkers actually saw planes that day, and hundreds of families have been missing loved ones for 18 years.

Many will claim that the buildings were brought down by demolition, but they can’t explain how an entire demolition crew could rig a building that’s 150+ stories tall to explode and none of the thousands of people who work there ever saw them do it.

Truthers REALLY want to believe their conspiracy theory and are able to ignore anything and everything it takes to do so.

There might be things that happened that we don’t know and cannot explain but that in no way means that the entire thing is a lie.
That was a nice try but fail
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