Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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It’s kind of fun to debunk Truthers. Yeah it’s the low hanging fruit I know, but willful ignorance deserves to be smashed whenever it shows up.
It is fun watching them throw a tantrum when someone doesn't believe their crap. They don't have legit sources, and keep tossing out poorly edited videos.

You might want to ckeck out the history of the posts of this troll predfan before replying to him charlie.:laughing0301:
The only ones that thrown tantrems are you lying paid shills:abgg2q.jpg: when you cant counter evidence and lie like the coward you are:abgg2q.jpg:,you ran off with your tail between your legs when i countered your bullshit propaganda link of that propaganda did not give a legitiamte source,i did,YOU ignored it coward.:ahole-1:

also i love your hypocrisy,do you even realise that this troll you are talking with,did exactly what you claim we did years ago with me that when he could not counter evidence i gave him that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters that killed JFK,,he got mad at me and frustrated with me that he could not counter my evidence and facts and threw tantrems before putting me on ignore?:iyfyus.jpg:

you want someone who throws tantrems when he cant counter legit sources,look no further than him hypocrite.:haha:

oh and here is another one for you liar,okay you want legit sources? ,how is that there are thousands of architects and engineers that disagree with you and him on your bullshit that fires brought down the towers Einstein?:iyfyus.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:

Architects & Engineer
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7

dont cry too had in defeat now.:itsok::itsok:
Nah, I'm not wasting my time. True, they won't accept reality, but I'm here for entertainment and dayum if this doesn't take care of that.
Some of the truthers posts are like a bad car accident. You know you shouldn't look, but you do anyway.
Is that an offer ?
I'll join your club for 100k up front.
What are you babbling about?

you mean THIS babble of yours of this proven BS propaganda link that has been debunked by david ray girffin?:abgg2q.jpg:

9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking World Trade Center Myths and over 3,000 architects and engineers,THAT babble?:haha:
What are you babbling about?
I think 9/11 is the whole reason this and other sites exist - to moniter public information..
Should I go on about the Arab Spring, OWS,, deep state-- police state, etc or do you see what I'm getting at ? Any other things the MSM is covering up complictely ? How about the Clintons being CIA ? No you can't go there....
You can't answer my question so this is obviously a redundant conversation..

It's why I posted this thread on the Alex Jones board.
( or should I say the mindwars board)
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The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

You watched the video of how the core columns were designed INSIDE the the towers, and still keep lying about it. You're the one with a claim --that the buildings collapsed because of structural failure under the weight of 20 floors above collapsing.
Then how come you can't prove your version?
Its been proven over and over because you don't except it is your problem

Suuuure it has, uh-huh.
The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

You watched the video of how the core columns were designed INSIDE the the towers, and still keep lying about it. You're the one with a claim --that the buildings collapsed because of structural failure under the weight of 20 floors above collapsing.

You put that guy on ignore with your other account only to reply to him with this one??


By the way... it was that same video that said the external beams were load bearing, so they wouldn't need as many interior supporting columns.
, I didn't say they were the "core support columns." I said there were external support beams, which your own video says as well. Disputing your claim that the external beams were not support beams.
I'm a fact-er not a "truther".
So you see my initial point of why the inner CORE columns had angle cuts .

You don't need an engineering degree for enough common sense to see that.

I see one and that is NOT a smooth cut!

When was this photo taken?

How do we know that beam was not cut away AFTER they began removing rubble?
Truthers are identified as conspiracy nuts over 9/11, not by the number of threads they start on the conspiracy.

You're the very definition of a Truther, whether you like it or not. Truthers actually deny the truth about 9/11, just like you're doing here.

For example, show you how that beam was cut by clean up crews and not by anyone trying to demolish that building on 9/11 and here you are ignoring that truth and cite that cut column again as evidence of foul play.

Point out to you how the towers were collapsing above the 60th floor, which you claimed as the highest point where beams were intentionally cut, and you ignore that and switch to talking about explosions in the lobby.
Boy. You wouldn't know the truth if it got shoved up your ass by Mike Tyson.

We know for sure that it would slide easily into your ass!
That’s it? That’s all you have? You can’t offer a single lucid argument to anything I said, all you can do is say “fail”. Thanks for providing yourself as exhibit A, proving my point.
I can put the facts in your face and you try to twist it or deny them not playing your fucking game as I know why you are here so you can fuck off, besides don't you get payed by the post every time some one replies to your stupidity its putting money in your pocket so fuck off

Bull shit. You are not doing it because you can’t. It’s just that simple.
It’s kind of fun to debunk Truthers. Yeah it’s the low hanging fruit I know, but willful ignorance deserves to be smashed whenever it shows up.
It is fun watching them throw a tantrum when someone doesn't believe their crap. They don't have legit sources, and keep tossing out poorly edited videos.

Like I said, low hanging fruit.
So here's my new snowman experiment. What you need; Snow. 2 backhoes... 2 eight foot fence posts buried 2 feet deep in concrete . 2 backhoe operators. Build a snowman around the first fence post 7 feet tall ( so that 1 foot is above the top of the post ) Before you build the second snowman make four 45 degree angle cuts on the second fence post glue it back together and wait 24 hours then build the second Snowman around it (7 feet tall identical to the first)...... just to make sure they're nice and solid - spray water on both of them and wait another 24 hours until they're solid ice. Then have both backhoe drivers simultaneously push the buckets down on top of the Snowmen with full force and see what happens.

I guarantee the fiirst snowman will crumble at the top and the whole thing would sink into the ground an inch or so. The second snowman would be crushed to the ground without the solid inner support structure in place. The 45 ° cuts would give way no matter what kind of glue you used.

Now, I have heard Truthers say some epically stupid things but congratulations, you just topped them all.
"Truthers are identified as conspiracy nuts over 9/11, not by the number of threads they start on the conspiracy."

So if I'm an aerospace engineer with a degree from Ga Tech and a masters degree from J Hopkins, and my hobby is hunting , does that mean I'm a professional hunter ?
No I'm a fucking engineer. Next.

(one of my brothers is actually )

We all know you are a fucking idiot who probably never darkened a school room door past middle school.
So here's my new snowman experiment. What you need; Snow. 2 backhoes... 2 eight foot fence posts buried 2 feet deep in concrete . 2 backhoe operators. Build a snowman around the first fence post 7 feet tall ( so that 1 foot is above the top of the post ) Before you build the second snowman make four 45 degree angle cuts on the second fence post glue it back together and wait 24 hours then build the second Snowman around it (7 feet tall identical to the first)...... just to make sure they're nice and solid - spray water on both of them and wait another 24 hours until they're solid ice. Then have both backhoe drivers simultaneously push the buckets down on top of the Snowmen with full force and see what happens.

I guarantee the fiirst snowman will crumble at the top and the whole thing would sink into the ground an inch or so. The second snowman would be crushed to the ground without the solid inner support structure in place. The 45 ° cuts would give way no matter what kind of glue you used.

Incredible stupid! The WTC towers were not snowmen. You are just a fucktard!
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