Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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The structural support for the WTC Towers were in the exterior walls. It has yet the be proven that any of those beams were cut. If there were, why don't we see any others and that one is obviously still attached to the ground? According to your claim they were 50-60 floors up!

You watched the video of how the core columns were designed INSIDE the the towers, and still keep lying about it. You're the one with a claim --that the buildings collapsed because of structural failure under the weight of 20 floors above collapsing.

Why wouldn't they?

BTW, I love the fact you put me on ignore, changed accounts and are now posting to me!

You are in serious need of mental help. Is there someone we can contact to get you the needed help?
You put that guy on ignore with your other account only to reply to him with this one??


By the way... it was that same video that said the external beams were load bearing, so they wouldn't need as many interior supporting columns.
The revolutionary wall design supported the displaced weight of the concrete floors.
You can balance a 250 pound manhole cover on a 16 penny nail and support the sides with
10 playing cards.

You put that guy on ignore with your other account only to reply to him with this one??


By the way... it was that same video that said the external beams were load bearing, so they wouldn't need as many interior supporting columns.
I don't intend to respond to him anymore, plus, I'm deleting that account.

You put that guy on ignore with your other account only to reply to him with this one??


By the way... it was that same video that said the external beams were load bearing, so they wouldn't need as many interior supporting columns.
I don't intend to respond to him anymore, plus, I'm deleting that account.

Yeah, that is understandable. You can't handle getting your ass handed to you by a real Navy engineer.
, I didn't say they were the "core support columns." I said there were external support beams, which your own video says as well. Disputing your claim that the external beams were not support beams.
I'm a fact-er not a "truther".
So you see my initial point of why the inner CORE columns had angle cuts .

You don't need an engineering degree for enough common sense to see that.

I see one and that is NOT a smooth cut!

When was this photo taken?

How do we know that beam was not cut away AFTER they began removing rubble?
We know when that beam was cut ... October 29th, some 7 weeks after the attack.

Here's a photo of that very beam before being cut in preparation for removal...


... and here's that same beam after being cut down...


Truthers are fucking crazy. :cuckoo:
You put that guy on ignore with your other account only to reply to him with this one??


By the way... it was that same video that said the external beams were load bearing, so they wouldn't need as many interior supporting columns.
The revolutionary wall design supported the displaced weight of the concrete floors.
You can balance a 250 pound manhole cover on a 16 penny nail and support the sides with
10 playing cards.
Now you're "agreeing" with yourself??


Well at least someone agrees with you, I suppose.
You put that guy on ignore with your other account only to reply to him with this one??


By the way... it was that same video that said the external beams were load bearing, so they wouldn't need as many interior supporting columns.
The revolutionary wall design supported the displaced weight of the concrete floors.
You can balance a 250 pound manhole cover on a 16 penny nail and support the sides with
10 playing cards.
Now you're "agreeing" with yourself??


Well at least someone agrees with you, I suppose.

I thought he said he was deleting that account. That is just another in a series of lies I suppose .
Faun you and your girl friends have no credibility here as every one knows why you are here.

Dumbfunck, I posted undeniable evidence that the cut beam was not a result of pre-9/11 tampering with thermite as the OP contended and utilized as "evidence" of an inside job; but was actually cut as part of the cleanup process.

You calling that not credible reveals more about you than it does me. :mm:
47 story Solomon Brothers building collapses on 9/11.
Not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.
Why is that ?

Hey Angelo,predfan troll has me on ignore cause like i said,he got frustrated once when i gave him evidence that oswald was innocent of killing jfk and there were multiple shooters asking him to address it and since he knew he could not counter it,threw tantrems before putting me on ignore years ago.:2up:

that being said,please do me this favor,tell him i said this pic is a picture of him.:abgg2q.jpg:
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Like I said we no why you are here you have no credibility, and are a sack of shit for doing what you are doing get a real job
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