Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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I think the biggest question is why do Republicans want to bring the Taliban here to celebrate 911? Don’t they know that the Taliban and America will be celebrating different things?
Maybe you can answer this question then. If the government was faking Shanksville, why wouldn't they put obvious plane parts all over the place? It always amazes me how the same people who believe the government successfully covered up a massive conspiracy for over 18 years would also be so inept they would forget to plant the parts that make their story plausible
First off looks like a new payed shill fuck wad. not playing your game no plane crashed there
Maybe you can answer this question then. If the government was faking Shanksville, why wouldn't they put obvious plane parts all over the place? It always amazes me how the same people who believe the government successfully covered up a massive conspiracy for over 18 years would also be so inept they would forget to plant the parts that make their story plausible
First off looks like a new payed shill fuck wad. not playing your game no plane crashed there
Well, then you're a moron.
Maybe you can answer this question then. If the government was faking Shanksville, why wouldn't they put obvious plane parts all over the place? It always amazes me how the same people who believe the government successfully covered up a massive conspiracy for over 18 years would also be so inept they would forget to plant the parts that make their story plausible
First off looks like a new payed shill fuck wad. not playing your game no plane crashed there

you noticed that as well huh? LOL:2up:
That's beyond idiotic. The floors between the middle of the towers and the impacted floors ALL collapsed under the weight of the upper floors once the weakened beans could no longer support them. EVERY floor below the impacted floors pancaked. The floors above the middle of the tower and the floors below it. That demonstrates the building collapsed regardless of whether or not beams were cut.
So how do you explain explosions in the lobby and then the unreporting of Tower 7 later?

Still to this day half of the country doesn't know a 47 story tower feel that afternoon. They didn't report on it because they were hiding something.

Look who's trying to divert after getting royally bitchslapped.

Let's recap.... you claimed beams were cut with super thermite between the 50th and 60th floor on each of the Twin Towers which was needed in order for the buildings to collapse.

I point out the building had already collapsed from the top, down to the 60th floor, without any beams cut; demonstrating beams did not need to be cut in order for the towers to come down...

.... and in typical truther fashion, you immediately try to switch the topic to explosions in the lobby.

Try harder next time, truther, you lost this one.
I'm not diverting anything loser.
Of course you are. What do explosions in the lobby have to do with your idiotic claim that super thermite was used to cut beams as high as the 60th floor in order for the towers to collapse when you became aware the towers had collapsed from the top down to the 60th floor with no beams cut?
Which they all agreed the reason being was that early on, they recognized the futility of trying to save building #7.
Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire.
Do you not know the difference between a lie and a mistake? Bush was mistaken. He, remembers the second plane as being the first because of all of the replays. Now, he knows what he said was wrong, as do I. A lie would be knowing that you were wrong and still claiming that he saw the first plane hit, when no one did for some time.

You lie, because you know what you say is wrong and yet you refuse to accept it and keep spreading your imagined events.

For example, you backtracked on the beams being cut about 5 times in this thread, and even posted a video showing that the main structural support for the buildings is in the exterior beams. You lied, again and again after you were proven wrong.
Not wasting my time schooling you anymore.
The person who actually ordered the evacuation said he did so because of "heavy fires on many floors". Daniel Nigro was chief of operations on 9/11. So who are we to believe? You or the person who actually ordered the evacuation and the perimeter?

"Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire."

Well, yeah, that and drop a 104 story building on it.

Hmmmm. Building 6 was right next door and still standing.

So? Smaller building, supporting much less weight. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
I need to hurry and burn all these videos onto dvd's before Big Brother
makes Youtube remove them.

Indeed. big brother youtube is always deleting 9/11 videos.

Well not so far, but they have to be careful not to set off too many alarms. You know censorship could backfire on them and just piss everyone off.....they want to quiet the storm not fuel it.
So? Smaller building, supporting much less weight. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Yeah. I believe that's the official conclusion of the NIST report...
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall. We can't figure out how or why."
Which makes it even more laughably absurd that an uneducated,inexperienced rube like you would claim to have figured it out.

See what this horseshit does to your brain? You are babbling incoherently.
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