Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Which they all agreed the reason being was that early on, they recognized the futility of trying to save building #7.
Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire.
Do you not know the difference between a lie and a mistake? Bush was mistaken. He, remembers the second plane as being the first because of all of the replays. Now, he knows what he said was wrong, as do I. A lie would be knowing that you were wrong and still claiming that he saw the first plane hit, when no one did for some time.

You lie, because you know what you say is wrong and yet you refuse to accept it and keep spreading your imagined events.

For example, you backtracked on the beams being cut about 5 times in this thread, and even posted a video showing that the main structural support for the buildings is in the exterior beams. You lied, again and again after you were proven wrong.
Not wasting my time schooling you anymore.
The person who actually ordered the evacuation said he did so because of "heavy fires on many floors". Daniel Nigro was chief of operations on 9/11. So who are we to believe? You or the person who actually ordered the evacuation and the perimeter?

yeah you took him to school too many times to remember previously but you SO much owned him in this post as well. Love how he ignores how demolition experts who viewed bld 7 said that was a controlled demolition without knowing it was bld 7 and how he knows nothing about the witnesses that heard explosions in the basements.

this is a new shill that has penetrated this site sent here by his hanlders,notice how all his first posts were all on this thread? way to make it so obvious.:abgg2q.jpg:

this is a new shill that has penetrated this site.notice that ALL his first posts were ALL on this this thread? LOL
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Very entertaining but educational stuff.
Not that the trolls are interested in knowledge....they want to hide information.

Why would the lobby fill with smoke?

Oh, that's where the elevators are! The same elevators whose shafts were filled with burning debris and jet fuel from the impacts above. Not having smoke would make less sense!

So you're saying the people who heard the lobby explosions were lying ?
Why would they do that ?

he is REALLY getting desperate and grasping at straws as always saying the people that heard explosions on the lobby are lying. comedy gold,his boss sure pays him well obviously for these ass beatings he suffers from us everyday all the time.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::iyfyus.jpg:
Let's see! Aluminum and iron oxide (which is a fancy name for "rust"). Why on Earth would you find such rare compounds in the construction of a building?

The evidence for active, highly energetic thermitic material in the WTC dust is compelling.

How is "highly energetic thermitic material" chemically different than aluminum and iron oxide?

Be as precise as you can.
From the presence of elemental aluminum and iron oxide in the red material, we conclude that it contains the ingredients of thermite.
From the presence of elemental aluminum and iron oxide in the red material, we conclude that it contains the ingredients of thermite.

That's what I said, moron.

Aluminum and iron oxide.
No innocent explanation for those to be found at ground zero, eh?
Go do some homework fools.
yeah like the fact that one demolition expert who said the towers came down from explosives died mysteriously aftwerwards as did some witnesses who said they heard explosives,do some research is an UNDERSTATEMENT.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

admiral shill indeed LIES when he cant counter evidence and he knows it.
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I'm beginning to smell guilt in some of these desperate posts.
I feel like I'm talking to some criminals trying to cover their tracks.
Why is that ?

Question # 71 that won't be answered.

You haven't answered ANY questions. Why is that? You deflect and ignore every question posed to you.
You don't get it .

My interest is in spreading the truth.

I don't care what the answers are at this point as long as I do my part as a patriotic American to question the shadow government ( that you are obviously part of) and hopefully as more people know the true facts, we will hold people accountable.

I sleep good at night knowing I'm on the right side of history.
I don't know how you do.

could not have said it better myself.:beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::TH_WAY~113::udaman:
The tide is turning and you're scared.

Yeah I'm a mother fucking truther.
Shoving truth in your face.
US 'war on terror' has killed over half a million people: study

....Arms wide open
I stand alone
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone
Right or wrong
I can hardly tell
I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell....

these shills like rightwinger,toddparrot, and the admiral troll are indeed running scared going to thier bosses asking them what to post knowing they cant get around these pesky facts.:abgg2q.jpg::2up:
I'm beginning to smell guilt in some of these desperate posts.
I feel like I'm talking to some criminals trying to cover their tracks.
Why is that ?

Question # 71 that won't be answered.
You mean desperation like refusing to answer the question of about what floor did the towers begin collapsing?

Btw, I know why you refuse to answer -- it's because the answer reveals what a schmuck you are for foolishly asserting that beams were cut somewhere between the 50th floor and 60th floor. In reality, from which you are disconnected, the collapse of the towers began nowhere near those floors. It actually began at the floors where the planes crashed into the towers.
The angle cuts allowed the downward acceleration dimwit.
Of course the fucking collapses initiated at the impact zones, but without taking out the core, the law of motion would not have allowed the collapse - conservation of momentum and all that physics stuff that's over everyone's head. In other words the main core columns located around the elevator shafts were blasted at 45 degree angles near the middle and at the bottom ---we do know there were more than one lobby-level or below explosions as well before the collapses.
O no I blew my cover.

Actually, I was having trouble logging in from my wife's computer one day, so I just registered as north star but not with the intent of having a 'sock puppet'.

Indeed,you called him out,such an obvious sock indeed.:lmao::laughing0301:

he was getting his ass owned by you in the previous posts and did not want to address your evidence knowing he could not counter it,so he stats socking,how pathetic but no surprise in the least.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
The tide is turning and you're scared.

Yeah I'm a mother fucking truther.
Shoving truth in your face.
US 'war on terror' has killed over half a million people: study

....Arms wide open
I stand alone
I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone
Right or wrong
I can hardly tell
I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell....

these shills like rightwinger,toddparrot, and the admiral troll are indeed running scared going to thier bosses asking them what to post knowing they cant get around these pesky facts.:abgg2q.jpg::2up:

Under your chair, it's super-duper thermite. Don't move!
That's beyond idiotic. The floors between the middle of the towers and the impacted floors ALL collapsed under the weight of the upper floors once the weakened beans could no longer support them. EVERY floor below the impacted floors pancaked. The floors above the middle of the tower and the floors below it. That demonstrates the building collapsed regardless of whether or not beams were cut.
So how do you explain explosions in the lobby and then the unreporting of Tower 7 later?

Still to this day half of the country doesn't know a 47 story tower feel that afternoon. They didn't report on it because they were hiding something.

they cant,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I will make this simple, yes or no do you see a plane

Maybe you can answer this question then. If the government was faking Shanksville, why wouldn't they put obvious plane parts all over the place? It always amazes me how the same people who believe the government successfully covered up a massive conspiracy for over 18 years would also be so inept they would forget to plant the parts that make their story plausible.
That's beyond idiotic. The floors between the middle of the towers and the impacted floors ALL collapsed under the weight of the upper floors once the weakened beans could no longer support them. EVERY floor below the impacted floors pancaked. The floors above the middle of the tower and the floors below it. That demonstrates the building collapsed regardless of whether or not beams were cut.
So how do you explain explosions in the lobby and then the unreporting of Tower 7 later?

Still to this day half of the country doesn't know a 47 story tower feel that afternoon. They didn't report on it because they were hiding something.

Look who's trying to divert after getting royally bitchslapped.

Let's recap.... you claimed beams were cut with super thermite between the 50th and 60th floor on each of the Twin Towers which was needed in order for the buildings to collapse.

I point out the building had already collapsed from the top, down to the 60th floor, without any beams cut; demonstrating beams did not need to be cut in order for the towers to come down...

.... and in typical truther fashion, you immediately try to switch the topic to explosions in the lobby.

Try harder next time, truther, you lost this one.

That's beyond idiotic. The floors between the middle of the towers and the impacted floors ALL collapsed under the weight of the upper floors once the weakened beans could no longer support them. EVERY floor below the impacted floors pancaked. The floors above the middle of the tower and the floors below it. That demonstrates the building collapsed regardless of whether or not beams were cut.
So how do you explain explosions in the lobby and then the unreporting of Tower 7 later?

Still to this day half of the country doesn't know a 47 story tower feel that afternoon. They didn't report on it because they were hiding something.

Look who's trying to divert after getting royally bitchslapped.

Let's recap.... you claimed beams were cut with super thermite between the 50th and 60th floor on each of the Twin Towers which was needed in order for the buildings to collapse.

I point out the building had already collapsed from the top, down to the 60th floor, without any beams cut; demonstrating beams did not need to be cut in order for the towers to come down...

.... and in typical truther fashion, you immediately try to switch the topic to explosions in the lobby.

Try harder next time, truther, you lost this one.
I'm not diverting anything loser.
Which they all agreed the reason being was that early on, they recognized the futility of trying to save building #7.
Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire.
Do you not know the difference between a lie and a mistake? Bush was mistaken. He, remembers the second plane as being the first because of all of the replays. Now, he knows what he said was wrong, as do I. A lie would be knowing that you were wrong and still claiming that he saw the first plane hit, when no one did for some time.

You lie, because you know what you say is wrong and yet you refuse to accept it and keep spreading your imagined events.

For example, you backtracked on the beams being cut about 5 times in this thread, and even posted a video showing that the main structural support for the buildings is in the exterior beams. You lied, again and again after you were proven wrong.
Not wasting my time schooling you anymore.
The person who actually ordered the evacuation said he did so because of "heavy fires on many floors". Daniel Nigro was chief of operations on 9/11. So who are we to believe? You or the person who actually ordered the evacuation and the perimeter?

yeah you took him to school too many times to remember previously but you SO much owned him in this post as well. Love how he ignores how demolition experts who viewed bld 7 said that was a controlled demolition without knowing it was bld 7 and how he knows nothing about the witnesses that heard explosions in the basements.

this is a new shill that has penetrated this site sent here by his hanlders,notice how all his first posts were all on this thread? way to make it so obvious.:abgg2q.jpg:

this is a new shill that has penetrated this site.notice that ALL his first posts were ALL on this this thread? LOL

Which they all agreed the reason being was that early on, they recognized the futility of trying to save building #7.
Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire.
Do you not know the difference between a lie and a mistake? Bush was mistaken. He, remembers the second plane as being the first because of all of the replays. Now, he knows what he said was wrong, as do I. A lie would be knowing that you were wrong and still claiming that he saw the first plane hit, when no one did for some time.

You lie, because you know what you say is wrong and yet you refuse to accept it and keep spreading your imagined events.

For example, you backtracked on the beams being cut about 5 times in this thread, and even posted a video showing that the main structural support for the buildings is in the exterior beams. You lied, again and again after you were proven wrong.
Not wasting my time schooling you anymore.
The person who actually ordered the evacuation said he did so because of "heavy fires on many floors". Daniel Nigro was chief of operations on 9/11. So who are we to believe? You or the person who actually ordered the evacuation and the perimeter?

"Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire."

Well, yeah, that and drop a 104 story building on it.
I'm beginning to smell guilt in some of these desperate posts.
I feel like I'm talking to some criminals trying to cover their tracks.
Why is that ?

Question # 71 that won't be answered.
You mean desperation like refusing to answer the question of about what floor did the towers begin collapsing?

Btw, I know why you refuse to answer -- it's because the answer reveals what a schmuck you are for foolishly asserting that beams were cut somewhere between the 50th floor and 60th floor. In reality, from which you are disconnected, the collapse of the towers began nowhere near those floors. It actually began at the floors where the planes crashed into the towers.
The angle cuts allowed the downward acceleration dimwit.
Of course the fucking collapses initiated at the impact zones, but without taking out the core, the law of motion would not have allowed the collapse - conservation of momentum and all that physics stuff that's over everyone's head. In other words the main core columns located around the elevator shafts were blasted at 45 degree angles near the middle and at the bottom ---we do know there were more than one lobby-level or below explosions as well before the collapses.
O no I blew my cover.

Actually, I was having trouble logging in from my wife's computer one day, so I just registered as north star but not with the intent of having a 'sock puppet'.

Indeed,you called him out,such an obvious sock indeed.:lmao::laughing0301:

he was getting his ass owned by you in the previous posts and did not want to address your evidence knowing he could not counter it,so he stats socking,how pathetic but no surprise in the least.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Dumbfuck.... that's Angelo's sock. :eusa_doh:
Very entertaining but educational stuff.
Not that the trolls are interested in knowledge....they want to hide information.

Why would the lobby fill with smoke?

Oh, that's where the elevators are! The same elevators whose shafts were filled with burning debris and jet fuel from the impacts above. Not having smoke would make less sense!

So you're saying the people who heard the lobby explosions were lying ?
Why would they do that ?

he is REALLY getting desperate and grasping at straws as always saying the people that heard explosions on the lobby are lying. comedy gold,his boss sure pays him well obviously for these ass beatings he suffers from us everyday all the time.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::iyfyus.jpg:

Who said people who heard explosions in the lobby were lying? The explosions were caused by flaming jet fuel streaming down the elevator shafts.
I think the biggest question is why do Republicans want to bring the Taliban here to celebrate 911? Don’t they know that the Taliban and America will be celebrating different things?
Which they all agreed the reason being was that early on, they recognized the futility of trying to save building #7.
Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire.
Do you not know the difference between a lie and a mistake? Bush was mistaken. He, remembers the second plane as being the first because of all of the replays. Now, he knows what he said was wrong, as do I. A lie would be knowing that you were wrong and still claiming that he saw the first plane hit, when no one did for some time.

You lie, because you know what you say is wrong and yet you refuse to accept it and keep spreading your imagined events.

For example, you backtracked on the beams being cut about 5 times in this thread, and even posted a video showing that the main structural support for the buildings is in the exterior beams. You lied, again and again after you were proven wrong.
Not wasting my time schooling you anymore.
The person who actually ordered the evacuation said he did so because of "heavy fires on many floors". Daniel Nigro was chief of operations on 9/11. So who are we to believe? You or the person who actually ordered the evacuation and the perimeter?

"Demolition experts are happy. Now they know that to demolish a building all they have to do is set it on fire."

Well, yeah, that and drop a 104 story building on it.

Hmmmm. Building 6 was right next door and still standing.
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