Many Republicans hoping Sarah Palin runs in 2016

You got it backwards, ABS. Watch the GOP come back strong in 2014 as we throw out the far right and give the American electorate real, viable alternatives for the future.
Some idiot from the far right brought up Loser Girl.

Obama won a decisive mandate, Shakles, so you better get with reality, son, and not get left behind.

Our Republicans have to reach out honestly to the needs of women, minorities, gays; turn its back on the soc con values and neo-con wings; and throw the haters of the far right out of the party.

If we run Sarah, we destroy the Republican Party.

Actually, the destruction of the GOP started with their primary elections, because that is how we first found out how they REALLY think.

Follow that up with the campaign of Mittens and Lyin' Ryan, who told us how they were in the pockets of the upper 2 percent, well.................I think the destruction of the GOP has already started.

Especially when you realize that the percentage of white voters (the main GOP base) has been continually declining since 2000.

And.............after the alienation that they did with women, blacks, hispanics and all the others, I don't really think they're going to be able to attract those blocks of voters for a very long time.

Personally? I think that if the GOP keeps obstructing Obama, 2014 is gonna see a Democratic takeover of both the House AND the Senate.
Jake is funny.

McCain = Moderate = Loss

Romney = Moderate = Loss

And Jake wants to make us more Moderate

Jake is fun-neh
shib·bo·leth noun \ˈshi-bə-ləth also -ˌleth\

Definition of SHIBBOLETH

a : a word or saying used by adherents of a party, sect, or belief and usually regarded by others as empty of real meaning <the old shibboleths come rolling off their lips — Joseph Epstein>

Democrats wanting Sarah Palin to run for office is a shibboleth.

It gives them something to talk about so they can avoid the dead Ambassador, the cover up and the dead economy too.

Why are you obsessed with the late Ambassador?

Because he was assassinated at the behest of the Supreme Dictator obama.

Damn, but you're nuts!!! You need to be locked up.
A GOP cure: Sarah Palin for president in 2016 -

Palin can more than keep up with the Democrats in appealing to voters' emotions. Hardly anyone could be more blue collar than Palin, out on the fishing boat with her hunky blue-collar husband, Todd. Palin is "View"-ready, she's "Ellen"-ready, she's Kelly-and-Michael-ready.

A Palin "war against women"? Hah! Not only is she a woman, she's got a single-mom daughter, Bristol, to help with the swelling single-mom demographic. On social issues, Palin, unlike Romney, has been absolutely consistent. And let's remember that most Americans, whatever their view of choice, disapprove of most abortions.

Gay marriage? Palin opposes it. But she is also a strong advocate of states' rights, and I'm betting she'd be fine with letting states and their voters grapple with the issue on their own. Remember that all of America didn't swing toward approval of gay marriage on Nov. 6. Three reliably blue states and their voters did. If she were smart, Palin would recruit a member of her impressive gay fanboy base &#8212; yes, she has one &#8212; to help run her campaign. I nominate Kevin DuJan of the widely read gay conservative blog HillBuzz, a Palin stalwart since 2008.

Furthermore, looks count in politics, and Palin at age 48, has it all over her possible competition, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, who will be 69 by election day 2016 and who let someone talk her into adopting the flowing blond locks of a college student, making her look like Brunnhilde in a small-town Wagner production. Men love Sarah Palin, and she loves men.


Wow, her biggest "qualification" is she looks good. She's "hawt". That makes me want to vote for her.
She even wrote a book all by herself. It's called, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".

Your thread title states: Many Republicans hoping Sarah Palin runs in 2016

Charlotte Allen is but one person who authored the story and the poll is showing a 50/50 split and no way of knowing on an online poll who voted(R or D or neither) so what is your reference to back up your thread title claim?
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$Sarah P.jpg
The GOP cannot be wishing more than most in the Dem camp for a Palin run in 2016. Plus, now that has been spending all that time at home, she has all the foreign policy experience watching Russia from her house...

[ame=]Palin on her insight into Russian Politics - YouTube[/ame]
Sarah Palin is decent, she at least supported Ron Pauls message.

The problem is that she has an unshakable attribute that will cause her to lose. Romney lost for having the image of out-of-touch rich guy and Palin will lose for having the image of dumb woman.

I personally think she's smarter than half the nation, but no one can convince the voters otherwise.

Rand Paul is the only way to go. He has no unshakable negative image. He's an all-around likable guy known as someone who stands for freedom. Good chance of winning for Mr. Paul in 2016.
Sarah Palin is decent, she at least supported Ron Pauls message.

The problem is that she has an unshakable attribute that will cause her to lose. Romney lost for having the image of out-of-touch rich guy and Palin will lose for having the image of dumb woman.

I personally think she's smarter than half the nation, but no one can convince the voters otherwise.

Rand Paul is the only way to go. He has no unshakable negative image. He's an all-around likable guy known as someone who stands for freedom. Good chance of winning for Mr. Paul in 2016.

The only negative thing I can say about rand Paul is he is as nuts as his father and will lose just like him. Other than that, he will be fine.

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