Many Republicans hoping Sarah Palin runs in 2016

Some idiot from the far right brought up Loser Girl.

Obama won a decisive mandate, Shakles, so you better get with reality, son, and not get left behind.

Our Republicans have to reach out honestly to the needs of women, minorities, gays; turn its back on the soc con values and neo-con wings; and throw the haters of the far right out of the party.

If we run Sarah, we destroy the Republican Party.

The reality, son, is this president has yet to prove he can create a strong economy. With a an over 14% underemployment rate from workers having to settle with part time employment while earning less than they once had. The "reality" is Obama has provided no new plan to create jobs to turn this country around, just more of the same (infastructure and education). This is Obama's economic mess now, and running off to David Letterman or The View is not going to change the reality of that. With a narrow win in many of these states (like Ohio), he doesn't have the confidence and the support he once had in 2008. That is the reality son is JOBS, not talk show appearances and speeches.

Actually, Obama DOES have a jobs plan. It's called the American Jobs Act, and yeah, it does deal with infrastructure. It also deals with updating the power grid, and those are jobs that can't be outsourced to China very easily. Only trouble is, the GOP has spent this past Congress blocking him at every step of the way.

By the way, the stock market is almost DOUBLE what it was when Obama took over, housing prices are starting to recover, and oh..........we've had a STEADY job growth for over the past 30 months.

But..............keep hatin' on the black man in the White House.
Gary Larson used to draw the world's funniest cartoons. One of my favorites, was of a cat, reading a sign that says, "Kat fod--->" taped to the open door of a front loading tumble dryer, while a dog is hiding on the other side of it, thinking "please, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!"

That pretty much sums up what I am thinking about Palin running in 2016!!!!
Sarah Palin? Really? The Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil is gonna be effective?

Got news for you tea baggers, the GOP is starting to wake up to the fact that you're gonna kill the party.

Not really, Dean and the left wing nutters like to just make shit up.

My guess, this far away, is that it will be either Christie or Paul.

Surely the party knows not to run Palin.

Some idiot from the far right brought up Loser Girl.

Obama won a decisive mandate, Shakles, so you better get with reality, son, and not get left behind.

Our Republicans have to reach out honestly to the needs of women, minorities, gays; turn its back on the soc con values and neo-con wings; and throw the haters of the far right out of the party.

If we run Sarah, we destroy the Republican Party.

The reality, son, is this president has yet to prove he can create a strong economy. With a an over 14% underemployment rate from workers having to settle with part time employment while earning less than they once had. The "reality" is Obama has provided no new plan to create jobs to turn this country around, just more of the same (infastructure and education). This is Obama's economic mess now, and running off to David Letterman or The View is not going to change the reality of that. With a narrow win in many of these states (like Ohio), he doesn't have the confidence and the support he once had in 2008. That is the reality son is JOBS, not talk show appearances and speeches.

Actually, Obama DOES have a jobs plan. It's called the American Jobs Act, and yeah, it does deal with infrastructure. It also deals with updating the power grid, and those are jobs that can't be outsourced to China very easily. Only trouble is, the GOP has spent this past Congress blocking him at every step of the way.

By the way, the stock market is almost DOUBLE what it was when Obama took over, housing prices are starting to recover, and oh..........we've had a STEADY job growth for over the past 30 months.

But..............keep hatin' on the black man in the White House.

That is horse shit. The OBama administration could have passed a job bill back when they controlled both chambers of Congress, but no, they were too busy tossing pork to their patron base to bother with ordinary working people.

All you Democrats that think the Democratic Party is looking out for you....wake up.
Sarah is a friggin frozen north bimbo. She does not have the caliber required to be president.

Which is why we'll continue to see the Left throwing her name out there at every opportunity, trying to plant seeds for 2016. It'll be freakin' daily, and I guess I can't blame them. It would be like the GOP throwing Sharpton's name out there, just for the hell of it.


I guess the gop isn't that petty and has to use people no longer in politics to try and win elections..but that is the lowlife Democrat party and their base

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