March 24th - March for our Lives

'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.
Inspiring huh?


It shows that the future for the US is a lot brighter than the trump infected present.. So ,yes,it is inspiring.

It showed me nothing but multiple examples of failed home training

'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.

This is funny stuff.

Look the Far Left Maniacs have designed a poster with the Skinhead Bull Dyke Emma Gonzalez on:


This below poster of the Skinhead Bull Dyke Emma Gonzalez and the Far Left Maniacs who support it is more accurate though, so if you want to spread the below version across Twitter etc.



Its interesting, and scary, that you fantasise, and speculate, about the sexuality of a traumatised schoolgirl.

Nobody is fantasising and there is nothing to speculate about it's a Skinhead and looks like a boy, as it's a Skinhead and looks like a boy but is a girl it's a Bull Dyke, and it does not look in any way traumatised and neither do it's friends look traumised, they are laughing and enjoying themselves in the below pictures the Crocodile Tears are for the MSM cameras to push onto The Sheep of which you are one. Ba Ba Ba Ba.


'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.

Know who won't be marching for lives? Tommy Taint with his Limey ass!

Join them in solidarity and do your marching in the UK that day, Tommy.
I may well do so. There may be a march somewhere in the UK. But gun control is not any sort of issue here. Our schools dont get shot up every day and we dont have an NRA enabling crazies to do so.
'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.

This is funny stuff.

Look the Far Left Maniacs have designed a poster with the Skinhead Bull Dyke Emma Gonzalez on:


This below poster of the Skinhead Bull Dyke Emma Gonzalez and the Far Left Maniacs who support it is more accurate though, so if you want to spread the below version across Twitter etc.



Its interesting, and scary, that you fantasise, and speculate, about the sexuality of a traumatised schoolgirl.

Nobody is fantasising and there is nothing to speculate about it's a Skinhead and looks like a boy, as it's a Skinhead and looks like a boy but is a girl it's a Bull Dyke, and it does not look in any way traumatised and neither do it's friends look traumised, they are laughing and enjoying themselves in the below pictures the Crocodile Tears are for the MSM cameras to push onto The Sheep of which you are one. Ba Ba Ba Ba.


Why do you feel the need to dehumanise this girl by describing her as "it" ? Does that add to the excitement of your speculations ?
Oprah Winfrey donates to March For Our Lives - CNN

All the good people coming together behind a great cause.

Yeah, right. Like I said: In b4 the tards riot.

The Leftist Activists are standing on the bodies of the dead to push the Leftist Agenda, disgusting what ghouls and devils they are just when people thought they could sink no lower they do every single time.

Using children to do it as well. It's sickening.
Well, let them get it out of their systems.

All those kids return to school next week, so their moment in the spotlight
will begin to fade. Then on the 24th they can have their walk-out and that
will be it.

Their Seniors have their final school work to finish, and everybody else wants
to advance. So, they'll resume their daily routine.

People should already have been aware that there have been no massive rallies in months. No Antifa or anything else. That's because we just finished
Football Season. College Kids party all thru football season. They don't
have time for rallies.

The winter has been cold, even for the North. Well, you ain't gonna find
any college kid that is going to stand in below zero weather for a long
period of time.

We're coming up on spring so all the rowdies, that become bored will
be at it again. Football season gives everybody a break and the weather
makes the break longer. This is a yearly script. Soros will give em all
a 100 bucks and they'll go out there and yell for awhile. Then they'll
go get tanked.

The HS kids will have numbers because of peer pressure. The College kids
get numbers because they're being paid and they get to raise hell.

But, nothing changes. Never has...never will
Will this march be accompanied by any Antifa-sponsored smashed windows and torched automobiles?
Will this march be accompanied by any Antifa-sponsored smashed windows and torched automobiles?

Well when Leftist Maniacs cannot get their way having Screeching Bedwetting Tantrums they usually resort to violence, so yes probably they will.
'March For Our Lives' applies for permit, estimates 500,000 people on National Mall

This is awe inspiring stuff. Lets hope that it is a great success and that Trump will tell his paymasters that lives are more important than guns.

This is funny stuff.

Look the Far Left Maniacs have designed a poster with the Skinhead Bull Dyke Emma Gonzalez on:


This below poster of the Skinhead Bull Dyke Emma Gonzalez and the Far Left Maniacs who support it is more accurate though, so if you want to spread the below version across Twitter etc.



Its interesting, and scary, that you fantasise, and speculate, about the sexuality of a traumatised schoolgirl.

Nobody is fantasising and there is nothing to speculate about it's a Skinhead and looks like a boy, as it's a Skinhead and looks like a boy but is a girl it's a Bull Dyke, and it does not look in any way traumatised and neither do it's friends look traumised, they are laughing and enjoying themselves in the below pictures the Crocodile Tears are for the MSM cameras to push onto The Sheep of which you are one. Ba Ba Ba Ba.


Why do you feel the need to dehumanise this girl by describing her as "it" ? Does that add to the excitement of your speculations ?

What are we supposed to call it, the Gender Confused if they are biologically female freak if they are called a she and they if they are biologically male they freak if they are called a he, so we just call them It and/or It's. A biological female who has a Skinhead haircut is what? Not exactly self-identifying as Feminine.
Will this march be accompanied by any Antifa-sponsored smashed windows and torched automobiles?

and ugly leftist hags wearing pussy hats.

The Leftists are Screeching wanting assault weapons outlawed, I was reading the other night about how assault weapons being outlawed in America would not prevent school shootings because in 1999 was the Columbine School Massacre and that was AFTER Bill Clinton in 1994 outlawed assault weapons.

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia



Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

And the below survivor of the Columbine School Massacre has the sensible suggestion on how to reduce school shootings, unlike these Teenage Screeching SJWs.



Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools
Will this march be accompanied by any Antifa-sponsored smashed windows and torched automobiles?

and ugly leftist hags wearing pussy hats.

The Leftists are Screeching wanting assault weapons outlawed, I was reading the other night about how assault weapons being outlawed in America would not prevent school shooting because in 1999 was the Columbine School Massacre and that was AFTER Bill Clinton outlawed assault weapons.

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia



Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

And the below survivor of the Columbine School Massacre has the sensible suggestion on how to reduce school shootings, unlike these Teenage Screeching SJWs.



Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

I'm just sick of their wails and whines...damn loons refuse to look at the real problem and until they do fuck them. Tired of their nonsense
Will this march be accompanied by any Antifa-sponsored smashed windows and torched automobiles?

and ugly leftist hags wearing pussy hats.

The Leftists are Screeching wanting assault weapons outlawed, I was reading the other night about how assault weapons being outlawed in America would not prevent school shooting because in 1999 was the Columbine School Massacre and that was AFTER Bill Clinton outlawed assault weapons.

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia



Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

And the below survivor of the Columbine School Massacre has the sensible suggestion on how to reduce school shootings, unlike these Teenage Screeching SJWs.



Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

I'm just sick of their wails and whines...damn loons refuse to look at the real problem and until they do fuck them. Tired of their nonsense

"damn loons refuse to look at the real problem"

They never will Sassy, they cannot discuss the underlining problems because to do so they would have to acknowledge that it's all the Leftist disruption of Mainstream Society from education run by Neo-Marxist Teaching Unions to the trashing of the Nuclear Family Unit to the trashing of the teaching of morals, personal responsibility and religious conviction, to the insistence that children do NOT NEED a father figure, to the pushing of violence in video games and the promotion of violence in Hollyweird films ALL Leftist Agenda that IS the underlining problem.

The Leftists are currently having perverted orgasms about this Black Panther film in that film I read are more than 200 VIOLENT MURDERS most using GUNS and the Leftists think that anyone is going to listen to this Screeching Bedwetting Tantrum about how they want to SAVE LIVES by outlawing guns?
Will this march be accompanied by any Antifa-sponsored smashed windows and torched automobiles?

and ugly leftist hags wearing pussy hats.

The Leftists are Screeching wanting assault weapons outlawed, I was reading the other night about how assault weapons being outlawed in America would not prevent school shooting because in 1999 was the Columbine School Massacre and that was AFTER Bill Clinton outlawed assault weapons.

Columbine High School massacre - Wikipedia



Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

And the below survivor of the Columbine School Massacre has the sensible suggestion on how to reduce school shootings, unlike these Teenage Screeching SJWs.



Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

I'm just sick of their wails and whines...damn loons refuse to look at the real problem and until they do fuck them. Tired of their nonsense

"damn loons refuse to look at the real problem"

They never will Sassy, they cannot discuss the underlining problems because to do so they would have to acknowledge that it's all the Leftist disruption of Mainstream Society from education run by Neo-Marxist Teaching Unions to the trashing of the Nuclear Family Unit to the trashing of the teaching of morals, personal responsibility and religious conviction, to the insistence that children do NOT NEED a father figure, to the pushing of violence in video games and the promotion of violence in Hollyweird films ALL Leftist Agenda that IS the underlining problem.

The Leftists are currently having perverted orgasms about this Black Panther film in that film I read are more than 200 VIOLENT MURDERS most using GUNS and the Leftists think that anyone is going to listen to this Screeching Bedwetting Tantrum about how they want to SAVE LIVES by outlawing guns?

These twits create the problem then refuse to be held accountable for it. Time and time again they do this and are seemingly incapable of recognizing it. I'm serious there is nothing more stupid than a leftist.

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