Marco Rubio: 500 migrants per month to be transported to Palm Beach, Broward counties

That wormy little shit should be the last one to complain....He was all for Juan McQuisling's amnesty bill.
So Trump is irresponsible because someone else is irresponsible, wow, and here I have heard all my life how two wrongs never make a right...
why would Rubio import when he can raid Trumps country clubs in florida ....
I suspect this is many of the Cubans, and surmise, if so, many will end up down in the Miami area. It was mentioned they had stated their destination when they got here was for s Florida. Since the wet foot/dry foot policy was stopped for Cubans they have found their way to Mexico and are entering the US from there now. Traditionally, I don’t think there has been a huge problem with Cubans that have come over. Many have family down here.
Amazing! The two most election fraud counties in America. Marco Rubio is literally enemy of the conservative movement, just like John McAmnesty was.

More than 500 migrants per month to be transported to Palm Beach County
Remember that "Little Marco" got trounced by then Candidate Donald J. Trump. I am sure that Little Marco wants more illegal voting down in lower Florida so maybe the state will flip to blue. Good thing, Ron Desantos has made a law about no sanctuary cities or the state. So how can those illegals end up in a place that cant be sanctuary? Maybe Little Marco is breaking the law?
Amazing! The two most election fraud counties in America. Marco Rubio is literally enemy of the conservative movement, just like John McAmnesty was.

More than 500 migrants per month to be transported to Palm Beach County
Remember that "Little Marco" got trounced by then Candidate Donald J. Trump. I am sure that Little Marco wants more illegal voting down in lower Florida so maybe the state will flip to blue. Good thing, Ron Desantos has made a law about no sanctuary cities or the state. So how can those illegals end up in a place that cant be sanctuary? Maybe Little Marco is breaking the law?
Great question!
Amazing! The two most election fraud counties in America. Marco Rubio is literally enemy of the conservative movement, just like John McAmnesty was.

More than 500 migrants per month to be transported to Palm Beach County
Remember that "Little Marco" got trounced by then Candidate Donald J. Trump. I am sure that Little Marco wants more illegal voting down in lower Florida so maybe the state will flip to blue. Good thing, Ron Desantos has made a law about no sanctuary cities or the state. So how can those illegals end up in a place that cant be sanctuary? Maybe Little Marco is breaking the law?

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