Marco Rubio caught in HUGE, HUGE lie.

Sure he did. His bio said that his parents fled from Castro. His second lie was claiming that he didn't know before WAPO's article that they didn't come here in 1959.

That's two....probably some more in there somewhere.

Not as if being honest really mattered to you.

An Obama supporter bitching about liars on the other side.

That's rich.

Fact is he never said that irregardless how much you want it to be true.
Yes, he did. He changed his bio on Saturday to reflect the "truth."



As if you'll ever post one to support your nonsense.
It's a big deal in the sense that his parents leaving Castro was a main focus of his campaign. He never really discussed any issues he believed in, or anything. His commercials were always "I'm Marco, a son of Cuba exile, and I love America-it didn't get this way overnight, and wont automatically continue to do so". Seriously.

He lied about his parents coming over. Probably to get more of the hispanic vote down here. Most conservatives on here wont admit that much like Obama got a lot of votes because of his votes-so did Rubio.

With that said I don't Rubio is horrible for this, and I don't really mind him as senator.

Oh, is there a country now called Castro????

Once again for the learning impaired......anyone who is a citizen of a country and can't or won't return, ether voluntarily or involuntarily, without political persecution, or for any reason is an exile.

Exile means to be away from one's home (i.e. city, state or country), while either being explicitly refused permission to return and/or being threatened with imprisonment or death upon return. It can be a form of punishment.[1]

It is common to distinguish between internal exile, i.e., forced resettlement within the country of residence, and external exile, deportation outside the country of residence.[citation needed] Although most commonly used to describe an individual situation, the term is also used for groups (especially ethnic or national groups), or for an entire government. Terms such as diaspora and refugee describe group exile, both voluntary and forced, and government in exile describes a government of a country that has been forced to relocate and argue its legitimacy from outside that country.

Exile can also be a self-imposed departure from one's homeland. Self-exile is often depicted as a form of protest by the person that claims it, to avoid persecution or legal matters (such as tax or criminal allegations), an act of shame or repentance, or isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular thing.
Exile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rubio's parents can escape Cuba for any reason and refuse to go back. It doesn't matter if it's to escape Castro or to escape a Civil War or simply to not have to pay taxes.

You critics wouldn't know this because one, you didn't look it up, and two, the media didn't tell you, so subsequently you can't imagine it in your tiny little minds.

If his parents are Cuban citizens and living in America they are technically in exile. The conditions don't matter. They are Cuban exiles.
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Yeah they are eviserating this guy based on all the lies he's told over the years.

And he just keeps spinning new BS hoping to cover his lying ass, too.

Its embarrassing to watch, really.
this is a good example of demegoguery. the washington post didn't smear rubio like they tried with palin a couple of months ago. in fact they are going after obama. this is about eligibility, and a good way to pressure the supreme court. nice try with the hysterical headline and original post howard...
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Yeah they are eviserating this guy based on all the lies he's told over the years.

And he just keeps spinning new BS hoping to cover his lying ass, too.

Its embarrassing to watch, really.

Yeah....all the lies you forgot to list.

All the lies in your head.

Not quite.

The lies I am referrring to would be the ones documented in the news, MW.

EVerybody tends to write their own narratives.

This guy just forget that the narratives he invented about his family were being checked.

He keeps trying to rewrite that narrative now that he's been caught and he's making it worse.

If you doubt that?

Check it yourself.
Yeah they are eviserating this guy based on all the lies he's told over the years.

And he just keeps spinning new BS hoping to cover his lying ass, too.

Its embarrassing to watch, really.

That the left are hyperventilating over this is very funny.... considering your Messiah's versions of the 'truth' about his own background.

Can anyone say 'hypocrisy'?
Yeah they are eviserating this guy based on all the lies he's told over the years.

And he just keeps spinning new BS hoping to cover his lying ass, too.

Its embarrassing to watch, really.

Yeah....all the lies you forgot to list.

All the lies in your head.

Not quite.

The lies I am referrring to would be the ones documented in the news, MW.

EVerybody tends to write their own narratives.

This guy just forget that the narratives he invented about his family were being checked.

He keeps trying to rewrite that narrative now that he's been caught and he's making it worse.

If you doubt that?

Check it yourself.

Check what?

I see no link.

In case you hadn't noticed the mainstream media is not an honest purveyor of news and information anymore. They specialize in spreading falsities and they sensationalize the trivial. This story is only one example.

You'd be better off trusting a advert for some new miracle sealant that you can use to stop leaks in your boat then to believe the hogwash these folks have been dishing us.

I have yet to see one quote where Rubio said his family left Cuba while Castro was in power.
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Rachel Maddow is one of those liberal hacks that uses her position in the media to spread misinformation. It's hard enough to get people to comprehend 100 percent of the facts and not get it wrong. They only compound the problem by passing off op-eds as actual factual news.

I have serious problems with a White House that has a team of lawyers constantly looking for dirt on people. I also have a problem with a White House that seems to make shit up as they go along to ether attack possible opponents or to provide cover for their screwups.

I've never seen it to this level before. Sarah Palin runs for VP and an army of Obama's media hacks and lawyers show up in Juneau looking for dirt like they're the FBI. Same thing happens in Arizona when the Governor let's Obama know that he can't register to be on the ballot unless he produces a valid BC.

Nobody in their right mind would run for POTUS under these conditions...and that's exactly what enemies of the state want. They don't want us to put our best foot forward. They want us to settle for these liars and snake-oil salesmen willing to stab us in the back or sell us out if they're blackmailed by foreign entities.

Honesty in government is a thing of the past. Obama is the by-product of our dishonesty.
Herman Cain is paying a price for his honesty.

He has the same views as I do about abortion.

He says abortion shouldn't be in government. He says he believes in life first yet he doesn't want to take away anyone's right to choose.

So what happens??

The right uses it to attack him with pro-lifers and the left attacks him saying he's pro-choice....which he isn't.

Nether is being honest.

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