Marco Rubio caught in HUGE, HUGE lie.

Why are people still blathering on about this useless nonsense?

wth does it have to do with what he's done, doing and planning on doing?

What did you think Democrats were going to run on, all the good Obama's done for the country? Downgraded credit, record debt, deficits, unemployment and poverty?
]Yeah, I know, pointing out that a Republican senator is a liar is old news.

I have been on I have not been watching.

But given the GRAVITY of this lie, I suspect that Rachael Maddow has devoted an entire week of her show to it.

Is she hasn't, there must be something less important (to us) for her to focus on that would replace it.

Rachael Maddow is a liberal hack who's only goal is to destroy anyone on the right she can.

Nothing she says matters. If she wants to devote all of her time perpetrating a lie then so be it. Maybe she'll accuse Rubio of not having a birth certificate.
Why are people still blathering on about this useless nonsense?

wth does it have to do with what he's done, doing and planning on doing?

What did you think Democrats were going to run on, all the good Obama's done for the country? Downgraded credit, record debt, deficits, unemployment and poverty?
Let it be known that as long as it is a Republican doing the lying, CF doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

Why are people still blathering on about this useless nonsense?

wth does it have to do with what he's done, doing and planning on doing?

What did you think Democrats were going to run on, all the good Obama's done for the country? Downgraded credit, record debt, deficits, unemployment and poverty?
Let it be known that as long as it is a Republican doing the lying, CF doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.


Problem is he never you're lying and you know it.

But the fact that you're a liar doesn't really matter.
Why are people still blathering on about this useless nonsense?

wth does it have to do with what he's done, doing and planning on doing?

What did you think Democrats were going to run on, all the good Obama's done for the country? Downgraded credit, record debt, deficits, unemployment and poverty?
Let it be known that as long as it is a Republican doing the lying, CF doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.



And it is. :lol:
Why are people still blathering on about this useless nonsense?

wth does it have to do with what he's done, doing and planning on doing?

What did you think Democrats were going to run on, all the good Obama's done for the country? Downgraded credit, record debt, deficits, unemployment and poverty?
Let it be known that as long as it is a Republican doing the lying, CF doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.


If anything we should learn from Obama and ask, "was Obammy's granny lying about seeing him born in Kenya?"
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What did you think Democrats were going to run on, all the good Obama's done for the country? Downgraded credit, record debt, deficits, unemployment and poverty?
Let it be known that as long as it is a Republican doing the lying, CF doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.


Problem is he never you're lying and you know it.

But the fact that you're a liar doesn't really matter.
Sure he did. His bio said that his parents fled from Castro. His second lie was claiming that he didn't know before WAPO's article that they didn't come here in 1959.

That's two....probably some more in there somewhere.
Let it be known that as long as it is a Republican doing the lying, CF doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.


Problem is he never you're lying and you know it.

But the fact that you're a liar doesn't really matter.
Sure he did. His bio said that his parents fled from Castro. His second lie was claiming that he didn't know before WAPO's article that they didn't come here in 1959.

That's two....probably some more in there somewhere.

Not as if being honest really mattered to you.

An Obama supporter bitching about liars on the other side.

That's rich.

Fact is he never said that irregardless how much you want it to be true.
Problem is he never you're lying and you know it.

But the fact that you're a liar doesn't really matter.
Sure he did. His bio said that his parents fled from Castro. His second lie was claiming that he didn't know before WAPO's article that they didn't come here in 1959.

That's two....probably some more in there somewhere.

Not as if being honest really mattered to you.

An Obama supporter bitching about liars on the other side.

That's rich.

Fact is he never said that irregardless how much you want it to be true.
Yes, he did. He changed his bio on Saturday to reflect the "truth."

It's a big deal in the sense that his parents leaving Castro was a main focus of his campaign. He never really discussed any issues he believed in, or anything. His commercials were always "I'm Marco, a son of Cuba exile, and I love America-it didn't get this way overnight, and wont automatically continue to do so". Seriously.

He lied about his parents coming over. Probably to get more of the hispanic vote down here. Most conservatives on here wont admit that much like Obama got a lot of votes because of his votes-so did Rubio.

With that said I don't Rubio is horrible for this, and I don't really mind him as senator.
The Florida political leader has always publicly identified as part of the Cuban exile community. His Senate website says his parents came to America following Fidel Castro’s 1959 takeover.

But media reports Thursday revealed they’d emigrated to the U.S. in 1956. Rubio’s father was a bartender and came for economic reasons. Castro wasn’t even in Cuba when they left.

Florida US Sen. Marco Rubio denies claims he embellished his family’s history - The Washington Post


Another Republican caught red handed, lying. Guess that means he won't be vice president. Not until people forget his lies.

It's like Republicans saying, "But half the country does't pay taxes" when EVERYONE pays sales tax and payroll tax.

You have to listen carefully to everything Republicans say. Even though it's all bullshit over and over again, they repeat the same lies so often, people start to believe them.

What other lies have they been caught saying, recently? Hmm, so many to choose from.

Wow....this was Huge Huge lie.

Unlike John Edwards (remember his sorry rear end....running mate of John Kerry), the guy who was out doing his mistress while his wife was home vomiting from chemo.

You really have to watch who ?

Is there some bizarre Wingnut (or Moonbat) disease where you think that pointing out a flaw in the other side erases the legitimate point that someone brought up about yours?

Oh, and I really love whenthe Crazy Right Wing (or people further to the right than I am, anyway) have suddenly canonized Liz Edwards as a martyr. When she was talking about two americans and wealth distribution, she was a socialist bitch. But now she's a poor victim because Edwards had something going on the side.

You really should have your eyes checked.

As near as I can tell, you have an issue with his wording and that is about it.

But then I see your problem really does reside farther up the optic nerve.....

There is no comparison because he hasn't done anything wrong.

Whereas, if the Kerry/Edwards ticket had won....this would have been a huge mess.

As to again do your little keyboard fart-dance and assume things that are not there. I really don't care about her politics. The fact that JE was out doing his mistress while she was home puking up on chemo is all I need to know.

Are you somehow suggesting that if she were a moderate conservative that JE's actions would have been worse ?

I hope not.
It's a big deal in the sense that his parents leaving Castro was a main focus of his campaign. He never really discussed any issues he believed in, or anything. His commercials were always "I'm Marco, a son of Cuba exile, and I love America-it didn't get this way overnight, and wont automatically continue to do so". Seriously.

He lied about his parents coming over. Probably to get more of the hispanic vote down here. Most conservatives on here wont admit that much like Obama got a lot of votes because of his votes-so did Rubio.

With that said I don't Rubio is horrible for this, and I don't really mind him as senator.

I am not sure I understand this entire post....but you seem to have some first hand information.

You said he never really discussed any issues.

But you don't mind him as a senator.

So what is your criteria for judging him ? Did he finally get engaged in some issues.
It's a big deal in the sense that his parents leaving Castro was a main focus of his campaign. He never really discussed any issues he believed in, or anything. His commercials were always "I'm Marco, a son of Cuba exile, and I love America-it didn't get this way overnight, and wont automatically continue to do so". Seriously.

He lied about his parents coming over. Probably to get more of the hispanic vote down here. Most conservatives on here wont admit that much like Obama got a lot of votes because of his votes-so did Rubio.

With that said I don't Rubio is horrible for this, and I don't really mind him as senator.
According to the Castro government they are Cuban citizens living in exile in America.
Saying they were Cuban exils is being honest.

As long as Cuba is communist they will remain exiles. If they tried to return to visit relatives they would not be allowed to leave, maybe even arrested.

The accusation is what is dishonest. Claiming he said they escaped the Castro regime. If they left before they went communist it still would be true because they got out in time.

You see words have meaning.
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The fact still remains is that Rubio is a citizen but not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't citizens before he was born. He isn't qualified for Article 2 Section 1 if he is chosen as a VP pick.
The fact still remains is that Rubio is a citizen but not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't citizens before he was born. He isn't qualified for Article 2 Section 1 if he is chosen as a VP pick.

Marco Antonio Rubio (born May 28, 1971) is the junior United States Senator from Florida (2011–present). A member of the Republican Party, he previously served as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives (2007–2009).

Born to Cuban immigrants, Rubio was born and raised in Miami, Florida and Las Vegas, Nevada. He attended Tarkio College and Santa Fe Community College before graduating from the University of Florida. He earned his law degree from the University of Miami School of Law in 1996 while interning for U.S. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. In the late 1990s he served as a City Commissioner for West Miami. Rubio was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2000, representing the 111th House district. He was elected Speaker in November 2006.
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The fact still remains is that Rubio is a citizen but not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't citizens before he was born. He isn't qualified for Article 2 Section 1 if he is chosen as a VP pick.
It doesn't matter. He was born in the US so he's an American.
The fact still remains is that Rubio is a citizen but not a natural born citizen because his parents weren't citizens before he was born. He isn't qualified for Article 2 Section 1 if he is chosen as a VP pick.

Why would anybody believe anything you say???? You have shown yourself to be obsessive and crazy. Remember????


What a bunch of whining crybabies you right wingers are!!! I've said it before and I'll say it again. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. Lying bunch of bad sports.


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