Marco Rubio caught in HUGE, HUGE lie.

I read this story.

Number one, Rubio was told things when he was younger and maybe everything that was told to him was true and he just forgot details or what was told to him was wrong and he was simply relating what was told to him.

My memory of my childhood it very different from what I've been told in adulthood by my older bothers and sisters. Things were kept from me because at the time I was considered too young to be told the whole truth. I believe that this may have happened with Rubio. His parents are Cuban Exiles. You can try to make a mountain out of a molehill but you'll only look foolish.

Btw, Rubio has no intention of running for VP. That should give you assholes 4 more years to make up shit about him.
I guess these days I'm gonna have to go back and have a private investigator look into my family's history and find out every God Damned thing before I run for office.

When I give a speech everything has to have been checked and cross-checked by lawyers before I ever say anything in public.

I have to read it off of a teleprompter.

This is the situation we have today.

Obama can lie his ass off daily and not suffer for it, but everyone else pays a price for being wrong once.

If anyone here thinks this is the way politics should be then I have a baseball bat I want to introduce you to.
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I guess these days I'm gonna have to go back and have a private investigator look into my family's history and find out every God Damned thing before I run for office.

When I give a speech everything has to have been checked and cross-checked by lawyers before I ever say anything in public.

I have to read it off of a teleprompter.

This is the situation we have today.

Obama can lie his ass off daily and not suffer for it, but everyone else pays a price for being wrong once.

If anyone here thinks this is the way politics should be then I have a baseball bat I want to introduce you to.

Love the sweet smell of right wingnut bitterness.
I like Rubio. He's pretty cool. This is hardly a "Huge,Huge lie." A huge huge lie would be "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Or "I am not a crook." Rubio will be fine. And i suspect this OP isn't a big Rubio supporter anyway. Just a hunch though. :)
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If this were merely a matter of Rubio being vague or unsure of his parents history, that would be one thing,

but the fact that he had an entire alternative story that he 'knew' and told in detail - a story that just happened to be a useful one (albeit false)

leads to no other reasonable objective conclusion other than that his version was a fabrication.
It's only a "huge,huge lie" if you were never going to support Rubio in the first place. Otherwise,who cares?
A "Huge,Huge lie" is committing perjury and being Impeached and disbarred. This aint no huge,huge lie.
Why are people still blathering on about this useless nonsense?

wth does it have to do with what he's done, doing and planning on doing?
Yeah, I know, pointing out that a Republican senator is a liar is old news.

It's almost as old as pointing out the Democrat murderers.

But that's another topic, not that killing your fellow Americans is on the same level as lying.

I read this story.

Number one, Rubio was told things when he was younger and maybe everything that was told to him was true and he just forgot details or what was told to him was wrong and he was simply relating what was told to him.

My memory of my childhood it very different from what I've been told in adulthood by my older bothers and sisters. Things were kept from me because at the time I was considered too young to be told the whole truth. I believe that this may have happened with Rubio. His parents are Cuban Exiles. You can try to make a mountain out of a molehill but you'll only look foolish.

Btw, Rubio has no intention of running for VP. That should give you assholes 4 more years to make up shit about him.
Problem being he did know the truth, as various interviews over the years show. But he left on his bio that his parents left Cuba after Castro came to power. That's a lie, no matter how you want to pretty it up.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When, at first, we practice to deceive.

The man lied and lied and lied over the yearsa.

He got caught in his lies.

One has to ignore all the changing stories he's told over the years to believe otherwise.
This thread cracks me up..All of a sudden the left is concerned about a person fabricating his life history..

But flat out LIE about your military service and they ELECT them to Congress..

Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When, at first, we practice to deceive.

The man lied and lied and lied over the yearsa.

He got caught in his lies.

One has to ignore all the changing stories he's told over the years to believe otherwise.
Just a guess on my part, but more than likely he pushed the fled from Castro story because it plays better that you fled communism than you fled to improve your economic circumstances when a right wing dictator was in power. At least among his "conservative" supporters.
This thread cracks me up..All of a sudden the left is concerned about a person fabricating his life history..

But flat out LIE about your military service and they ELECT them to Congress..


I didn't say I was concerned about it.

I merely note that the man lied and lied and that he is continuing to lie.

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