Marco Rubio caught in HUGE, HUGE lie.

The Florida political leader has always publicly identified as part of the Cuban exile community. His Senate website says his parents came to America following Fidel Castro’s 1959 takeover.

But media reports Thursday revealed they’d emigrated to the U.S. in 1956. Rubio’s father was a bartender and came for economic reasons. Castro wasn’t even in Cuba when they left.

Florida US Sen. Marco Rubio denies claims he embellished his family’s history - The Washington Post


Another Republican caught red handed, lying. Guess that means he won't be vice president. Not until people forget his lies.

It's like Republicans saying, "But half the country does't pay taxes" when EVERYONE pays sales tax and payroll tax.

You have to listen carefully to everything Republicans say. Even though it's all bullshit over and over again, they repeat the same lies so often, people start to believe them.

What other lies have they been caught saying, recently? Hmm, so many to choose from.

I caught an interview recently with Rubio sounding just like a well-handled politician - groomed, polished and leashed. Answering questions with talking points instead of HIS vision.

Sad. :( Very sad.
My first thought was that he has been lied to his entire life. Who fact checks their parents?

My first thought was 'why is it HUGE HUGE now but when Obama lied about his background, it was no big deal?' (Hint: "Selma got me born"... no, it didn't. He lied. Out and out lie.)

He didn't say he was born "IN" Selma, dipshit.
No, he also didn't say he was born in Kenya, his grandmother did though. Obamaturd is a BIG FAT LIAR, and so is rdean.
The Florida political leader has always publicly identified as part of the Cuban exile community. His Senate website says his parents came to America following Fidel Castro’s 1959 takeover.

But media reports Thursday revealed they’d emigrated to the U.S. in 1956. Rubio’s father was a bartender and came for economic reasons. Castro wasn’t even in Cuba when they left.

Florida US Sen. Marco Rubio denies claims he embellished his family’s history - The Washington Post


Another Republican caught red handed, lying. Guess that means he won't be vice president. Not until people forget his lies.

It's like Republicans saying, "But half the country does't pay taxes" when EVERYONE pays sales tax and payroll tax.

You have to listen carefully to everything Republicans say. Even though it's all bullshit over and over again, they repeat the same lies so often, people start to believe them.

What other lies have they been caught saying, recently? Hmm, so many to choose from.

A retort put together by Ace of Spades, sourced from another paper's analysis of the hit piece, and Rubino's response.

Surprise! WaPo <i>Embellished</i> Sen. Rubio's So-Called Embellished Family Story
From your link:
Rubio apparently never said that his parents fled Castro to come to the United States.

From The Rube's own website:
Biography - About Marco - U.S. Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio
In 1971, Marco was born in Miami to Cuban-born parents who came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover.
The Florida political leader has always publicly identified as part of the Cuban exile community. His Senate website says his parents came to America following Fidel Castro’s 1959 takeover.

But media reports Thursday revealed they’d emigrated to the U.S. in 1956. Rubio’s father was a bartender and came for economic reasons. Castro wasn’t even in Cuba when they left.

Florida US Sen. Marco Rubio denies claims he embellished his family&rsquo;s history - The Washington Post


Another Republican caught red handed, lying. Guess that means he won't be vice president. Not until people forget his lies.

It's like Republicans saying, "But half the country does't pay taxes" when EVERYONE pays sales tax and payroll tax.

You have to listen carefully to everything Republicans say. Even though it's all bullshit over and over again, they repeat the same lies so often, people start to believe them.

What other lies have they been caught saying, recently? Hmm, so many to choose from.

What's that you say.....Nay....Nay...Say It Ain't So.

You Mean Yet Another Low-Life....Belly Crawling....Scum Sucking.....ConJob/NeoNut/RePug/TeaHadist was caught lying!!!!!!

I wish I could say I'm shocked.
The typical definition of Cuban exile down here is someone that fled Castro. So Rubio played fast and loose with the truth. Big deal.

Apparently his parents were illegal immigrants? Who cares.

And being born to illegal immigrants would make Rubio a non natural born citizen eligible for the presidency or vice presidency.
The typical definition of Cuban exile down here is someone that fled Castro. So Rubio played fast and loose with the truth. Big deal.

Apparently his parents were illegal immigrants? Who cares.

And being born to illegal immigrants would make Rubio a non natural born citizen eligible for the presidency or vice presidency.
Nope. He was born here, he's an American.

Unless he identifies with being Cuban. Then he can just fuck off.
The best part about it is that first, Obama has been such a big fuck-up that Progressives are reduced to shit like this and second, nobody gives a fuck anyway.

Who the fuck cares and who the fuck cares what the LMSM thinks of as a scandal anymore?
The Florida political leader has always publicly identified as part of the Cuban exile community. His Senate website says his parents came to America following Fidel Castro’s 1959 takeover.

But media reports Thursday revealed they’d emigrated to the U.S. in 1956. Rubio’s father was a bartender and came for economic reasons. Castro wasn’t even in Cuba when they left.

Florida US Sen. Marco Rubio denies claims he embellished his family&rsquo;s history - The Washington Post


Another Republican caught red handed, lying. Guess that means he won't be vice president. Not until people forget his lies.

It's like Republicans saying, "But half the country does't pay taxes" when EVERYONE pays sales tax and payroll tax.

You have to listen carefully to everything Republicans say. Even though it's all bullshit over and over again, they repeat the same lies so often, people start to believe them.

What other lies have they been caught saying, recently? Hmm, so many to choose from.

A retort put together by Ace of Spades, sourced from another paper's analysis of the hit piece, and Rubino's response.

Surprise! WaPo <i>Embellished</i> Sen. Rubio's So-Called Embellished Family Story
From your link:
Rubio apparently never said that his parents fled Castro to come to the United States.

From The Rube's own website:
Biography - About Marco - U.S. Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio
In 1971, Marco was born in Miami to Cuban-born parents who came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover.
operative word: following.
The best part about it is that first, Obama has been such a big fuck-up that Progressives are reduced to shit like this and second, nobody gives a fuck anyway.

Who the fuck cares and who the fuck cares what the LMSM thinks of as a scandal anymore?

The Florida political leader has always publicly identified as part of the Cuban exile community. His Senate website says his parents came to America following Fidel Castro’s 1959 takeover.

But media reports Thursday revealed they’d emigrated to the U.S. in 1956. Rubio’s father was a bartender and came for economic reasons. Castro wasn’t even in Cuba when they left.

Florida US Sen. Marco Rubio denies claims he embellished his family&rsquo;s history - The Washington Post


Another Republican caught red handed, lying. Guess that means he won't be vice president. Not until people forget his lies.

It's like Republicans saying, "But half the country does't pay taxes" when EVERYONE pays sales tax and payroll tax.

You have to listen carefully to everything Republicans say. Even though it's all bullshit over and over again, they repeat the same lies so often, people start to believe them.

What other lies have they been caught saying, recently? Hmm, so many to choose from.

A retort put together by Ace of Spades, sourced from another paper's analysis of the hit piece, and Rubino's response.

Surprise! WaPo <i>Embellished</i> Sen. Rubio's So-Called Embellished Family Story

thx for that dersves to be posetd I think;

But the top of the [Washington Post] story suggests Rubio himself has given this "dramatatic account:" that "he was the son of exiles, he told audiences, Cuban Americans forced off their beloved island after 'a thug,' Fidel Castro, took power."

However, the story doesn't cite one speech where Rubio actually said that.


To back up the lead, the Washington Post excerpts from a 2006 address in the Florida House where Rubio said “in January of 1959 a thug named Fidel Castro took power in Cuba and countless Cubans were forced to flee... Today your children and grandchildren are the secretary of commerce of the United States and multiple members of Congress...and soon, even speaker of the Florida House.”

The catch: If you listen to the speech, Rubio isn't just talking about those who specifically fled Cuba after Castro took power. He doesn't say that his parents fled Cuba. Instead, he was talking about "a community of exiles." That is: He was talking about all the Cubans who live in Miami.


“To suggest my family’s story is embellished for political gain is outrageous. The dates I have given regarding my family’s history have always been based on my parents’ recollections of events that occurred over 55 years ago and which were relayed to me by them more than two decades after they happened. I was not made aware of the exact dates until very recently.

“What’s important is that the essential facts of my family’s story are completely accurate. My parents are from Cuba. After arriving in the United States, they had always hoped to one day return to Cuba if things improved and traveled there several times. In 1961, my mother and older siblings did in fact return to Cuba while my father stayed behind wrapping up the family’s matters in the U.S. After just a few weeks living there, she fully realized the true nature of the direction Castro was taking Cuba and returned to the United States one month later, never to return.

"They were exiled from the home country they tried to return to because they did not want to live under communism. That is an undisputed fact and to suggest otherwise is outrageous.”

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