Marco Rubio doing a "Palin" and cant name one source for climate denial

He dodged the question completely, although to be fair it's a bit of a 'gotcha.' It'd be tough to come up with the name of a study off the top of your head, unlike the name of a periodical your routinely read.

I also thought he raised some good points. The United States isn't the planet, only a portion, and alone we likely cannot completely stop global warming regardless of the cause. That said, we also don't have to throw up our hands and give up, either. We can lead the rest of the world if we choose to, although I will also say that we must measure the cost of our efforts against the impact they would have carefully.

To lead the world would require a leader. We currently do not have one of those.
He dodged the question completely, although to be fair it's a bit of a 'gotcha.' It'd be tough to come up with the name of a study off the top of your head, unlike the name of a periodical your routinely read.

I also thought he raised some good points. The United States isn't the planet, only a portion, and alone we likely cannot completely stop global warming regardless of the cause. That said, we also don't have to throw up our hands and give up, either. We can lead the rest of the world if we choose to, although I will also say that we must measure the cost of our efforts against the impact they would have carefully.

To lead the world would require a leader. We currently do not have one of those.

are you trying to say that you'd like the president to act unilaterally on climate issues?
oh brother, he did a Palin

how old are some of you?

When any of you can answer the questions to become a governor, then you might have a leg to stand on

now go play
only the founder Greenpeace says global warming not caused by humans

libs are losers who lie to themselves
You obviously

Did I start this thread?

Yes :rolleyes:

Can you show us one time in any record where CO2 drove climate because all the data that exists clearly shows it lagging temperature

That would require the findings of scientists. You dont believe scientists so why are you asking?

The charts are out there, there's a 600,000 year long data set that shows CO2 lagging temperature.

I believe scientists, I don't believe AGWCultists
Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent ...


May 30, 2013 - Global warming is happening (but not that much and not that much by ... on the site had to do with their experience spamming Skeptical Science. ... If you and your friends take such great delight in misleading people, ... I (apparently incredibly successfully) threw them off with a fake post of my last name.
World's top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just ...

Home | Mail Online...

Daily Mail

Sep 14, 2013 - A leaked copy of the world's most authoritative climate study reveals scientific ... Scientists accept their computers may have exaggerated .... The Met Office said it would examine the paper and respond in due course. ... a climate scientist with a long list of peer-reviewed publications to her name, disagreed.
Hey Rubio why do you believe what you're saying?

Rubio: Uhhhh! I got nothing

The Gop: Go Rubioooo!!!
Rubio, like a politician who is chock full of bullshit, avoided answering the question.

“I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it,” Rubio said on ABC's "This Week."

Marco Rubio says human activity isn't causing climate change*-*Los Angeles Times

When asked to cite what "information, reports, studies or otherwise" he used to reach this conclusion by the journalist in the OP clip, Rubio fell on his face.

Maybe hotshot Trey Gowdy should ask Rubio who his sources are, eh?
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Hey Rubio why do you believe what you're saying?

Rubio: Uhhhh! I got nothing

The Gop: Go Rubioooo!!!

ive seeN several posts that refute your shit, but like all liberals you live in a vaccum. So youre ass got kicked and youre a denier.....nice....and ironic.....
Rubio, like a politician who is chock full of bullshit, avoided answering the question.

“I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it,” Rubio said on ABC's "This Week."

Marco Rubio says human activity isn't causing climate change*-*Los Angeles Times

When asked to cite his sources by the journalist in the OP clip, Rubio fell on his face.

Maybe Trey Gowdy should ask Rubio who his sources are, eh?

You need sources that tell you what you should think? You can't come to your own conclusions?


Senator Rubio, what information, reports, studies or otherwise are you relying on to conclude humans are not causing climate change?



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