Marco Rubio endorses Amazon unionization effort, bringing bipartisan support

I wonder if this whole Amazon Alabama unionization thing is just a maneuver by Walmart to plague their archrival with the wiseguys?

Alabama is a WMT hot spot, and creating discord among the Amazonians would be to their benefit. Big Labor has been trying to muscle their way into Walmart for decades, the leadership at WMT has to know at least some of the caporegimes working at UFCW.

If the Alabama Amazon center unionizes, I would expect the company to simply close it and fire all the employees.
everyone should consider joining a union. unions are a good thing!

The House is working on a bill supporting and protecting unionization efforts.

After spending his career crusading against unions I'll reserve my opinion till I see how he votes.
He is just showing that he feels his voter base hates Amazon more than unions
We'll see how he votes on the House' union bill.
everyone should consider joining a union. unions are a good thing!

The House is working on a bill supporting and protecting unionization efforts.

After spending his career crusading against unions I'll reserve my opinion till I see how he votes.
He is just showing that he feels his voter base hates Amazon more than unions

Or he doesn't want to lose elections any more.
If Republicans feel they have to start supporting unions to win elections; that would be a good thing
Really? Know any honest elected Republicans? Especially Rubio?

It will be a good thing when their votes line up with their rhetoric.
everyone should consider joining a union. unions are a good thing!

The House is working on a bill supporting and protecting unionization efforts.

After spending his career crusading against unions I'll reserve my opinion till I see how he votes.
He is just showing that he feels his voter base hates Amazon more than unions

Or he doesn't want to lose elections any more.
If Republicans feel they have to start supporting unions to win elections; that would be a good thing

Depends on the union they're supporting; at Amazon, yes, the current teachers unions, no.
Your hypocrisy is showing, Republican.
Bombing Syria was Joe following Barry's order, perhaps a test to ensure Joe was his loyal [email protected] a failed distraction attempt to cover all the damage he did to this country his 1st 10 days in office.....perhaps both.
But the right wingers tell us we can never be prosperous unless 95% of the country works for nothing and lives in cardboard boxes and fights over rich peoples' table scraps.

workers do not need a union to make a good living

but they do need fair labor practices such as liberals not flooding the labor market with illegal aliens
everyone should consider joining a union. unions are a good thing!

The House is working on a bill supporting and protecting unionization efforts.

After spending his career crusading against unions I'll reserve my opinion till I see how he votes.
He is just showing that he feels his voter base hates Amazon more than unions

Or he doesn't want to lose elections any more.
If Republicans feel they have to start supporting unions to win elections; that would be a good thing

Depends on the union they're supporting; at Amazon, yes, the current teachers unions, no.
Your hypocrisy is showing, Republican.

I'm not a Republican; I'm a moderate independent with mostly conservative opinions. You right wing ideologue hypocrites keep losing elections because your sociopathic class warfare beleifs are just as bad for the country as the left wingers are. The only real differences area t least some of you make noises as if you;'re patriots and will admit Wall Street needs 'adjusting' and multinationals might not be all that grand after all, now that all that 'free trade' wasn't so free after all.
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But the right wingers tell us we can never be prosperous unless 95% of the country works for nothing and lives in cardboard boxes and fights over rich peoples' table scraps.

workers do not need a union to make a good living

but they do need fair labor practices such as liberals not flooding the labor market with illegal aliens

Businesses also flood the country with 'legal' aliens, so they're no different re tactics. And, businesses collude to hold wages down, always have, especially in the tech industries, so quit pretending there is some sort of 'free market' is that going spring up if anybody voted for Republicans instead of the other Brand X. Business and finance have being buying protection from 'free markets' since the first colonists set foot on this continent, and right wingers never do anything to stop it, which is why they're now losing elections to complete idiots. The U.S.Chamber Of Commerce has always loved themsome illegal alien labor as well, only now after it's far too late, Republican morons suddenly figured out they and their anchor babies start voting and decided they will snivel about it and pretended Democrats did it all. Too late for that lie to fly.
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I wonder if this whole Amazon Alabama unionization thing is just a maneuver by Walmart to plague their archrival with the wiseguys?

Alabama is a WMT hot spot, and creating discord among the Amazonians would be to their benefit. Big Labor has been trying to muscle their way into Walmart for decades, the leadership at WMT has to know at least some of the caporegimes working at UFCW.

If the Alabama Amazon center unionizes, I would expect the company to simply close it and fire all the employees.

Good, generate tens of thousands new Democrat voters with that silly juvenile Freeper rubbish; that'll teach em! lol you can't even win against lunatics and bizarre sexual deviants as it is now, and you want to double down on Stupid.
That would be you and your Town Hall crowd's wet dream for the future, and why you love Red China. The Gilded Age was your dream era, when company owners could hire private armies to gun down workers and replace them with unlimited immigrants from overseas with no government interference. Sooner or later those immigrants will vote, which is why you Republican tards who loved criminal illegal alien employees now find you can't even beat lunatics like Pelosi, AOC, and Biden in elections. You're as big a problem as the left wing loons when it comes to selling out the country for a fast buck..

If you have this sort of hallucination regularly, you should probably be institutionalized for your own safety.

lol you halfwits still don't get why you lost; it's because you're idiots, and it's you who need to be institutionalized, and your Chairman Joe you got in put in the White House is going stump train you sheep.
We lost because of Lying, Cheating and stealing.....

You lost because your silly class warfare policies don't work, they never have, and people reject them en masse.
everyone should consider joining a union. unions are a good thing!

Right wingers'after going to be very conflicted about this.

they keep painting themselves into corners with cognitively dissonant ideological rubbish and then sniveling it wasn't what they really meant n stuff. 'Reaganomics' failed most people, it was just, rubbish,'Libertarianism' the same only worse. Time to dump the kiddie crap and go back to moderate and conservative blends and dump the stupid witless ideologies, left or right.
But the right wingers tell us we can never be prosperous unless 95% of the country works for nothing and lives in cardboard boxes and fights over rich peoples' table scraps. Surely you're wrong.
Wow, I'm glad that's not happening. That would be sad.

That would be you and your Town Hall crowd's wet dream for the future, and why you love Red China. The Gilded Age was your dream era, when company owners could hire private armies to gun down workers and replace them with unlimited immigrants from overseas with no government interference. Sooner or later those immigrants will vote, which is why you Republican tards who loved criminal illegal alien employees now find you can't even beat lunatics like Pelosi, AOC, and Biden in elections. You're as big a problem as the left wing loons when it comes to selling out the country for a fast buck..
I think you'd better get that foil helmet checked. The mind reading circuits are giving you a feedback loop and you're picking up conflicting signals from the far east. It's okay, we've seen this before. Just take it down to the alley behind the Piggly Wiggly on 4th and meet with Guido. He has the tools to fix you right up and you'll be back in the mind reading business in no time. Bring cash.

lol you tatds lost to Biden, a criminal who can't even remember what day it is, and you can never hide that fact, dumbass.
And the Democrats voted for him. that alone tells you what idiots the democrats are

I don't disagree. but it is also obvious the 'Free Traders' don't actually want real 'free markets', and never have, so it's just as stupid to think anybody will vote for them. Trump got a lot of votes because he catered to neither wing, nor because he was a Republican. Even with election fraud he should have won, but his own Party cost him the election, and led him to appoint bad judges, etc., and only idiots fail to notice that.
Good, generate tens of thousands new Democrat voters with that silly juvenile Freeper rubbish; that'll teach em! lol you can't even win against lunatics and bizarre sexual deviants as it is now, and you want to double down on Stupid.
Are you on some sort of drugs? Did you quote the wrong post? Did you even READ what you quoted?
But the right wingers tell us we can never be prosperous unless 95% of the country works for nothing and lives in cardboard boxes and fights over rich peoples' table scraps. Surely you're wrong. We need to be Somalia, only with swarms of illegal alien criminals sacking the place. It's the only solution to uppity white proles and their icky anti -globalist Americanism n stuff.
I'm not opposed to unions...only corrupt unions. Unfortunately most unions become corrupt unions.
Unions legally extort money from members and donate it to Democrats in return for government favors and contracts.

Unions suck. They're corrupt.
But the right wingers tell us we can never be prosperous unless 95% of the country works for nothing and lives in cardboard boxes and fights over rich peoples' table scraps. Surely you're wrong. We need to be Somalia, only with swarms of illegal alien criminals sacking the place. It's the only solution to uppity white proles and their icky anti -globalist Americanism n stuff.
I'm not opposed to unions...only corrupt unions. Unfortunately most unions become corrupt unions.

Most everything becomes corrupt sooner or late; Unions are only as good as its members, but unions don't bribe pols nearly as effectively as big banks and big multinationals, and unions are easier to clean up. When I read the early history of the U.S I don't see them letting corporations run amuck, or even allowing many corporations the right to limited liability, which is dispensed these days for essentially nothing, any idiot qualifies for the exemption.

Time for moderates and conservatives to dump the fringe nutjobs, as Buckley and Goldwater did in the 1960's. DEmocrats have always been corrupt and relying on fraud for over two hundred years, that's a given, so complaining about that isn't a real excuse, just an observation, and few Republicans or reform Democrats ever prosecute them for it, so no point in sniveling forever about it.
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Good, generate tens of thousands new Democrat voters with that silly juvenile Freeper rubbish; that'll teach em! lol you can't even win against lunatics and bizarre sexual deviants as it is now, and you want to double down on Stupid.
Are you on some sort of drugs? Did you quote the wrong post? Did you even READ what you quoted?

Are you trying to fake intelligence again? lol that's cute.
But the right wingers tell us we can never be prosperous unless 95% of the country works for nothing and lives in cardboard boxes and fights over rich peoples' table scraps. Surely you're wrong. We need to be Somalia, only with swarms of illegal alien criminals sacking the place. It's the only solution to uppity white proles and their icky anti -globalist Americanism n stuff.
I am unsure who told you that....but it certainly wasn't someone from the fact what you describe is what we see in left wing lead countries, such as China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea

Not in countries that promote right wing values such as individual liberty and free will and self determination

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