Marco Rubio--is he too far right on Marijuana--to strong on Military to win the General Election?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I have always liked Marco Rubio--but a couple of things disturb me about him.

I live in Colorado where the voters of this state voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The state highly regulates this industry, and it's regulated like alcohol and tobacco. We have no marijuana related crime, and it's brought (more than expected state tax revenue) and created lots of jobs.

But what the REAL problem for Marco Rubio and others like him is they don't seem to understand that REPUBLICANS in mass voted for legalization. In El Paso County, CO and home to Focus on the Family voted for it, along with other Republican strongholds in this state.

Alaska being an all red state voted for it. With Colorado & Washington being the 1st there are another 7 states that intend to put legalization on the ballot in 2016. Rubio's stance is it's against Federal Law--but I really don't want any President that doesn't respect the 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution--(States Rights). Marco Rubio doesn't seem to get that concept has yet.
Marco Rubio on Drugs

Marco Rubio is definitely a hawk and believes the United States should be first to go. He voted against the sequester, which cut military spending. He will put more money to the defense budget with a 18 trillion dollar deficit and ever climbing. I haven't heard of any cuts he wants to make to the budget, but I think we can assume it won't be to the military budget, in fact that spending will most likely increase under his administration.

Your Thoughts?
if Rubio spent more time talking about what he believes in, vs. his incessant stream of lies and innuendo about about Clinton, people might listen. I personally tune out any candidate who projects as much negativity as he does. He's really inexperienced and a bit of a hothead, but obviously smart. I don't see him as Presidential material. He may get the nomination but ONLY because he's Latino.
Rubio is as dishonest as they come. Everything from his murky voting record that he is trying to distance himself from to his sunny day Christianity which he brings out to suit himself to his fundamental misunderstanding of foreign policy.
if Rubio spent more time talking about what he believes in, vs. his incessant stream of lies and innuendo about about Clinton, people might listen. I personally tune out any candidate who projects as much negativity as he does. He's really inexperienced and a bit of a hothead, but obviously smart. I don't see him as Presidential material. He may get the nomination but ONLY because he's Latino.
Sure you do.
if Rubio spent more time talking about what he believes in, vs. his incessant stream of lies and innuendo about about Clinton, people might listen. I personally tune out any candidate who projects as much negativity as he does. He's really inexperienced and a bit of a hothead, but obviously smart. I don't see him as Presidential material. He may get the nomination but ONLY because he's Latino.

If you're any candidate in this race, (democrat or republican) that doesn't know that the overwhelming majority in this country today want marijuana legalized--then you're going to have issues when it comes to all these states that are in the process of doing just that.
Majority of Americans Now Support Marijuana Legalization

People are sick and tired of wasting taxpayer dollars on people for prosecution and incarceration over marijuana. Jails & prisons are for violent offenders not someone smoking a joint on the corner.

The benefit of states who legalize marijuana, and grow and sell their own, is it keeps violent Mexican drug cartels out of the equation. They grow marijuana on the cheap in Mexico, and they use those profits to make their hard core drugs, meth, heroin & cocaine. That's why Mexico begged us a few years ago to legalize marijuana. The State benefits from the tax revenue and it provides decent jobs to the people that work in this industry. There is no crime associated with it.

As far as the military which makes up for a huge budget, the only other place to cut would be social security and Medicare. So I would like to see how Rubio plans to do that with while he intends on increasing spending for the military.
If it takes Rubio to beat Trump, I'm all for him. I'd also take him over Cruz. As far as the general election goes, I can't see Hillary or Bernie beating any of those three nor a half dozen others.
If it takes Rubio to beat Trump, I'm all for him. I'd also take him over Cruz. As far as the general election goes, I can't see Hillary or Bernie beating any of those three nor a half dozen others.

Cruz or Trump would be a gift to Democrats.

Trump has already lost by he and his supporters chasing off 17% of the population, Hispanics, when Republicans need at least 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this block.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Cruz---would never win Independents a must win for Republicans, since they are the minority party. And he wouldn't win women either. He has a too far right abortion stance. The final nail in his campaign coffin is he was actually born in Canada, and there several viable threats out there now, that if he is the nominee, his eligibility would be challenged. Plus he has this horrible video out there, that you know Democrats would run 24/7 in an advertisement.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

I think Marco Rubio is capable of winning, but before I would ever vote for him, he is going to have to publicly acknowledge States rights regarding marijuana, and explain how he is going to cut the deficit while increasing spending on the military.
Trump is pro legal marijuana.

Trump position on Marijuana

• Donald Trump has never smoked marijuana.

• He would legalize it and tax it.

• He thinks that legalization would save a lot of money in our prisons and courts and profit the states.​
"Marco Rubio--is he too far right on Marijuana--to strong on Military to win the General Election?"

Rubio is too far right on most issues – and is consequently wrong on most issues – such as privacy rights, voting rights, equal protection rights for gay Americans, and birthright citizenship; Rubio is a social conservative, and in conflict with most Americans on these and other issues.

Rubio is also wrong on fiscal policy, foreign policy, and healthcare reform – to be fair to Rubio, however, so are all the other republican candidates.
My thoughts are that Rubio is an idiot.

I agree with this. I wouldn't really be voting for Rubio, I'd be voting for whoever stuck their hand up Rubio's backside and made his mouth move. I've seen no evidence that Rubio is smart.
Rubio has the best chance of winning. The right is not going to vote for Hillary or stay home because Rubio opposes MJ legalization. Would it be better if he revised his stance on the issue? Yes. That does not mean such will be a massive deciding factor in his election. I don't think that there are enough people out there that would actually vote based on that issue.

Military spending? That is another animal altogether. Americans are tired of war and I would hope that Rubio recognizes that basic and obvious fact.

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