Marco Rubio Presidential Hope, R.I.P.

Interesting that everyone is talking about the next presidential campaign when Hussein hasn't even finished the first year of his 2nd term. Democrats will have their hands full with the world class enabler for her husband's infidelity angling for the nomination.
What's truly scary is how fast Rubio has been corrupted in this. He hasnt even completed his first term yet.

What is amazing is how fast Republicans jump on and off the bandwagon

They did the same thing in the GOP primaries with their favored candidate of the week

Didn't Democrats like you have a giant orgasm over Hillary during the 2008 primaries? I thought as much.

They did but quickly ditched her like a bad case of poison ivy and embraced O.
yep. Another so-called, con to throw on the bone pile. :thup: He's prolly been promised future employment (see what "a DeMint" is ;) ) T-Party politicians sell-out. :rofl: Delicious. :eusa_drool: I think they also know their party is doomed if they keep villianizing latinos.
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Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

Its the same with all the Republican hopefuls everytime without fail. A New repub rises gets everyones hopes up because they know nothing about him other than silly empty shit like "He seems to be...", "He has true character." "Strong" then that person opens their mouth with thoughts.

Suddenly that new shiny toy repub is no longer a "true conservative". Its the same pattern. Repubs can Never find a "true republican" to run but swears it exists.
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

Its the same with all the Republican hopefuls everytime without fail. A New repub rises gets everyones hopes up because they know nothing about him other than silly empty shit like "He seems to be...", "He has true character." "Strong" then that person opens their mouth with thoughts.

Suddenly that new shiny toy repub is no longer a "true conservative". Its the same pattern. Repubs can Never find a "true republican" to run but swears it exists.

Looks like we are in for a repeat of the 2012 election as Republicans seek their Holy Grail
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

Comrade Frank, like several of the white nationalists here, is drinking early this morning.

Remember how you get on the conservatives for calling someone a commie or a socialist? Calling Frank "comrade" is just about as bad.

Now you crying that you can't take what you dish out. What a girl.

Talk polite, use real definitions and terms, know the accurate narrative, and you will get the same. But until then, whiny boy, you are Comrade Frank.
I believe that his point was that they are no different than us in that regard

I'm sure they are. Why make such an insulting statement to the rest of us?
Could you link to this ad? I looked but all I could find was Rush having a hissy fit about it.

I can't find it either but I hear it all the time in s texas. That's part of his ad and he makes a whiny pitch to the part I mentioned. I've always thought it implied that people love their families and to single out a certain group as a way of lifting them up as we should do this just because "they love their families" is a bit ludicrous and contrived.
Small Tent Republicans boot out another "RINO" for failing the ideological purity test. It's almost like they're trying to lose.

Good thing Reagan wasn't around today. That amnesty-granting liberal wouldn't have a prayer in the primaries.
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Our Conservative Allies need to stop believing every idiot libtard asswipe that comes down the pike proclaiming the end of the Republican Party because, blah-blah said blah.

Rubio has been remarkably consistent in his immigration stance.

What's going on here, folks is that dimocraps are afraid of Rubio.

He's young, good-looking, Latino, articulate and there's not enough background on him to soil his reputation.

IOW, he's very much like the last two dimocrap POS-TUS -- The Rapist, Clinton and the Manchurian Moonbat, obama.

Nobody knew who they were coming out of the primaries. And they got elected because of it.

Hitlery would have had her hands full with McRINO. Believe it.

Here's an article from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM. And trust me, if THEY are defending Rubio.....???

PolitiFact | Rep. Dana Rohrabacher says Sen. Marco Rubio?s claims differ in Spanish

Our ruling

Rohrabacher claimed on WND Radio that Rubio "all along has been saying, 'We have to have border security first. And then, he, you know, when he gets on Spanish TV, he ends up saying, 'No, no. That will never get in the way' or, 'Legalization status isn't contingent on border control.’"

We found, instead, that Rubio has explained the Senate bill’s multistep process, starting with a border security plan, in his English-language interviews with conservative hosts. He clarified that immigrants would be eligible to apply for provisional status at the same time.

In Spanish, he also emphasized border security, but explained that immigrants would be eligible for provisional status — "legalization" — before the Obama administration left office.

Rubio emphasized different parts of the bill’s process depending on his audience — particularly what he described as happening "first." But his explanations described the bill’s provisions the same way, in both English and in Spanish. We rate Rohrabacher’s claim Mostly False.
What's truly scary is how fast Rubio has been corrupted in this. He hasnt even completed his first term yet.

So what!?

Obama set the precedent that NOT completing first term as either a State Senator or United States senator is a resume enhancer when one goes for the Presidency.

And then grin, taking million dollar VACATIONS AT TAXPAYER'S EXPENSE, like a typical noveau riche who lucked into the jackpot of Powerball.
Small Tent Republicans boot out another "RINO" for failing the ideological purity test. It's almost like they're trying to lose.

Good thing Reagan wasn't around today. That amnesty-granting liberal wouldn't have a prayer in the primaries.

He passed it in 86 and Rs lost hispanic voters in 88. Now they're pitching the same thing all over again. Weird huh?
Comrade Frank, like several of the white nationalists here, is drinking early this morning.

Remember how you get on the conservatives for calling someone a commie or a socialist? Calling Frank "comrade" is just about as bad.

Now you crying that you can't take what you dish out. What a girl.

Talk polite, use real definitions and terms, know the accurate narrative, and you will get the same. But until then, whiny boy, you are Comrade Frank.

A REAL Comrade Frank would advocate what the REAL Comrades did during the years of Cold War.

You know, they called it the IRON CURTAIN.

Guards every 100 yards. Shoot first, ask questions later, if ever.

How many breached that Iron Curtain and lived to tell about it?

Not securing the border is like trying to bail out the water in your basement when your pipe burst, without shutting off the water valve first.
Marco started off with a bang, he was a true Conservative and was able to articulate why Conservatism is the greatest political philosophy on the planet, responsibly for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

But having stayed in Washington DC too long, he's become infected with deadly poison of progressive ideology with respect to "immigration" which is really blanket amnesty and will destroy the Republican Party and this once great nation.

Marco, adios. Go enjoy being Chuck Schumer's Ideological fuck buddy.

You should know that you're doing something very very very wrong Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer support you.

Rubio figured it was ether sell-out or be destroyed by the state-run media.

He took the easy way out.

I'll never trust him or anyone who wants to pass immigration reform, and here's why:

Nothing they agree to will do what it says it will do. All they need is a bill (excuse). They'll change it even after it's signed. It won't do what it was supposed to do. What it will do is help the Democrats flood states with newly documented foreigners sucking up all of the handouts and torpedoing the wage scale. It will be like living in Germany after the reunification. 30 million new citizens needing something to prop them up, temporarily, till they can get back on their feet. The German social nest-egg was essentially gone after reunification.

Imagine having to pay half of your wages to support the impoverished. Try living in California and you'll understand what I'm talking about. The state is too expensive to live in unless you're on government assistance. You can't find a job that pays worth a damn unless you work for the government. The taxes are so high that it chased jobs and residents out into Arizona, Oregon, and Washington state. California is a dead state with an upper class and a lower class and very little in between. Most of the voters can't afford to improve their lot in life, they simply exist. This is what the Dems have in store for the rest of us if they get this passed.
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Our Conservative Allies need to stop believing every idiot libtard asswipe that comes down the pike proclaiming the end of the Republican Party because, blah-blah said blah.

Our reactionary "allies" are pulling down the Republican Party.

We need to secure the border, implement immigration reform, and impose economic sanctions.

If we show we were willing to implement all three but the Dems waffled on the border security, we can keep the House next year and may take the Senate.

If we don't, we are toast.

The asswipe reactionaries are trying to kill the Republican party.

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