Marco Rubio Presidential Hope, R.I.P.

yep, that tea partier got to washington, was introduced to his corporate paymasters & the rest is history :up: :lol: Plus he caved on immigration to get the hispanic vote w/ his national aspirations & all. If I were a nativist/xenophobic Repub, which most of them are ;) , I wouldn't vote for that amnesty-loving bureaucrat :rofl:
Rubio's big mistake was his speech in Spanish where he said that there would be no border enforcement until there was full legalization. He was saying the exact opposite in English. That statement is what did him in.
I felt Rubio was extremely gullible in thinking things would go as promised by the radical leftist immigration hoax foisted onto taxpayers for a huge shiest of yet more of their family's money.

The Democrats are taking so much of the American family's money to fund pet rock projects that American workers are actually becoming poorly-paid slaves getting pathetically primed for the whip to follow.

you DO realize that big biz (the repubs paymasters) want cheap labor don't you? :eusa_eh: You think organized labor wants to compete w/ low wage immigrants? Thats why they worked out a deal you cumb dunt!!!
Remember how you get on the conservatives for calling someone a commie or a socialist? Calling Frank "comrade" is just about as bad.

Now you crying that you can't take what you dish out. What a girl.

Talk polite, use real definitions and terms, know the accurate narrative, and you will get the same. But until then, whiny boy, you are Comrade Frank.

I'll talk in whatever manner I please. But if you are going to get your panties in a wad when someone talks over your head, I suggest you keep quiet instead of making an idiot of yourself. I am not Comrade Frank, only Frank is Frank. Jake you are a patent hypocrite.

It would be hilarious if you continued your charade as forum cop.

As long as you can't take what you dish, I will keep hammering your rhetorical butt for hypocrisy.

You can't handle it, you cry like a baby, then you whine at me.

You will get more of the same. Always. And you will always whine.

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