Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Wanna see white people?

Go to the Grand Ole Opry or a GOP Convention :lol:

I'm watching the GOP convention with my 15 year old daughter and one of the first questions she asked was, "Why are there just white people there?"

I would say you've done a piss poor job raising your child if at this young age they are alreading focusing on race.

yeah and guess where she got that from, the sick
I'll ask again, since I think some people missed my question the first time:

When you decide who to vote for, do you look at their politics or the color of their skin?

If you look at their politics, then what does the color of their skin matter? Would you like the republicans if they all suddenly got really tan tomorrow? If you think being white is bad, why do Dems vote for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

The point of my original post is that this entire discussion of who's got more supporters or candidates of X ethnic group was pointless.
notice when they talk about people it's, he's black or he's brown..or it's people of color

and then there is young children going around wondering why there is only white people..

liberalism is a sick mental disorder and it's spreading to the youngsters unfortunately
so then why do you think there are so few republicans of color gramps?



Are you really so stupid you dont get it?
Skin color is irrelevant

no it is not.

There are reasons people of color dont like the republicans.

Its not a cowinkydink.

That is a fact and do you EVER listen to black people when they tell you why it is?

No you dont.

You just say they dont matter
They tell your party all the time why they dont like the republican party.

the republican party jsut ignores them
every time racism is pointed out in the republican party the republican party calls the person a liar.
Oh and the cheating in elections for decades to keep black people from voting makes them not like the republican party
He wasn't ready for prime time. He was wiping sweat off his face too. A lot. And you could see how much he needed a drink of water. His lips weren't even moving over his teeth right. He was terrified!

Nixon sweat, he had..

What about his speech? I now see how Obama got elected twice. The people who worry about what dress an actress is wearing instead of the performance she gave. Style over substance. What was it Reid said, Obama was a clean negro? Liberals fall all over themselves when Obama gives a speech with his arrogant nose in the air because he LOOKS presidential. They fall all over themselves again when Rubio takes a drink. In neither instance can they tell you the actual substance of either speech. Liberals are superficial.

That's the thing, he was so inexperienced and dumb that he couldn't handle a 15 minute script. I remember Obama being completely comfortable as the keynote speaker at the Democratic convention and he had never been in front of a crowd like that.

You just have to have it in you and Rube doesn't.

So he took a drink. Quit obfuscating and tell us what you thought about the content of the speech point by point.

By liberal standards, these folks aren't ready for primetime either.




Are you really so stupid you dont get it?
Skin color is irrelevant

no it is not.

There are reasons people of color dont like the republicans.

Its not a cowinkydink.

That is a fact and do you EVER listen to black people when they tell you why it is?

No you dont.

You just say they dont matter

What the fuck are you talking about? You ask me a question and then dismiss my answer. No wonder so many have you on ignore.

And for the record I have NEVER had a black person tell me why they voted the way they did much less tell me its because im racist.

Now why dont you explain why all blacks are racist, jackass. They all voted for Obama therefore they are all racists based on your logic.

Or admit ideology is the biggest factor.
Did you really need 3 seperate posts to say all that?

people of color dont like the republican party

That says something about the "people of color", but nothing about the republicans themselves.

Also, Colin Powell and Condeleeza Rice might disagree with you. Also this other guy named....something Rubio, (oh it's on the tip of my tongue, drawing a blank atm though :razz:)

They tell your party all the time why they dont like the republican party.

the republican party jsut ignores them

Is it a difference of political opinion they don't like? If I say "I don't like Democrats because I think they're communists" will they respond by saying "Oh, sorry for offending you; we'll change our entire political outlook now."

Refusing to change your philosophy just because some one doesn't like it isn't really racism, it's just disagreement.

every time racism is pointed out in the republican party the republican party calls the person a liar.

Calling some one racist doesn't make it so. If I call YOU racist, would you say I'm lying?
the people of color in this country think the repoublican party is racist.

are they all liars?
It is great to see Rubio having the lefties in such abject panic and fear. Oh, this is just the beginning of the hateful attacks on Rubio. He is smart, articulate, can connect with people and has charisma. I truly hope the attacks on Rubio continue to get worse, because it will cost the Democrats big in 2016 and many elections after.

Think about it. Who will the Democrats have to run in 2016, Hillary?? She will not do good against Rubio. She is full of scandals, is ice cold, and she is old. Rubio if he runs, in 2016 will take away a huge percentage of Latino votes, hahahaahaha....can you see Hillary adopting a Latino accent when talking before a Latino know how like she adopted a southern accent when speaking in southern states! :cuckoo:

I see the fear from the left, they know Rubio can beat Hillary, the Democrats have no up and coming young stars, they are just a bunch of washed up old hippies whose politics have destroyed America.

Even Van Jones admitted Rubio is dangerous.

Senator Marco Rubio took a drink of water. The Left finds this hilarious, because small things amuse small minds.

If Hilary had done the same, she would have dissolved like the Wicked Witch Of The West.

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