Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

You all just liove him because you think he can take the hispanic vote at some point. Just like you thought Dan Quayle would get you the women and Dick Cheney.. God only knows why you wanted that guy.
Obama does not read scripts, right? It all comes directly from his brilliant mind. How much did you pay for the last bridge that you purchased?

Your just not getting it are you?

its not scripts, its not how smart he LOOKS, its not how good he looks.

Its the IDEAS that matter.

He said NOTHING new.

its the same old IDEAS the republicans have been rehashing for decades.

YOU know the ones that lost you the last few elections.

You know the ideas the American people keep rejecting.

The historically failed ones.

Get the fuck over your "the ones the American people keep rejecting" BS! Most Obama voters cant think their way out of a wet paper-bag let alone understand what they are voting for...

You all just liove him because you think he can take the hispanic vote at some point. Just like you thought Dan Quayle would get you the women and Dick Cheney.. God only knows why you wanted that guy.

He made Bush look sane?
Oh yeah and this one...

[ame=]Typical Obama Supporters Exposed - YouTube[/ame]
My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

If a Republican is white, he's racist.
If he's not white, he's a sellout.

If a Democrat is white, he's a communist.
If he's not white, he's an entitlement-addict.

Can't we just dislike some one's political views without implications of latent [insert ethnicity here]-phobia? Maybe if the Democrats would stop playing the race card so much the Republicans would stop trotting out every member who had slightly more melanin than average.
I watched a few of the speeches in the most recent presidential election, and I saw african-americans at Romney events, just like I saw caucasians at Obama's. I didn't bother to count and figure out exactly who had more, because it DIDN'T FORKING MATTER.

It's apparently a big deal that Obama is our first (half)black president. I almost want Hillary to run and win in 2016 so we can have out first women president, and than all this stupid "first" BS will be out of the way, and we can get back to debating, y'know, ACTUAL POLITICS.

My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

If a Republican is white, he's racist.
If he's not white, he's a sellout.

If a Democrat is white, he's a communist.
If he's not white, he's an entitlement-addict.

Can't we just dislike some one's political views without implications of latent [insert ethnicity here]-phobia? Maybe if the Democrats would stop playing the race card so much the Republicans would stop trotting out every member who had slightly more melanin than average.
I watched a few of the speeches in the most recent presidential election, and I saw african-americans at Romney events, just like I saw caucasians at Obama's. I didn't bother to count and figure out exactly who had more, because it DIDN'T FORKING MATTER.

It's apparently a big deal that Obama is our first (half)black president. I almost want Hillary to run and win in 2016 so we can have out first women president, and than all this stupid "first" BS will be out of the way, and we can get back to debating, y'know, ACTUAL POLITICS.


Be cautious. This kind of common sense will not go unpunished.
My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

If a Republican is white, he's racist.
If he's not white, he's a sellout.

If a Democrat is white, he's a communist.
If he's not white, he's an entitlement-addict.

Can't we just dislike some one's political views without implications of latent [insert ethnicity here]-phobia? Maybe if the Democrats would stop playing the race card so much the Republicans would stop trotting out every member who had slightly more melanin than average.
I watched a few of the speeches in the most recent presidential election, and I saw african-americans at Romney events, just like I saw caucasians at Obama's. I didn't bother to count and figure out exactly who had more, because it DIDN'T FORKING MATTER.

It's apparently a big deal that Obama is our first (half)black president. I almost want Hillary to run and win in 2016 so we can have out first women president, and than all this stupid "first" BS will be out of the way, and we can get back to debating, y'know, ACTUAL POLITICS.


Do you hate freedom of thought and speech? Do you hate what the majority cares about? Do you hate?
My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

If a Republican is white, he's racist.
If he's not white, he's a sellout.

If a Democrat is white, he's a communist.
If he's not white, he's an entitlement-addict.

Can't we just dislike some one's political views without implications of latent [insert ethnicity here]-phobia? Maybe if the Democrats would stop playing the race card so much the Republicans would stop trotting out every member who had slightly more melanin than average.
I watched a few of the speeches in the most recent presidential election, and I saw african-americans at Romney events, just like I saw caucasians at Obama's. I didn't bother to count and figure out exactly who had more, because it DIDN'T FORKING MATTER.

It's apparently a big deal that Obama is our first (half)black president. I almost want Hillary to run and win in 2016 so we can have out first women president, and than all this stupid "first" BS will be out of the way, and we can get back to debating, y'know, ACTUAL POLITICS.


Do you hate freedom of thought and speech? Do you hate what the majority cares about? Do you hate?

Oh shut up already.
You all just liove him because you think he can take the hispanic vote at some point. Just like you thought Dan Quayle would get you the women and Dick Cheney.. God only knows why you wanted that guy.

He made Bush look sane?

The irony.. :)

His message and age are what I like. He's young and has time to influence the direction of our nation.

You may focus on his race if that is whats important to you. Myself I consider that pretty shallow.
My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

Do you hate freedom of thought and speech? Do you hate what the majority cares about? Do you hate?


Ok, I'm not really sure where this comes from, but I'll break it down one bit at a time.

Do you hate freedom of thought and speech?
No, not at all. I really like this famous quote: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" and I think if more people followed that philosophy, we would have less name-calling and more actual discourse.

Do you hate what the majority cares about?
That depends on what it is. Our government is a democracy, but if 51% of the country votes to have the other 49% executed, something has gone wrong.

I just think the whole race-discussion is kind of pointless; sort of like if politicians decided that the best use of their time and energy was to debate the pros and cons of various pokemon.

Do you hate?
Yes, there are things which I feel exceptionally passionate about and disagree strongly with, even to the point of irrationality. I don't think this makes me a bad person though, I believe it's part of human nature.

Also, if we're going to start judging people's worth by the "are you perfect" standard, there will be very few of us left at all.
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More racist crap from the left. Looks like they really do want to divide America.

Just plain sad.
My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

If a Republican is white, he's racist.
If he's not white, he's a sellout.

If a Democrat is white, he's a communist.
If he's not white, he's an entitlement-addict.

Can't we just dislike some one's political views without implications of latent [insert ethnicity here]-phobia? Maybe if the Democrats would stop playing the race card so much the Republicans would stop trotting out every member who had slightly more melanin than average.
I watched a few of the speeches in the most recent presidential election, and I saw african-americans at Romney events, just like I saw caucasians at Obama's. I didn't bother to count and figure out exactly who had more, because it DIDN'T FORKING MATTER.

It's apparently a big deal that Obama is our first (half)black president. I almost want Hillary to run and win in 2016 so we can have out first women president, and than all this stupid "first" BS will be out of the way, and we can get back to debating, y'know, ACTUAL POLITICS.

ummm..... because if you look at a snapshot of the Repub get togethers they are seas of white faces.
Below is a 180-degree stitched panoramic image taken Thursday night during Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's address at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Use the controls on the upper left to zoom in for more detailed views.
Panoramic: 2012 Republican National Convention
He made Bush look sane?

The irony.. :)

His message and age are what I like. He's young and has time to influence the direction of our nation.

You may focus on his race if that is whats important to you. Myself I consider that pretty shallow.

he's got a combover if you hadn't noticed. How young can he be?

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