Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Rubio scares them. They start attacking strong opposition years in advance of a presidential bid. Rubio scares them because he opposes them and he is from the new voting block they seek to enslave and control.

Not really. I had heard that Rubio is pretty dumb and I've been waiting for something to happen with him. It did. He embarrassed himself like Rick Perry did so often. Hispanics aren't his voting block, he's a Republican. Try to remember that.

Who knows, maybe it's the worst thing that will happen to him. These responses don't work out well for Republicans though, do they.

Aha, you heard Rubio was dumb. I guess that settles it then, right? After all you did hear it.
Did you hear it or read it? Was it on a weekend ? Day or night? We need the important facts ..

Anyone can read scripts and that is what he has been doing. He tried his best to blast the president, pretending that he had a lot of support so whatever he says is ok but it backfired with his unfortunate water issues.. :lol:
My thoughts on Rubio-

I think the problem is "We gots us a minority" from the far right fails to recognize that the divides within that community.

Because of our silly policies towards Cuba, we gave Cuba immigrants all sorts of privilages their Mexican counterparts didn't get. While we build fences to keep Mexicans out, we offered Cubans bribes to brave shark infested waters because we are still upset after 50 years that Castro "Unfriended" us. Seriously, it's like foriegn policy written by 16 year old girls.

All that said- I'm just not seeing what the big whoop is about. Much like Piyush Jindal, you guys think you can take the same anti-worker, misogynistic, racist, plutocratic and religious fanatic shit and put in a new box and sell it.

My thoughts on Rubio-

I think the problem is "We gots us a minority" from the far right fails to recognize that the divides within that community.

Because of our silly policies towards Cuba, we gave Cuba immigrants all sorts of privilages their Mexican counterparts didn't get. While we build fences to keep Mexicans out, we offered Cubans bribes to brave shark infested waters because we are still upset after 50 years that Castro "Unfriended" us. Seriously, it's like foriegn policy written by 16 year old girls.

All that said- I'm just not seeing what the big whoop is about. Much like Piyush Jindal, you guys think you can take the same anti-worker, misogynistic, racist, plutocratic and religious fanatic shit and put in a new box and sell it.


so are you going to trash Obama for that too? not only did he receive aid, he probably lied on the application. but of course he's so transparent we haven't seen any of his records
Not really. I had heard that Rubio is pretty dumb and I've been waiting for something to happen with him. It did. He embarrassed himself like Rick Perry did so often. Hispanics aren't his voting block, he's a Republican. Try to remember that.

Who knows, maybe it's the worst thing that will happen to him. These responses don't work out well for Republicans though, do they.

Aha, you heard Rubio was dumb. I guess that settles it then, right? After all you did hear it.
Did you hear it or read it? Was it on a weekend ? Day or night? We need the important facts ..

In her world only liberals and Democrats are smart..and she thinks Obama is the smartest man in her world
it's a obsession with some people

More like a chronic addiction. Last smart democrat that I talked to was leaving the party for greener pastures. I gave him 5 bucks and told him to not spending it all in one place. You know , to spread the wealth around like his former master Obama does....:lol:
My thoughts on Rubio-

I think the problem is "We gots us a minority" from the far right fails to recognize that the divides within that community.

Because of our silly policies towards Cuba, we gave Cuba immigrants all sorts of privilages their Mexican counterparts didn't get. While we build fences to keep Mexicans out, we offered Cubans bribes to brave shark infested waters because we are still upset after 50 years that Castro "Unfriended" us. Seriously, it's like foriegn policy written by 16 year old girls.

All that said- I'm just not seeing what the big whoop is about. Much like Piyush Jindal, you guys think you can take the same anti-worker, misogynistic, racist, plutocratic and religious fanatic shit and put in a new box and sell it.


so are you going to trash Obama for that too? not only did he receive aid, he probably lied on the application. but of course he's so transparent we haven't seen any of his records

Did you listen to his speech?

Rubio did the Romney boilerplate..then admitted he needed government aid and social programs.

It's the "Well I got it..lemme slam the door behind me" meme.
Not really. I had heard that Rubio is pretty dumb and I've been waiting for something to happen with him. It did. He embarrassed himself like Rick Perry did so often. Hispanics aren't his voting block, he's a Republican. Try to remember that.

Who knows, maybe it's the worst thing that will happen to him. These responses don't work out well for Republicans though, do they.

Aha, you heard Rubio was dumb. I guess that settles it then, right? After all you did hear it.
Did you hear it or read it? Was it on a weekend ? Day or night? We need the important facts ..

Anyone can read scripts and that is what he has been doing.

Obama does not read scripts, right? It all comes directly from his brilliant mind. How much did you pay for the last bridge that you purchased?
Aha, you heard Rubio was dumb. I guess that settles it then, right? After all you did hear it.
Did you hear it or read it? Was it on a weekend ? Day or night? We need the important facts ..

Anyone can read scripts and that is what he has been doing.

Obama does not read scripts, right? It all comes directly from his brilliant mind. How much did you pay for the last bridge that you purchased?

13 bucks a day.

Plus part of my taxes. Gets me to to my work, daily.

How about that Joint Strike Fighter, eh?

Watta plane.

Super Stealthy.

Because you can't seem em.

And they made 300 Billion dollars disappear.
Aha, you heard Rubio was dumb. I guess that settles it then, right? After all you did hear it.
Did you hear it or read it? Was it on a weekend ? Day or night? We need the important facts ..

Anyone can read scripts and that is what he has been doing.

Obama does not read scripts, right? It all comes directly from his brilliant mind. How much did you pay for the last bridge that you purchased?

Obama is very intelligent no matter how much you all try to minimize it. You have his bio, education and all yet you continue to claim he he's as braindead as your leadership. Hardly, Obama has had much success these past 4 years in spite of Republican obstruction and talking points.

You can't compare Rubio to Obama. Well you can but you look bad trying.
You Rubio haters are funny, paranoia is setting in. the demagogue and chief Obama will be gone in less than four years, thank G--d. Conservatives have plenty of good people waiting, people who believe in liberty...Hopefully there'll be enough left of the country by then, we do what we can until then to slow down Obama

He wasn't ready for prime time. He was wiping sweat off his face too. A lot. And you could see how much he needed a drink of water. His lips weren't even moving over his teeth right. He was terrified!

Nixon sweat, he had..

That's all you got? He took a drink of water and sweat?

You keep trying with that. By now everyone has seen it and it wasn't just a little glow and a sip of water. Much worse than that.
Democrats are overjoyed. Rubio drank water and now will never be elected to any office ever again.
Democrats are overjoyed. Rubio drank water and now will never be elected to any office ever again.

He is pretty much done. He looked like a clod and Republicans can't trust him to bring their message home. Extreme as it is, they still want someone who can deliver it.
It seems as though ging the GOP response to the SOTU has become the political kiss of death, at least where a run for POTUS is concerned.

Jindal, Bachmann and now Rubio.

Its like a political Madden cover.
Whatever the Grand Old white Party's ploy is to peel away hispanic people from the Dem party, it aint goin to work havin Rubio as their spokesmen because

A) he's cuban & not mexican or puerto rican and that does make a difference ;) and

2) His Daddy fought for Castro :clap2:
why would it be the kiss of death, it wasn't for Obama when he called the military he is in charge of, corps-man?

but taking a drink of water on camer is now a KISS OF DEATH

can you believe this people...

they friggen crack me the hell up
Its not the drink of water that is killing him.

Its that was the ONLY thing of note he did during the speach.

His ideas were the same old historically failed ideas you in the right have rewarming for decades.
Democrats are overjoyed. Rubio drank water and now will never be elected to any office ever again.

He is pretty much done. He looked like a clod and Republicans can't trust him to bring their message home. Extreme as it is, they still want someone who can deliver it.

This is true. We know, from experience, that they're not averse to throwing their own under the bus, as it were :( :lol:
[ame=]How To Pronounce Corpsman - YouTube[/ame]

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