Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Democrats are overjoyed. Rubio drank water and now will never be elected to any office ever again.

He is pretty much done. He looked like a clod and Republicans can't trust him to bring their message home. Extreme as it is, they still want someone who can deliver it.

This is true. We know, from experience, that they're not averse to throwing their own under the bus, as it were :( :lol:

Yeah, the teabaggers threw Bush under the bus and now cons are throwing Rove and Rush there too.
It seems as though ging the GOP response to the SOTU has become the political kiss of death, at least where a run for POTUS is concerned.

Jindal, Bachmann and now Rubio.

Its like a political Madden cover.

Did anyone hear how Rand Paul did? I haven't seen that one either. I'll check it out later when I get home.
It seems as though ging the GOP response to the SOTU has become the political kiss of death, at least where a run for POTUS is concerned.

Jindal, Bachmann and now Rubio.

Its like a political Madden cover.

Did anyone hear how Rand Paul did? I haven't seen that one either. I'll check it out later when I get home.

I listened to part of it. But when he called the President a King..that was enough. That was almost as good as his Turkey question.
Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

Before I go on, am I the only one that thinks Marco Rubio acts, looks, and speaks like the Poster Child for the Reformed Gays Movement? (not that there is anything wrong with that.)

Spanish speakers usually have Spanish language cable stations and radio they listen to. These media have their own translators. Always have and always will. What was the point of having Baby Face Anchor Baby Rubio pull this stunt and did he do as poorly in Spanish as he did in English?

Does the party of Grand Old White America, really think Hispanics are so dumb as to fall for a Tio Tortia being a front man for a political power grab? Maybe they do, they are always calling blacks stupid.

Every time the party of Grand Old White America loses an election we get to hear how they were foloed...fooled into voting for the real democrats. If only blacks would listen to the party of Grand Old White America, they would all get a pair of boots to pull themselves up with, and a chance to be white-for-a-day.

What does the GOP base really think of the Hispanic electorate? What does the GOP leadership think of the Hispanic electorate?

I predict in 8 years they will have developed a strategy to attempt to rip the browns away from the brown/black voting block coalition. Divide and conquer. The only question I have is "Will it succeed?"

Rubio's translation video time frame
Spanish State of the Rubio - The Colbert Report - 2013-13-02 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

The racist left always show their true color when ever a man of color gets them scared. That a man of color dare think outside the liberal left's box for people of color is really scary isn't it Dante? You are such a fucking racist...heal thyself~
It seems as though ging the GOP response to the SOTU has become the political kiss of death, at least where a run for POTUS is concerned.

Jindal, Bachmann and now Rubio.

Its like a political Madden cover.

Did anyone hear how Rand Paul did? I haven't seen that one either. I'll check it out later when I get home.

I listened to part of it. But when he called the President a King..that was enough. That was almost as good as his Turkey question.

He probably called him that because of Obama's executive orders but if they would work with Obama, he would definately cooperate with them.

Obama isn't going to be running again.

And if Bush butchering "nuclear" didn't hurt him, obviously the bar had been set for Obama and corpsman.

but of course it doesn't bother you people he can't even take the time to learn how to pronounce the names of the military he is in charge of..

and the last I heard, nuclear isn't a branch of our military, stupid
Aha, you heard Rubio was dumb. I guess that settles it then, right? After all you did hear it.
Did you hear it or read it? Was it on a weekend ? Day or night? We need the important facts ..

Anyone can read scripts and that is what he has been doing.

Obama does not read scripts, right? It all comes directly from his brilliant mind. How much did you pay for the last bridge that you purchased?

Your just not getting it are you?

its not scripts, its not how smart he LOOKS, its not how good he looks.

Its the IDEAS that matter.

He said NOTHING new.

its the same old IDEAS the republicans have been rehashing for decades.

YOU know the ones that lost you the last few elections.

You know the ideas the American people keep rejecting.

The historically failed ones.
Rubio isn't ready.


He wasn't ready for prime time. He was wiping sweat off his face too. A lot. And you could see how much he needed a drink of water. His lips weren't even moving over his teeth right. He was terrified!

Nixon sweat, he had..

What about his speech? I now see how Obama got elected twice. The people who worry about what dress an actress is wearing instead of the performance she gave. Style over substance. What was it Reid said, Obama was a clean negro? Liberals fall all over themselves when Obama gives a speech with his arrogant nose in the air because he LOOKS presidential. They fall all over themselves again when Rubio takes a drink. In neither instance can they tell you the actual substance of either speech. Liberals are superficial.
And so the personal destruction begins.

You guys are starting really early this time. Must really be scared of him huh?

They always go all in for lynchings when a man of color dare think himself off the liberal plantation~

Man of color..


He's as white as I am.

But way more Cuban. I'm only a quarter Cuban..and a quarter Puerto Rican.

He wasn't ready for prime time. He was wiping sweat off his face too. A lot. And you could see how much he needed a drink of water. His lips weren't even moving over his teeth right. He was terrified!

Nixon sweat, he had..

What about his speech? I now see how Obama got elected twice. The people who worry about what dress an actress is wearing instead of the performance she gave. Style over substance. What was it Reid said, Obama was a clean negro? Liberals fall all over themselves when Obama gives a speech with his arrogant nose in the air because he LOOKS presidential. They fall all over themselves again when Rubio takes a drink. In neither instance can they tell you the actual substance of either speech. Liberals are superficial.

Rubio's "content" was lifted directly from Romney's speeches.

Obama isn't going to be running again.

And if Bush butchering "nuclear" didn't hurt him, obviously the bar had been set for Obama and corpsman.

but of course it doesn't bother you people he can't even take the time to learn how to pronounce the names of the military he is in charge of..

and the last I heard, nuclear isn't a branch of our military, stupid

Doesn't bother me a bit, everyone screws up a pronounciation occasionally, only small minded people obsess with it.

And for your education, corpsmen are not a branch of the military either, it's a military occupational specialty, just as some nuclear power specialists are.

He wasn't ready for prime time. He was wiping sweat off his face too. A lot. And you could see how much he needed a drink of water. His lips weren't even moving over his teeth right. He was terrified!

Nixon sweat, he had..

What about his speech? I now see how Obama got elected twice. The people who worry about what dress an actress is wearing instead of the performance she gave. Style over substance. What was it Reid said, Obama was a clean negro? Liberals fall all over themselves when Obama gives a speech with his arrogant nose in the air because he LOOKS presidential. They fall all over themselves again when Rubio takes a drink. In neither instance can they tell you the actual substance of either speech. Liberals are superficial.

That's the thing, he was so inexperienced and dumb that he couldn't handle a 15 minute script. I remember Obama being completely comfortable as the keynote speaker at the Democratic convention and he had never been in front of a crowd like that.

You just have to have it in you and Rube doesn't.
Anyone can read scripts and that is what he has been doing.

Obama does not read scripts, right? It all comes directly from his brilliant mind. How much did you pay for the last bridge that you purchased?

Your just not getting it are you?

its not scripts, its not how smart he LOOKS, its not how good he looks.

Its the IDEAS that matter.

He said NOTHING new.

its the same old IDEAS the republicans have been rehashing for decades.

YOU know the ones that lost you the last few elections.

You know the ideas the American people keep rejecting.

The historically failed ones.

Get the fuck over your "the ones the American people keep rejecting" BS! Most Obama voters cant think their way out of a wet paper-bag let alone understand what they are voting for... [ame=]Howard Stern Exposes Obama Voters Again! 2012 Edition! - YouTube[/ame]
or this classic

[ame=]BEST of OBAMA VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]

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