Marco Rubio - The Great Colored Hope for Grand Old White America

My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

If a Republican is white, he's racist.
If he's not white, he's a sellout.

If a Democrat is white, he's a communist.
If he's not white, he's an entitlement-addict.

Can't we just dislike some one's political views without implications of latent [insert ethnicity here]-phobia? Maybe if the Democrats would stop playing the race card so much the Republicans would stop trotting out every member who had slightly more melanin than average.
I watched a few of the speeches in the most recent presidential election, and I saw african-americans at Romney events, just like I saw caucasians at Obama's. I didn't bother to count and figure out exactly who had more, because it DIDN'T FORKING MATTER.

It's apparently a big deal that Obama is our first (half)black president. I almost want Hillary to run and win in 2016 so we can have out first women president, and than all this stupid "first" BS will be out of the way, and we can get back to debating, y'know, ACTUAL POLITICS.

ummm..... because if you look at a snapshot of the Repub get togethers they are seas of white faces.
Below is a 180-degree stitched panoramic image taken Thursday night during Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's address at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Use the controls on the upper left to zoom in for more detailed views.
Panoramic: 2012 Republican National Convention
The irony.. :)

His message and age are what I like. He's young and has time to influence the direction of our nation.

You may focus on his race if that is whats important to you. Myself I consider that pretty shallow.

he's got a combover if you hadn't noticed. How young can he be?

You see a sea of white people because thats what you're looking for. I see Americans.

Your observation would be akin to me saying I see a bunch of welfare advocates and receipients at a democratic rally.
Destroy Rubio. He's getting too popular.

Destroy him by attacking him for his skin color and casting aspersions upon his sexual orientation.

Dems, the party of discrimination, bigotry, and civil and human rights abuse.

[ame=]Tea Party's Most Offensive & Racist Signs - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama Accused of Gay Sex, Drugs, and Murder - YouTube[/ame]

My question is, why the eff are we, as a country, still so focused on race at all?

If a Republican is white, he's racist.
If he's not white, he's a sellout.

If a Democrat is white, he's a communist.
If he's not white, he's an entitlement-addict.

Can't we just dislike some one's political views without implications of latent [insert ethnicity here]-phobia? Maybe if the Democrats would stop playing the race card so much the Republicans would stop trotting out every member who had slightly more melanin than average.
I watched a few of the speeches in the most recent presidential election, and I saw african-americans at Romney events, just like I saw caucasians at Obama's. I didn't bother to count and figure out exactly who had more, because it DIDN'T FORKING MATTER.

It's apparently a big deal that Obama is our first (half)black president. I almost want Hillary to run and win in 2016 so we can have out first women president, and than all this stupid "first" BS will be out of the way, and we can get back to debating, y'know, ACTUAL POLITICS.

ummm..... because if you look at a snapshot of the Repub get togethers they are seas of white faces.

Panoramic: 2012 Republican National Convention
His message and age are what I like. He's young and has time to influence the direction of our nation.

You may focus on his race if that is whats important to you. Myself I consider that pretty shallow.

he's got a combover if you hadn't noticed. How young can he be?

You see a sea of white people because thats what you're looking for. I see Americans.

Your observation would be akin to me saying I see a bunch of welfare advocates and receipients at a democratic rally.

Wanna see white people?

Go to the Grand Ole Opry or a GOP Convention :lol:
ummm..... because if you look at a snapshot of the Repub get togethers they are seas of white faces.

Panoramic: 2012 Republican National Convention

he's got a combover if you hadn't noticed. How young can he be?

You see a sea of white people because thats what you're looking for. I see Americans.

Your observation would be akin to me saying I see a bunch of welfare advocates and receipients at a democratic rally.

Wanna see white people?

Go to the Grand Ole Opry or a GOP Convention :lol:

I'm watching the GOP convention with my 15 year old daughter and one of the first questions she asked was, "Why are there just white people there?"
ummm..... because if you look at a snapshot of the Repub get togethers they are seas of white faces.

I'm still looking for a breakdown of each party's members in congress by ethnicity; for my own curiosity if nothing else. So far I've been unsuccesful.

Still, at 96% white, even the democratically controlled Senate isn't exactly a bastion of black power.
(Apparently I'm not allowed to post links, yet, if you want I'll try to PM them instead.)
That is for the previous congress, since the elections where recent finding data for the 113th congress is proving more difficult)

According to Wikipedia, the 113th Congress has added...1 black senator.

I did a google image search for the "2012 democratic convention". The very first picture that came up had (I think) Michelle Obama adressing the crowd, which seems to be pretty pale-looking.

Still searching, will update if I find anything else useful.

Edit: Also, does it really matter if the entire republican party was printer-paper white? Do hate them because of their politics or because of how they look?
Do you vote for the Democrats because you agree with them or because they have more black people?
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Rubio is very impressive. He's young and articulate and would stand up well against the predictable and tired Democrat hack who'll be trying to distance herself from the president in 2016.
You see a sea of white people because thats what you're looking for. I see Americans.

Your observation would be akin to me saying I see a bunch of welfare advocates and receipients at a democratic rally.

Wanna see white people?

Go to the Grand Ole Opry or a GOP Convention :lol:

I'm watching the GOP convention with my 15 year old daughter and one of the first questions she asked was, "Why are there just white people there?"

and they all mostly looked related.:eek:
Wanna see white people?

Go to the Grand Ole Opry or a GOP Convention :lol:

I'm watching the GOP convention with my 15 year old daughter and one of the first questions she asked was, "Why are there just white people there?"

I would say you've done a piss poor job raising your child if at this young age they are alreading focusing on race.

Kids see the truth, even if you've been brainwashed enough by the rightwing media to buy all their lies.

And if someone like you thinks I've done a "piss poor job" I'll take that as a compliment any day. Someone who is stupid enough not to understand why the GOP was whiter than a Sears May sale, isn't only beneath my contempt, they serve as an example of what not to be.
Wanna see white people?

Go to the Grand Ole Opry or a GOP Convention :lol:

I'm watching the GOP convention with my 15 year old daughter and one of the first questions she asked was, "Why are there just white people there?"

I would say you've done a piss poor job raising your child if at this young age they are alreading focusing on race.

what you are missing is that most kids today would notice it.

They are used to having people of all colors arround them.

Seeing just a bunch of white people is not the norm anymore.

It will become less so as time goes on.

It scares people who are in the repoublican party.

Our kids think its fine.
I'm watching the GOP convention with my 15 year old daughter and one of the first questions she asked was, "Why are there just white people there?"

I would say you've done a piss poor job raising your child if at this young age they are alreading focusing on race.

what you are missing is that most kids today would notice it.

They are used to having people of all colors arround them.

Seeing just a bunch of white people is not the norm anymore.

It will become less so as time goes on.

It scares people who are in the repoublican party.

Our kids think its fine.

I went to hundreds of gatherings with my children when they were teens. Everything from sporting events to concerts. NEVER ONCE did my girls mention a lack of race diversity. And many of those events had very few minorities.

According to you morons that means everyone there was racist and their children brainwashed.

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