Margie Greene suggests US behind Russian uprising

Probably, but she is still dumb and dummies vote for her.

Doesn't make her dumb. Just because you do things for your own reasons, doesn't mean she's dumb. Clearly she's playing up to people who can't figure this out.

I expected to hear this from Russians, but never an American.

new russia war spoils.jpg

Dunno, bub.

I may have been wrong with my prediction...that Putin does not die in his bunker as a burnt-up corpse like Hitler did. (Or some similar death.) I said Putin would push the button before it came to that. But I never thought his military would be the ones to take him out. I was looking at it through tunnel vision of just thinking NATO or Ukraine was doing the work.

This is why I usually give the same answer whenever they ask...what do you think? I dunno, I've got no crystal ball.

It could be that Wagner takes over Russia and takes out Putin and installs Zelensky to run Russia.

It could be Zelensky turns all of Russia into New Ukraine.

It could be Wagner is being paid by USA / NATO to take Russia over and give to NATO to divvy up.

It could be China sees all this and invades Russia to keep NATO off its doorsteps.

It could be that Wagner is successful in taking over Russia and becomes a worse dictator than Putin.

It could be Putin nukes Wagner.

No one knows how it will turn out. could all make for good, clean entertainment to watch...if we were not living on the same planet where it was happening.

A neighbor was worried about his wife. She had just left on a trip that morning. If the USA got an EMP he would most likely never see her again. Too far to walk across the country. No way ever to talk to her again.

France 1.67.gif

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Dunno, bub.

I may have been wrong with my prediction...that Putin does not die in his bunker as a burnt-up corpse like Hitler did. (Or some similar death.) I said Putin would push the button before it came to that. But I never thought his military would be the ones to take him out. I was looking at it through tunnel vision of just thinking NATO or Ukraine was doing the work.

This is why I usually give the same answer whenever they ask...what do you think? I dunno, I've got no crystal ball.

It could be that Wagner takes over Russia and takes out Putin and installs Zelensky to run Russia.

It could be Zelensky turns all of Russia into New Ukraine.

It could be Wagner is being paid by USA / NATO to take Russia over and give to NATO to divvy up.

It could be China sees all this and invades Russia to keep NATO off its doorsteps.

It could be that Wagner is successful in taking over Russia and becomes a worse dictator than Putin.

It could be Putin nukes Wagner.

No one knows how it will turn out. could all make for good, clean entertainment to watch...if we were not living on the same planet where it was happening.

A neighbor was worried about his wife. She had just left on a trip that morning. If the USA got an EMP he would most likely never see her again. Too far to walk across the country. No way ever to talk to her again.

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Ain't life a bitch.
Watch and listen to her, and "stupid" is a great adjective describing her political content.


I just know that moderators are supposed to be moderate and follow the actual site rules however since those rules are open to their own interpretations, it's necessary to haul them up when it happens.

This is the general forum and she's showing the members just how to do it... wrong. :doubt:

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