Marijuana abuse doubles in last 11 years

The more that die the better. Legalize all drugs. Everything. Krokodil is a good one for legalization.
You know, it's kinda obvious that many people on here who are against cannabis legalization have never tried it, nor have they visited a 420 shop either.

If they had, they would know a few things.

First off, the edibles are very carefully dosed with specific amounts of THC, and on the packaging you will see how much THC is in each piece, as well as whether or not it's Indica, Sativa, or CBD strains.

The buds that you buy are often hydroponically grown, and are carefully regulated. When a plant gets to be around 6 inches tall, it is designated at that time as either recreational or medical, and that designation stays with that particular plant all the way to sale. And, even if one plant is designated as medical and the other recreational and they are of the same exact strain, you can't move the buds from medical over to recreational (or vice versa) if you run out on one side or the other. Additionally, the THC content of each plant is tested, and that content is on the label of the stuff you buy, so yeah, you CAN know exactly how much you are doing when you smoke it or eat it. If you don't take time to stop and talk to the bud tender at the store (all of them know a great deal about what they sell), then go home and have a bad experience, it's your own damn fault.

And no, cannabis is NOT hallucinogenic. I know the difference because I've tried magic mushrooms (saw a row of trees turn into a german gingerbread house), and I've also tried Salvia Divinorum (Diviner's Sage), and seen various things while smoking it. NEVER in the several years that I have smoked cannabis have I ever seen something that wasn't there.

Oh............and you want to talk about how bad it is on the lungs? I'm 51, ride a bicycle for exercise (Lemond Zurich with Campagnolo Chorus gruppo), and can STILL ride 20 or 30 miles in one shot and not have to worry about my oxygen uptake. Matter of fact, when tested on my last physical, I was told that it's almost perfect for a man my age. I've been smoking for over 10 years now, and it hasn't affected my wind much at all. Smoking cigarettes for a couple of years while I was in the Navy DID have an impact on my riding, which is one of the reasons that I quit.
I have never used pot because it makes my heart beat really really fast. Even being in an enclosed area with pot smoke increases my heart rate. I am around pot users on a daily basis. As a lawyer many of my client's difficulties were pot related. Not so much in criminal law, in family law. The misery pot inflicts on mostly innocent family deserves the death penalty.

Now I just see them, like the walking dead. Not so much now. But when I lived on the west side, it was a very real problem.
I have never used pot because it makes my heart beat really really fast. Even being in an enclosed area with pot smoke increases my heart rate. I am around pot users on a daily basis. As a lawyer many of my client's difficulties were pot related. Not so much in criminal law, in family law. The misery pot inflicts on mostly innocent family deserves the death penalty.

Now I just see them, like the walking dead. Not so much now. But when I lived on the west side, it was a very real problem.
You lying sack of shit..You are no lawyer..You can't write any better than a general laborer...
I have never used pot because it makes my heart beat really really fast. Even being in an enclosed area with pot smoke increases my heart rate. I am around pot users on a daily basis. As a lawyer many of my client's difficulties were pot related. Not so much in criminal law, in family law. The misery pot inflicts on mostly innocent family deserves the death penalty.

Now I just see them, like the walking dead. Not so much now. But when I lived on the west side, it was a very real problem.
You lying sack of shit..You are no lawyer..You can't write any better than a general laborer...

It's tough to be you isn't it? Poor thing, having to go through life as a general laborer, and having some illegal take your job.
I have never used pot because it makes my heart beat really really fast. Even being in an enclosed area with pot smoke increases my heart rate. I am around pot users on a daily basis. As a lawyer many of my client's difficulties were pot related. Not so much in criminal law, in family law. The misery pot inflicts on mostly innocent family deserves the death penalty.

Now I just see them, like the walking dead. Not so much now. But when I lived on the west side, it was a very real problem.
You lying sack of shit..You are no lawyer..You can't write any better than a general laborer...

It's tough to be you isn't it? Poor thing, having to go through life as a general laborer, and having some illegal take your job.
I don't work...I had enough the last 45 years of go smoke your goat skin....
I have never used pot because it makes my heart beat really really fast. Even being in an enclosed area with pot smoke increases my heart rate. I am around pot users on a daily basis. As a lawyer many of my client's difficulties were pot related. Not so much in criminal law, in family law. The misery pot inflicts on mostly innocent family deserves the death penalty.

Now I just see them, like the walking dead. Not so much now. But when I lived on the west side, it was a very real problem.
You lying sack of shit..You are no lawyer..You can't write any better than a general laborer...

It's tough to be you isn't it? Poor thing, having to go through life as a general laborer, and having some illegal take your job.
I don't work...I had enough the last 45 years of go smoke your goat skin....

So, sit there with your finger up your ass and smell it once in a while.
I have never used pot because it makes my heart beat really really fast. Even being in an enclosed area with pot smoke increases my heart rate. I am around pot users on a daily basis. As a lawyer many of my client's difficulties were pot related. Not so much in criminal law, in family law. The misery pot inflicts on mostly innocent family deserves the death penalty.

Now I just see them, like the walking dead. Not so much now. But when I lived on the west side, it was a very real problem.
You lying sack of shit..You are no lawyer..You can't write any better than a general laborer...

It's tough to be you isn't it? Poor thing, having to go through life as a general laborer, and having some illegal take your job.
I don't work...I had enough the last 45 years of go smoke your goat skin....

So, sit there with your finger up your ass and smell it once in a while.
Now we see the violence inherent in your system...
Why not tax Marijuana and then use this tax money to pay for such things?

Legalize all drugs and tax the hell out of it. You would get less contaminated drugs and take the tax money for rehab facilities.

Thank you for repeating what I just said in a different way.

You said marijuana, I expanded it to all drugs and you think that is the same? Maybe you should stop using all those drugs.

Maybe you should stop being so fucking aggressive.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a asshole.

Oh, someone who just goes and insults. Hmm..... Bye, I won't bother with you again.
You know, it's kinda obvious that many people on here who are against cannabis legalization have never tried it, nor have they visited a 420 shop either.

If they had, they would know a few things.

First off, the edibles are very carefully dosed with specific amounts of THC, and on the packaging you will see how much THC is in each piece, as well as whether or not it's Indica, Sativa, or CBD strains.

The buds that you buy are often hydroponically grown, and are carefully regulated. When a plant gets to be around 6 inches tall, it is designated at that time as either recreational or medical, and that designation stays with that particular plant all the way to sale. And, even if one plant is designated as medical and the other recreational and they are of the same exact strain, you can't move the buds from medical over to recreational (or vice versa) if you run out on one side or the other. Additionally, the THC content of each plant is tested, and that content is on the label of the stuff you buy, so yeah, you CAN know exactly how much you are doing when you smoke it or eat it. If you don't take time to stop and talk to the bud tender at the store (all of them know a great deal about what they sell), then go home and have a bad experience, it's your own damn fault.

And no, cannabis is NOT hallucinogenic. I know the difference because I've tried magic mushrooms (saw a row of trees turn into a german gingerbread house), and I've also tried Salvia Divinorum (Diviner's Sage), and seen various things while smoking it. NEVER in the several years that I have smoked cannabis have I ever seen something that wasn't there.

Oh............and you want to talk about how bad it is on the lungs? I'm 51, ride a bicycle for exercise (Lemond Zurich with Campagnolo Chorus gruppo), and can STILL ride 20 or 30 miles in one shot and not have to worry about my oxygen uptake. Matter of fact, when tested on my last physical, I was told that it's almost perfect for a man my age. I've been smoking for over 10 years now, and it hasn't affected my wind much at all. Smoking cigarettes for a couple of years while I was in the Navy DID have an impact on my riding, which is one of the reasons that I quit.

Never tried pot, don't want to try it. Legalize all drugs. Tax the hell out of it and use the money for rehab. Only allow pharmaceutical grade drugs. Get them out in the open work on educating people of the dangers of ALL drugs, pot, heroin, cocaine, cigs, alcohol, prescription meds.

I can't understand anyone taking the advertised prescription meds that are TV. You have to be a stupid idiot to take any of them.
Legalize all drugs and tax the hell out of it. You would get less contaminated drugs and take the tax money for rehab facilities.

Thank you for repeating what I just said in a different way.

You said marijuana, I expanded it to all drugs and you think that is the same? Maybe you should stop using all those drugs.

Maybe you should stop being so fucking aggressive.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a asshole.

Oh, someone who just goes and insults. Hmm..... Bye, I won't bother with you again.

Oh someone who made a sarcastic statement, gets called on it and can't handle it when called on it. Interesting.

Thanks for not bothering me anymore, I want to deal with intelligent people and obviously you aren't intelligent at all.
Thank you for repeating what I just said in a different way.

You said marijuana, I expanded it to all drugs and you think that is the same? Maybe you should stop using all those drugs.

Maybe you should stop being so fucking aggressive.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a asshole.

Oh, someone who just goes and insults. Hmm..... Bye, I won't bother with you again.

Oh someone who made a sarcastic statement, gets called on it and can't handle it when called on it. Interesting.

Thanks for not bothering me anymore, I want to deal with intelligent people and obviously you aren't intelligent at all.

Yeah, I made a sarcastic comment, then you went and insulted me. Do you not see the difference? I didn't call you names like a little school kid. I didn't hide behind the protection of the internet to insult. You did.

I'm calling you out on bad behavior, on bad morals, and all of that stuff. And you can't handle it..... hmmm.......
You said marijuana, I expanded it to all drugs and you think that is the same? Maybe you should stop using all those drugs.

Maybe you should stop being so fucking aggressive.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a asshole.

Oh, someone who just goes and insults. Hmm..... Bye, I won't bother with you again.

Oh someone who made a sarcastic statement, gets called on it and can't handle it when called on it. Interesting.

Thanks for not bothering me anymore, I want to deal with intelligent people and obviously you aren't intelligent at all.

Yeah, I made a sarcastic comment, then you went and insulted me. Do you not see the difference? I didn't call you names like a little school kid. I didn't hide behind the protection of the internet to insult. You did.

I'm calling you out on bad behavior, on bad morals, and all of that stuff. And you can't handle it..... hmmm.......

So you said I said the same thing you had said. I didn't, I said all drugs. You lied.
I can handle it, because I don't take you serious. Call me out, I need humor and you are great entertainment for me. I thought you weren't going to bother me again? Another lie, how amusing.
As I've been saying for years now, once you start down the road of legalization, you'll be seeing an increase of use.
Here in Oregon we've had "medical" marijuana for several years, and now add to that the legalization of recreational use, and you smell the addicts everywhere.
Kids will be getting the message that it's now okay, especially when you have adult morons with the continual "it's-not-as-bad-as-alcohol" drumbeat.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

There were especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.(Photo: Getty Images)

As attitudes and laws in the U.S. have become more tolerant of marijuana, the proportion of adults using and abusing the substance at least doubled between 2001 and 2013, according to a new study.

Although marijuana dependence and abuse was found to be on the rise, that is largely due to the overall increase in new users, researchers note, while existing marijuana users experienced a 15 percent decline in pot-related disorders.

About 4 percent of adults between 2001 and 2002 reported having used marijuana in the past year, compared to about 10 percent between 2012 and 2013. Similarly, 1.5 percent had abuse or dependence problems - so-called marijuana use disorder - at the start of the 21st Century, compared to about 3 percent from 2012 to 2013.

“What was quite clear is the prevalence of use among adults had more than doubled,” said Deborah Hasin, the study’s lead author from Columbia University in New York.

Twenty-three U.S. states allow for medical marijuana use, and four also allow recreational use, the researchers write in JAMA Psychiatry. More Americans also favor marijuana legalization than before, and fewer see the substance as risky.

Yet, the researchers write, little was known about how the prevalence of marijuana use and disorders changed during the first decade of the century.
For the new study, they compared data from face-to-face interviews with over 43,000 U.S. adults between 2001 and 2002 to data from over 36,000 people collected between 2012 and 2013.

They found that reports of having used marijuana in the past year more than doubled between the two time periods with especially large increases among women, blacks, Hispanics, southerners and middle-aged and older people.
The data also included information on whether participants were experiencing abuse or dependence.

Marijuana Use and Disorders Have Doubled Since 2001

Better off getting stoned than drunk that's for gd sure.
To post such fraudulent nonsense should be embarrassing to you. But if it's the best you can do you are defeating your own argument by resorting to it.

Another victim of . . . . Reefer Madness. :D
Maybe you should stop being so fucking aggressive.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a asshole.

Oh, someone who just goes and insults. Hmm..... Bye, I won't bother with you again.

Oh someone who made a sarcastic statement, gets called on it and can't handle it when called on it. Interesting.

Thanks for not bothering me anymore, I want to deal with intelligent people and obviously you aren't intelligent at all.

Yeah, I made a sarcastic comment, then you went and insulted me. Do you not see the difference? I didn't call you names like a little school kid. I didn't hide behind the protection of the internet to insult. You did.

I'm calling you out on bad behavior, on bad morals, and all of that stuff. And you can't handle it..... hmmm.......

So you said I said the same thing you had said. I didn't, I said all drugs. You lied.
I can handle it, because I don't take you serious. Call me out, I need humor and you are great entertainment for me. I thought you weren't going to bother me again? Another lie, how amusing.
Waste of time. Welcome to the ignore list.

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