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Marijuana and the definition of conservative

EMH is also claiming that wanting to legalize pot is a conservative value. I guess all us liberals are conservatives after all since we were already here.

You're not a liberal; you're a leftist. Just as there's no connection between conservatism and Republicans, there is no connection between leftists or Democrats when compared to liberals.
I think well tread semantic arguements are a wadte of time.
You're a fucking liar, as I said the only ones with the power to rein in the courts are congress and/or the States. You can sit around crying like a little bitch or you can contact your reps and make them aware of what you see a the problem as I have been doing for decades. In the mean time I think you need one of these.


Well, like all leftists (which you really are), you're changing the story. I asked the question:

What's the constitutional authority for the Federal Government to ban the use of marijuana?

You responded:

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3.

That's the Commerce Clause. So, do you stand by your statement that the Commerce Clause actually grants the government the authority to ban marijuana use or are you taking it back and standing by your later, conflicting, statement:

Well child, if you had been around this forum more than a minute, you'd know I disagree with most of the supreme court precedents on the commerce clause.

Ignore the part about how to fix it - you're right, it will take an Article V convention - we're discussing under what authority the government bans the use of marijuana. You're trying to change the subject just like leftists do when defeated with facts and logic.
I'm not debating your views. I'm debating the notion that conservatives have been for legalization traditionally. Please stop sidetracking, idiot.

Please do not equate Republican with conservative. There's absolutely no connection and very, very, little similarity. Conservatives want government out of personal choices. Republicans want government in your personal choices.

You're a fucking liar, as I said the only ones with the power to rein in the courts are congress and/or the States. You can sit around crying like a little bitch or you can contact your reps and make them aware of what you see a the problem as I have been doing for decades. In the mean time I think you need one of these.


Well, like all leftists (which you really are), you're changing the story. I asked the question:

What's the constitutional authority for the Federal Government to ban the use of marijuana?

You responded:

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3.

That's the Commerce Clause. So, do you stand by your statement that the Commerce Clause actually grants the government the authority to ban marijuana use or are you taking it back and standing by your later, conflicting, statement:

Well child, if you had been around this forum more than a minute, you'd know I disagree with most of the supreme court precedents on the commerce clause.

Ignore the part about how to fix it - you're right, it will take an Article V convention - we're discussing under what authority the government bans the use of marijuana. You're trying to change the subject just like leftists do when defeated with facts and logic.
More wingnut friendly fire.
I know of zero Conservatives on USMB.
I see lots of people calling themselves "conservatives" who have no concept of Conservative doctrine. They're what we used to call "single issue voters" and they joined the GOP because the GOP promised to pay homage to their particular issue. In return, they swear to bow before the crown heads of the other ideological silos in the GOP. Any who fall from the path are excommunicated. Unless, of course, the give us the swerve and jump back into being a face while denying their previous acts. After all, these people are big WWE fans just like their leader and no one gaslights like the GO...I mean WWE.

Greetings. I'm Woodwork201. Now you know a conservative. As I often say, I am at least as conservative as anyone on this site, more likely more conservative than anyone else on this site, and very possibly the only conservative on this site.
Uh huh.

You called yourself a "conservative" not a Conservative.

The former has no relation to the latter except in spelling.
How does making marijuana illegal protect our most productive, law-abiding citizens? ...
Legal made marijuana kills their children.

So does snow skiing and swimming pools; do we make those illegal, too? In fact, so does high-school football. Let's ban that. ...

You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it? That's what marijuana is doing with you.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Problems with thinking and problem-solving.
  • Lung inflammation, infection, and chronic pulmonary issues.
  • Heart attack.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Psychotic features, such as delusions and hallucinations.
  • Dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Addiction.
You have only one chance: Fight! Stop it! Now! Do not use drugs! Never! Under no circumstances!

Amazing how Michael phelps won all those gold medals....

Michael Phelps? You think Michael Phelbs never learned from the mistakes he made when he was young boy and drove drunken car and made an idiotic photo with a so called "bong"?

The pot haters and the global warmers are very much alike....

Sure. Realists who don't run away in front of real problems.

Filled with fear and falsehoods to be parroted over and over...

The psych profession must have a term for it. When a moron is filled with fear over lies, said moron spazzes and endlessly parrots the lies, denying hard proof the lies are lies.....

Delusional sub human marijuana/co2 hating syndrome


Who not fears drugs also not not fears hell. Hell is the place where everyone is happy - as long as the devil gives drugs for free.

Hell gives drugs for free = w and the "conservative" post 1998 republicans socializing senior drugs so you can get your opium OxyContin for free!!

Parroting church and media = no truth in birdbrain

Be happy. :lol: The packing density of neurons in the brain of a bird is by the way higher than in the brain of a mammal like you. So perhaps you should listen what the parrot of Captain Hook says to you.

but we have something those birds dont have.....hands with opposable thumbs......

... and what we don't need for hand-shaking in times of Corona and other serios self-made problems such as alcohol and drugs and isolationism. But we need it for writings - for example for the translation of thoughts. What the baby-lonians not said about gibbons is for example very interesting to hear in French.

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You're a fucking liar, as I said the only ones with the power to rein in the courts are congress and/or the States. You can sit around crying like a little bitch or you can contact your reps and make them aware of what you see a the problem as I have been doing for decades. In the mean time I think you need one of these.


Well, like all leftists (which you really are), you're changing the story. I asked the question:

What's the constitutional authority for the Federal Government to ban the use of marijuana?

You responded:

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3.

That's the Commerce Clause. So, do you stand by your statement that the Commerce Clause actually grants the government the authority to ban marijuana use or are you taking it back and standing by your later, conflicting, statement:

Well child, if you had been around this forum more than a minute, you'd know I disagree with most of the supreme court precedents on the commerce clause.

Ignore the part about how to fix it - you're right, it will take an Article V convention - we're discussing under what authority the government bans the use of marijuana. You're trying to change the subject just like leftists do when defeated with facts and logic.

Poor child, you asked a question, I answered, simple as that. As for the fix, Article 5 is the correct method, but blue States like a court that is all for an expanding government and it only take 13 to kill any amendment to rein in the courts. Any more false conclusions you want to jump to?

So does snow skiing and swimming pools; do we make those illegal, too? In fact, so does high-school football. Let's ban that. ...
You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it? That's what marijuana is doing with you.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Problems with thinking and problem-solving.
  • Lung inflammation, infection, and chronic pulmonary issues.
  • Heart attack.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Psychotic features, such as delusions and hallucinations.
  • Dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Addiction.
You have only one chance: Fight! Stop it! Now! Do not use drugs! Never! Under no circumstances!

I'm just going to assume that what appears to be idiocy in your reply might be that English is not your native language. Otherwise, you're proof that thinking problems aren't unique to pot smokers.

I guess this is a racist statement. Make an IQ-test. Repeat it. The result will be better. Take drugs and make the same. You will produce more worse results - but you will feel better. Then you will forget such idiocies and you will do something else what's really important. Nothing for example. Not to climb on a mountain for example and not to learn French or Latin or Babylonian or Mathematics. But you will feel great because in theory it would be easy for you to do so. The only problem really to do so is the bad world. And you will not do learn "wife" any longer and "children" and "responsibilty" for example: three damned dangerous foreign ass moving languages. But how help this languages to finance your drugs? To do nothing except to make debts is better, isn't it? ...

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Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today.
Let me say bull shit. If there was genetically modify seeds out there we'd know it! If there is, I want some.

:lol: Poor guy. THC is damned dangerous - and the concentration today is much higher today then it ever had been in history before. And there are combinations for example togetjer with legal alcohol or other legal subtances, which are much more dangerous. And there are much more drugs. Alcohol and drugs cost health and happiness.

The only genetic modifications are from Gregor Mendel.

The myth started because of the dirt weed they tested with in the 70's was low quality. All that changed in the mid to late 80's

Not true. The kief content of plants from the Kush valley have always been around 20%. What? You mean people are mixing THC and alcohol? ,,,

Of course! Good grief - in which fantasy world do you live? What do you think why the real land "Fantasia" sinks into the nothing of nowhere?

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Why would America benefit from legalizing a recreational drug like marijuana? The arguments are ludicrous. "Marijuana is good for you"? "The tax revenue would be beneficial to the economy"? give me a break. At a time in history where government is cracking down on the legal tobacco industry the crazy left convinced themselves that marijuana is a reasonable substitute even though the physical and mental effects are far worse than smoking a freaking cigarette.
The war on marijuana is the epitome of BIG GOVERNMENT using lies, falsehoods, propaganda, and the law to do unreal harm to America and abroad for the sole purpose of enriching and empowering liars in government.
Your drug-addled Communism is dependent on big, bigger, and biggest government. Take a hit off a bong and show up for work the next day in any decision making capacity.

I would whip your ass in chess and ping pong after a good toke, just like Michael phelps would dust you in the water, and ms Richardson would smoke you on land....

And josh Gordon would smoke you on the gridiron.
Why would America benefit from legalizing a recreational drug like marijuana? The arguments are ludicrous. "Marijuana is good for you"? "The tax revenue would be beneficial to the economy"? give me a break. At a time in history where government is cracking down on the legal tobacco industry the crazy left convinced themselves that marijuana is a reasonable substitute even though the physical and mental effects are far worse than smoking a freaking cigarette.


This poster believes REEFER MADNESS. His birdbrain saw it, and his beak bawks it. To admit reefer madness is total bs, big government propaganda funded by the taxpayer to lie to the taxpayer and screw the taxpayer, this individual has some sort of mental problem that prevents it. It must be true because he is the beaked birdbrain parroting it. It is religion.

Pot bad
Pot bad

$250+ Billion for the us economy does not matter

Pot bad

You are not an honest human. Truth is of no concern, as it is of no concern to all who support big government. You care not about the financial well being of America, and hence your patriotism is zero too. You hate. You hate pot and people who use it. And you have serious mental problems....
Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today.
Let me say bull shit. If there was genetically modify seeds out there we'd know it! If there is, I want some.

:lol: Poor guy. THC is damned dangerous - and the concentration today is much higher today then it ever had been in history before. And there are combinations for example togetjer with legal alcohol or other legal subtances, which are much more dangerous. And there are much more drugs. Alcohol and drugs cost health and happiness.

The only genetic modifications are from Gregor Mendel.

The myth started because of the dirt weed they tested with in the 70's was low quality. All that changed in the mid to late 80's

Not true. The kief content of plants from the Kush valley have always been around 20%. What? You mean people are mixing THC and alcohol? ,,,

Of course! Good grief - in which fantasy world do you live? What do you think why the real land "Fantasia" sinks into the nothing of nowhere?

In a world very different from your own.

So does snow skiing and swimming pools; do we make those illegal, too? In fact, so does high-school football. Let's ban that. ...
You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it? That's what marijuana is doing with you.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Problems with thinking and problem-solving.
  • Lung inflammation, infection, and chronic pulmonary issues.
  • Heart attack.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Psychotic features, such as delusions and hallucinations.
  • Dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Addiction.
You have only one chance: Fight! Stop it! Now! Do not use drugs! Never! Under no circumstances!

I'm just going to assume that what appears to be idiocy in your reply might be that English is not your native language. Otherwise, you're proof that thinking problems aren't unique to pot smokers.

I guess this is a racist statement. Make an IQ-test. Repeat it. The result will be better. Take drugs and make the same. You will produce more worse results - but you will feel better. Then you will forget such idiocies and you will do something else what's really important. Nothing for example. Not to climb on a mountain for example and not to learn French or Latin or Babylonian or Mathematics. But you will feel great because in theory it would be easy for you to do so. The only problem really to do so is the bad world. And you will not do learn "wife" any longer and "children" and "responsibilty" for example: three damned dangerous foreign ass moving languages. But how help this languages to finance your drugs? To do nothing except to make debts is better, isn't it? ...

Ok, we've eliminated the possibility of English not being your first language so that only leaves stupidity to explain the nonsense you write.
So does snow skiing and swimming pools; do we make those illegal, too? In fact, so does high-school football. Let's ban that. ...
You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about, isn't it? That's what marijuana is doing with you.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Problems with thinking and problem-solving.
  • Lung inflammation, infection, and chronic pulmonary issues.
  • Heart attack.
  • Severe nausea and vomiting.
  • Depression and anxiety.
  • Psychotic features, such as delusions and hallucinations.
  • Dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
  • Addiction.
You have only one chance: Fight! Stop it! Now! Do not use drugs! Never! Under no circumstances!

I'm just going to assume that what appears to be idiocy in your reply might be that English is not your native language. Otherwise, you're proof that thinking problems aren't unique to pot smokers.

I guess this is a racist statement. Make an IQ-test. Repeat it. The result will be better. Take drugs and make the same. You will produce more worse results - but you will feel better. Then you will forget such idiocies and you will do something else what's really important. Nothing for example. Not to climb on a mountain for example and not to learn French or Latin or Babylonian or Mathematics. But you will feel great because in theory it would be easy for you to do so. The only problem really to do so is the bad world. And you will not do learn "wife" any longer and "children" and "responsibilty" for example: three damned dangerous foreign ass moving languages. But how help this languages to finance your drugs? To do nothing except to make debts is better, isn't it? ...

Ok, we've eliminated the possibility of English not being your first language so that only leaves stupidity to explain the nonsense you write.

My language is not the reason why you use drugs and propagate drugs. Everyones language is the "reason" why you don't like to see the real problems before it's too late to

Do ... or do not
There is no try.

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Asides that it one of the most difficult things to stop smoking is Cannabis much more toxic as it ever was before in history, because of the high concentration of THC in the genetically modified plants, which are used today.
Let me say bull shit. If there was genetically modify seeds out there we'd know it! If there is, I want some.

:lol: Poor guy. THC is damned dangerous - and the concentration today is much higher today then it ever had been in history before. And there are combinations for example togetjer with legal alcohol or other legal subtances, which are much more dangerous. And there are much more drugs. Alcohol and drugs cost health and happiness.

The only genetic modifications are from Gregor Mendel.

The myth started because of the dirt weed they tested with in the 70's was low quality. All that changed in the mid to late 80's

Not true. The kief content of plants from the Kush valley have always been around 20%. What? You mean people are mixing THC and alcohol? ,,,

Of course! Good grief - in which fantasy world do you live? What do you think why the real land "Fantasia" sinks into the nothing of nowhere?

In a world very different from your own.

Spit this wine out, spit this pearl under the pigs - and take care that the farmer shoots not at you, because you like to poison his noble pigs.
Fiscal conservatism is finanical restraint

Social conservatism refers to morality laws

You're confusing them. You can be both or one and not the other

That's bull crap.

And social conservatism isn't about morality laws, it's about personal responsibility and accountability.

If you don't care about the government spending trillions they don't have as long as they're forcing people to live their lives the way you think they should live them then you are not a conservative; you're a socialist-style authoritarian.

If you believe that the government should spend money responsibly and wisely, conservatively, but bail should be eliminated and the borders should be open and let's give everyone a minimum cash allowance, then you are not conservative.

Specialized conservatism is to conservatism as "some of my best friends are _ _ _ _" is to racism. If you have to do either then you really aren't what you say you are.

Government does so well enforcing "responsibility and accountability" at the point of a gun, huh?

That's a job for families, communities and churches, not government. You're as naive as Democrats turning to government for charity

Did I say otherwise? You're just walking around with a chip on your shoulder.

Other way around. I am not anti-religious, I just said morality isn't a job for government.

You're arguing with me on that, then say you don't disagree.

Make up your mind
Carter put those troops in Lebanon.

Credit patriotic American Jew Caspar weinberger for not joining with Israel's false flag hate hoax designed to bait us into war with hezbollah.

Had W, LBJ, or Biden been president, we would have hit Hezbollah.....

You come into this thread pretending to be, at a minimum, libertarian but really talk more liberal/leftist. So why should it surprise me that you're an anti-Semite racist? Most leftists are both. You blow your own credibility out of the water; you're just another racist idiot on the left.

Too dumb to figure out that 2200F molten steel did not get that way by jet fuel burning at 600F

You have no patriotism to America. You think Israel has the right to murder our people and steal our wealth and sell out our troops.

You cheered when the IDF gave the order

You have your orders, hit it (the USS Liberty)

I actually do not agree with that. I think Israelis who murder americans are bad, not good, and for that you just called the most fiscally conservative poster on USMB a liberal, because America's debt is nothing your treasonous Zionist ass cares about.....

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