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Alcohol is much more damaging to the brain then marijuana is. Not only is alcohol damaging to the brain but it is damaging to the mouth, throat, stomach, liver, and kidneys. There is absolutely zero scientific evidence that marijuana damages the brain - as I've said before there has been little research into HOW marijuana effects neurotransmitters but there has been nothing to suggest brain damage. Some research suggests that marijuana may have therapuetic value that goes beyond killing pain. The only evidence of negative effects on the brain is that it temporarily effects short term memory.

However, marijuana can burn and damage the lungs. Marijuana has something like four times the amount of tar that tobacco has but marijuana does not have poisons such as nicotine or cyanide. It does not have a fifth of the known carginogens that tobacco has and is therefor much safer to smoke then tobacco. THC actually releases chemicals in the body that open up lungs much in the same way inhaled steroids treat restricted lungs in people with asthma. When we can synthesize THC cheaply it will replace most asthma medication. THC is a neurotransmitter we don't know a lot about but it appears to have healing qualities and should be researched further.

Alcohol is much more addictive then marijuana. There is no such thing as cannabisism but alcoholism is a pathology that is as deadly to our society as heart disease and cancer. Alcohol releases neurotransmitters in the reward pathways of the brain which physiologically reinforce alcohol consumption - this is how physical addictions are created. Physical addiction to alcohol (which is often accompanied by addictive personality) is something that is virtually impossible to really rid yourself of and usually takes decades to treat. Marijuana is only psychologically addictive as some have pointed out - psychological addictions are the result of addictive personalities not of drugs. Addiction to marijuana is always a symptom of addictive personality and bigger psychological problems - not a result of consumption of marijuana. Like all forms of self medication, the more of it there is the less your personality grows, the less your personality grows the harder it is for you to cope with real stresses and problems, the harder it is for you to cope the more immature you are emotionally - a lot of addicts who self medicate can appear to be brain-damaged but you can self medicate with videogames, or ice cream, or sex - addiction to marijuana is a symptom of bigger problems.

Substance abuse is almost always a symptom of bigger problems - legalizing substances can only help to treat the real problems and the symptom (the abuse itself) in more effective manners.

The gateway drug argument was a fallacy from the beggining and it's mostly not used anymore. The initial argument was based on polling people who had used harder drugs and asking them the question "did you smoke marijuana before you started using heroine" - they did not poll every person who used marijuana and they did not take into account the very relevant factor of addictive personalities looking for things to be addicted to or the fact that those people with addictive personalities are going to have access to weed before access to heroine. There was never a strong argument that supported the idea that marijuana use caused addiction to harder drugs. Of course, if there were, legalizing, regulating, and taxing marijuana would be much more effective at combating the problem then what we have now - that is if we REALLY cared - which judging from the lack of education most people have about this, I don't think we do.

Of course though the most important point is that marijuana was NEVER made illegal because of the effects it has on peoples health, and the initial claims about psychological and social effects have been thoroughly dismissed even by those who fight in the war on drugs. Marijuana was not made illegal to protect people it was made illegal because it was profitable for those with lobbying power. Once you get to that fact it is hard to justify it being prohibited while alcohol is not unless you use a market-based argument about the rights of businesses to lobby and change laws - which, though most of you seem to be republican (and therefor theoretically support an unregulated market), I doubt will happen.

Alcohol is a drug, caffeine is a drug, tobacco is a drug (and one that contains hundreds of chemicals and known poisons), if you have an addictive personality almost anything is a drug - mormons don't condone drug use but I think the United States government is pretty neutral on the issue most of the time. Hard drugs are illegal because of how unhealthy they are - alcohol is certainly a much harder drug then marijuana. Marijuana is officially classified as a soft drug and it is the softest drug that is illegal in the united states. Anyone care to wage a slippery slope argument? Slippery slope arguments by definition are fallacies, you know.
Yes. The gateway drug argument. All heroine users drank milk first. Milk must be a gateway drug.
I'm glad to see most of the misconceptions are being cleared up so far :)

do note, that if you are really really determined, you can overdose on mj, especially if you eat it (in brownies or whatnot). There has been only one case of death attributed to weed so far, and that just recently in the UK. the amount you would have to smoke is huge.

mj poses the same risks for driving that alchohol does. it slows your reaction time (for most people). Some people adjust to this and do fine, some don't. similar rules for driving under the influence should be worked out before mj is made legal. those rules will be followed to the same extant that dui laws are, just as we have those who drive under the influence of either drug now, we will if it is legal.

even if not legalized for smoking (it should be), it should definitely be legalized for mass cultivation. hemp is such a versatile material, you can even make oil out of it (can you guess why it's really illegal now? :)) that's in addition to paper, clothes, rope and more.

edit: see what happens when you get kicked off line during a post, everyone beats you to the punch...
-can you imagine getting 8mph on hemp oil diesel?

Everyone would be getting high.
Originally posted by Aquarian
I'm glad to see most of the misconceptions are being cleared up so far :)

do note, that if you are really really determined, you can overdose on mj, especially if you eat it (in brownies or whatnot). There has been only one case of death attributed to weed so far, and that just recently in the UK. the amount you would have to smoke is huge.

mj poses the same risks for driving that alchohol does. it slows your reaction time (for most people). Some people adjust to this and do fine, some don't. similar rules for driving under the influence should be worked out before mj is made legal. those rules will be followed to the same extant that dui laws are, just as we have those who drive under the influence of either drug now, we will if it is legal.

even if not legalized for smoking (it should be), it should definitely be legalized for mass cultivation. hemp is such a versatile material, you can even make oil out of it (can you guess why it's really illegal now? :)) that's in addition to paper, clothes, rope and more.

edit: see what happens when you get kicked off line during a post, everyone beats you to the punch...

I don't think MaryJane is even close to impairing driving as much as alcohol does. Maybe I'm just in the "adjusted to it category". I used to get lost, but I wouldn't hit anything. It's a different kind of impariment altogether.

"Scoot over, high ass, let me drive."
Looking at the economic side of this issue. Who wins if MJ is legalized? The government to start, they can tax the hell out of it, look at smokes now. after the end user smokes it, the munches come soon afterwords. Thats right the government wins again and the econimy also gats a boast. Where would you rather purchase MJ? the dealer you dont trust or the corner DRUG STORE that has been filling your presciptions for years? Its a win-win deal. and to answer an earlier post, DUI covers all drugs legal or not, Driving under the influence covers almost everything
Originally posted by jon_forward
Looking at the economic side of this issue. Who wins if MJ is legalized? The government to start, they can tax the hell out of it, look at smokes now. after the end user smokes it, the munches come soon afterwords. Thats right the government wins again and the econimy also gats a boast. Where would you rather purchase MJ? the dealer you dont trust or the corner DRUG STORE that has been filling your presciptions for years? Its a win-win deal. and to answer an earlier post, DUI covers all drugs legal or not, Driving under the influence covers almost everything

No they cant tax it. People can grow it in their basements without the government knowing about it. It would be very difficult to regulate MJ. thats one of the reasons why it will never be legal because the government cant profit.

Quite frankly its wrong for the government to be profiting off the deaths of people who smoke and drink too but not much can be done about it.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
No they cant tax it. People can grow it in their basements without the government knowing about it. It would be very difficult to regulate MJ. thats one of the reasons why it will never be legal because the government cant profit.

Quite frankly its wrong for the government to be profiting off the deaths of people who smoke and drink too but not much can be done about it.

People grow it now in their basements, because it's illegal. Your logic is like saying, there will be no market for food, people can grow it on their own. The fact is that in specialized society such as ours, people don't want to fucking with all that shit. They'd go buy a pack of smokes, blunts, Partay-Time. Primo quality too, I'm sure, for a 2 bucks extra.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
No they cant tax it. People can grow it in their basements without the government knowing about it. It would be very difficult to regulate MJ. thats one of the reasons why it will never be legal because the government cant profit.

Quite frankly its wrong for the government to be profiting off the deaths of people who smoke and drink too but not much can be done about it.

Ever hear of Drug stamps? If I had to purchase a stamp[read that TAX] so i could legally carry a small amount of weed with me I would pay as would most I believe.Grow your own? purchase a growing permit[read that as a TAX] for X amount of plants. There is a way and trust me, If the government can see money in it they will readily legalize weed. And I do believe it will be in my lifetime.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
People grow it now in their basements, because it's illegal. Your logic is like saying, there will be no market for food, people can grow it on their own. The fact is that in specialized society such as ours, people don't want to fucking with all that shit. They'd go buy a pack of smokes, blunts, Partay-Time. Primo quality too, I'm sure, for a 2 bucks extra.

Lets see....we can start out with some Oregon Super 6, then progress to the purple hair. from there......I can dream cant I..:D
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie

Marijuana is good for not much more than destroying yourself and others around you.

That's pretty naive of you. How can you make a comment like tthat and not address the legality of alcohol? I don't know anyone who died from smoking pot. Although, I suppose smoking anything isn't "good" for you.
Originally posted by Aquarian
mj poses the same risks for driving that alchohol does.

Absolutely wrong.

And there are already rules against driving under the influence of MJ. It is illegal, just harder to prove than with alcohol. Actually, pretty much impossible since unlike alcohol, THC stays in your system for aprox. a month.

But just like valium and other drugs, it is illegal to drive under the influence of pot.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
The fact is that in specialized society such as ours, people don't want to fucking with all that shit.

You sure say some strange stuff.
Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie
I think that it would be crazy to legalize marijuana. I understand the concept some of you bring up, especially the example of alcohol and prohibition. However, the US wouldn't want to condone the use of marijuana. Furthermore, alcohol is a much weaker drug that can be used responsibly. Marijuana is much more addictive and destroys the brain. A substance like that shouldn't be legal. Yes people should make their own choices but the government has to step in some time to try to protect people.

If you think the drug abuse is bad now, everyone will be on drugs if this would happen. There's a lot of people doing drugs now, but there's still pressure on them because they know it's illegal. What we need to do is continue with the fight against drugs. I see people on the streets of Detroit walking around smoking weed. Where are the police? This is what needs to be improved: police awareness. I don't think these people should go to jail of course, just to rehabilitation facilities which is already being done obviously.

If you believe marijuana is more addictive than alcahol, you are highly mistaken..I agree that the U.S. will never legalize it, though I hope they will decriminilize it.. Like I said if you think MJ is addictive, I seriously question your info and sources. I also agree drug use is bad , but I believe we waste way too much money and resources on people who choose to smoke a lil weed and drink a lil beer... As long as they stay home and don't endanger others by driving.
Originally posted by Quad
Alcohol is much more damaging to the brain then marijuana is. Not only is alcohol damaging to the brain but it is damaging to the mouth, throat, stomach, liver, and kidneys. There is absolutely zero scientific evidence that marijuana damages the brain - as I've said before there has been little research into HOW marijuana effects neurotransmitters but there has been nothing to suggest brain damage. Some research suggests that marijuana may have therapuetic value that goes beyond killing pain. The only evidence of negative effects on the brain is that it temporarily effects short term memory.

However, marijuana can burn and damage the lungs. Marijuana has something like four times the amount of tar that tobacco has but marijuana does not have poisons such as nicotine or cyanide. It does not have a fifth of the known carginogens that tobacco has and is therefor much safer to smoke then tobacco. THC actually releases chemicals in the body that open up lungs much in the same way inhaled steroids treat restricted lungs in people with asthma. When we can synthesize THC cheaply it will replace most asthma medication. THC is a neurotransmitter we don't know a lot about but it appears to have healing qualities and should be researched further.

Alcohol is much more addictive then marijuana. There is no such thing as cannabisism but alcoholism is a pathology that is as deadly to our society as heart disease and cancer. Alcohol releases neurotransmitters in the reward pathways of the brain which physiologically reinforce alcohol consumption - this is how physical addictions are created. Physical addiction to alcohol (which is often accompanied by addictive personality) is something that is virtually impossible to really rid yourself of and usually takes decades to treat. Marijuana is only psychologically addictive as some have pointed out - psychological addictions are the result of addictive personalities not of drugs. Addiction to marijuana is always a symptom of addictive personality and bigger psychological problems - not a result of consumption of marijuana. Like all forms of self medication, the more of it there is the less your personality grows, the less your personality grows the harder it is for you to cope with real stresses and problems, the harder it is for you to cope the more immature you are emotionally - a lot of addicts who self medicate can appear to be brain-damaged but you can self medicate with videogames, or ice cream, or sex - addiction to marijuana is a symptom of bigger problems.

Substance abuse is almost always a symptom of bigger problems - legalizing substances can only help to treat the real problems and the symptom (the abuse itself) in more effective manners.

The gateway drug argument was a fallacy from the beggining and it's mostly not used anymore. The initial argument was based on polling people who had used harder drugs and asking them the question "did you smoke marijuana before you started using heroine" - they did not poll every person who used marijuana and they did not take into account the very relevant factor of addictive personalities looking for things to be addicted to or the fact that those people with addictive personalities are going to have access to weed before access to heroine. There was never a strong argument that supported the idea that marijuana use caused addiction to harder drugs. Of course, if there were, legalizing, regulating, and taxing marijuana would be much more effective at combating the problem then what we have now - that is if we REALLY cared - which judging from the lack of education most people have about this, I don't think we do.

Of course though the most important point is that marijuana was NEVER made illegal because of the effects it has on peoples health, and the initial claims about psychological and social effects have been thoroughly dismissed even by those who fight in the war on drugs. Marijuana was not made illegal to protect people it was made illegal because it was profitable for those with lobbying power. Once you get to that fact it is hard to justify it being prohibited while alcohol is not unless you use a market-based argument about the rights of businesses to lobby and change laws - which, though most of you seem to be republican (and therefor theoretically support an unregulated market), I doubt will happen.

Alcohol is a drug, caffeine is a drug, tobacco is a drug (and one that contains hundreds of chemicals and known poisons), if you have an addictive personality almost anything is a drug - mormons don't condone drug use but I think the United States government is pretty neutral on the issue most of the time. Hard drugs are illegal because of how unhealthy they are - alcohol is certainly a much harder drug then marijuana. Marijuana is officially classified as a soft drug and it is the softest drug that is illegal in the united states. Anyone care to wage a slippery slope argument? Slippery slope arguments by definition are fallacies, you know.

If you belive it is not leagal because the Gov. cares about peoples health you are wrong.:confused:
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yes. The gateway drug argument. All heroine users drank milk first. Milk must be a gateway drug.

I drank milk before I masturbated once..Does that not link milk to addiction to pornography????:eek:

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