Marine critical of Obama should be booted from service, panel says

Booted from the service and be given an other than honorable discharge???

After 9 years of service???

Wow, what a shame... This regime needs to be booted out!

I dont want to hear all the blah blah about military rules.... this is bullshit!

Another reason I hate facebook.

Had to re-think my position... read below:
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I would never serve under this bastard of a president, ever. Just to get rubber bullets and be shot in the back by the president. PIG. NOT my president! I don't see him as president.
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One may like or dislike Barack Obama's policies, but he is the duly elected President of the US at this time. And that means he is the Commander in Chief. The fact that most sane Americans, whatever their personal convictions, accept this constitutional reality is what seperates the US from a banana republic.
Booted from the service and be given an other than honorable discharge???

After 9 years of service???

Wow, what a shame... This regime needs to be booted out!

I dont want to hear all the blah blah about military rules.... this is bullshit!

Another reason I hate facebook.


Those are the rules. Frankly, if you don't agree with them, tough shit.

When I was still in the service I had a problem with the Bush administration but I did what I was supposed to do and kept my mouth shut about it until I was no longer subject to the UCMJ.

This guy wanted to pop off and now he might have to pay the price for it. I have zero sympathy for him.
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I would never serve under this bastard of a president, ever. Just to get rubber bullets and be shot in the back by the president. PIG. NOT my president! I don't see him as president.

Then you're part of the reason why this nation may go to hell in a handbasket.

As much as I detested Bush (especially after sending thousands of our soldiers to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON) I still considered him my POTUS.

And even if a sodier did what this one did to Bush I would still support the action taken against him.

From the link......"Military law prohibits uniformed personnel from making comments critical of their chain of command, including the commander-in-chief, or engaging in political activity in a context that suggests they are acting as military members."

After nine years he knows the law and if he chose to break it he has to pay the price. It's as simple as that.
Booted from the service and be given an other than honorable discharge???

After 9 years of service???

Wow, what a shame... This regime needs to be booted out!

I dont want to hear all the blah blah about military rules.... this is bullshit!

Another reason I hate facebook.


Those are the rules. Frankly, if you don't agree with them, tough shit.

When I was still in the service I had a problem with the Bush administration but I did what I was supposed to do and kept my mouth shut about it until I was no longer subject to the UCMJ.

This guy wanted to pop off and now he might have to pay the price for it. I have zero sympathy for him.

Besides, it's the military taking action here enforcing their own rules.
I would never serve under this bastard of a president, ever. Just to get rubber bullets and be shot in the back by the president. PIG. NOT my president! I don't see him as president.

Then you're part of the reason why this nation may go to hell in a handbasket.

As much as I detested Bush (especially after sending thousands of our soldiers to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON) I still considered him my POTUS.

And even if a sodier did what this one did to Bush I would still support the action taken against him.

From the link......"Military law prohibits uniformed personnel from making comments critical of their chain of command, including the commander-in-chief, or engaging in political activity in a context that suggests they are acting as military members."

After nine years he knows the law and if he chose to break it he has to pay the price. It's as simple as that.

I disagree with you on your detestation of Bush, but the rest of your posting is spot on.
Booted from the service and be given an other than honorable discharge???

After 9 years of service???

Wow, what a shame... This regime needs to be booted out!

I dont want to hear all the blah blah about military rules.... this is bullshit!

Another reason I hate facebook.

No, it just shows that if you break the rules, you pay the price.

People are fired all the time for dissing the boss on FaceBook. They forget it's a public forum.

The miltiary has rules about respect for the commander in cheif. And frankly, if thise were 2007, and this marine was dissing Bush, you guys on the right would be calling for his head.

All that said, given his service, I would hope the Marines would find a lesser punishment for this infraction, if the guy admitted his error.
Booted from the service and be given an other than honorable discharge???

After 9 years of service???

Wow, what a shame... This regime needs to be booted out!

I dont want to hear all the blah blah about military rules.... this is bullshit!

Another reason I hate facebook.

He broke the rules. You might not like it, I surely don't, but he knew them before he did it.
Maybe they'll execute him? Who knows these days? Big Brother is so out of control. Just leave our brave men & women's Facebook pages alone for God's sake. They risk it all for our Nation. They've earned their privacy.
OK.... I will concede here.

He knew better.... You guys are right, he broke the rules.

Your also right, I dont like it, but it is what it is... he fucked up.

Maybe he did it on purpose to make a point, but whatever the reason... he knew the consequences and should face the penalties head on.

Sorry for being an emotional little baby last night.
OK.... I will concede here.

He knew better.... You guys are right, he broke the rules.

Your also right, I dont like it, but it is what it is... he fucked up.

Maybe he did it on purpose to make a point, but whatever the reason... he knew the consequences and should face the penalties head on.

Sorry for being an emotional little baby last night.

I would never serve under this bastard of a president, ever. Just to get rubber bullets and be shot in the back by the president. PIG. NOT my president! I don't see him as president.

Fortunately for you, there are plenty of brave and honorable people willing to serve in the military, who put place much greater emphasis on service to their country and are willing to set aside the political cry-baby fest that you're unwilling to relinquish.
Maybe they'll execute him? Who knows these days? Big Brother is so out of control. Just leave our brave men & women's Facebook pages alone for God's sake. They risk it all for our Nation. They've earned their privacy.

They need to leave that facebook shit alone... if our gov't can read it, so can the enemy. Shouldnt be allowed if ya ask me...

Just a thought.
OK.... I will concede here.

He knew better.... You guys are right, he broke the rules.

Your also right, I dont like it, but it is what it is... he fucked up.

Maybe he did it on purpose to make a point, but whatever the reason... he knew the consequences and should face the penalties head on.

Sorry for being an emotional little baby last night.

No worries, man. Much respect.

What sort of marine, SUES?

He should be kicked out with a less than honorable discharge.
He apparently cannot follow orders and thinks himself special.
I personally don't mind him posting anti-Obama propaganda. He has that right. But when you present yourself as a Marine you are crossing a line. He was given repeated warnings that he was violating policy and ignored it

Ultimately he got what he deserved
He broke the rules, you don't like the President, tough shit, you signed up, you are serving, you know the rules and you should have the discipline and the fortitude to not speak ill of your Commander.

He deserves his punishment.

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