Marine discharged after getting caught on camera harassing black woman at Trump rally

So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
No, never heard of it. But, she got...SHOVED? DAMN! What an outrage! SHOVED. Really. Shoved. WOW. Umm...Am I missing something? Shoved? Not RAPED, SHOT, VERBALY intimidated. Short sharp shove? I am NOT moved by this.
Assault is assault. You might want to check the laws in your state before you go shoving someone.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
Took a big guy to do what he did. Good thing they caught him early or he would have been raping women in other countries like some of the older GI's told me happened a lot when they were in Vietnam.

Kinda like the Liberal bitches that assaulted Ann Coulter?

Que the double standard...

To be fair, Coulter is a man, after all. Have you seen that adam's apple?

If Coulter is a tranny, that would make you a fan.

Laughing at crazy right wingers like her is entertaining, if that's what you mean.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally

Another troll thread with a false and misleading title!

He was NOT a Marine! He was a pre-enlistment little snot who had not yet signed an oath or put on the uniform.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally

Another troll thread with a false and misleading title!

He was NOT a Marine! He was a pre-enlistment little snot who had not yet signed an oath or put on the uniform.

So how could the Marines discharge him?
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally

Another troll thread with a false and misleading title!

He was NOT a Marine! He was a pre-enlistment little snot who had not yet signed an oath or put on the uniform.

So how could the Marines discharge him?

That's the conundrum, now isn't it?

The anti-Trump clowns want this dude to be a Marine, but not enough of a Marine that they feel he can't be run roughshod over.

This is why Liberal arguments usually fail.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
No, never heard of it. But, she got...SHOVED? DAMN! What an outrage! SHOVED. Really. Shoved. WOW. Umm...Am I missing something? Shoved? Not RAPED, SHOT, VERBALY intimidated. Short sharp shove? I am NOT moved by this.
you must not have seen the video.
I have seen a lot of things, and I know how people play games. She got shoved? Wow, I hope this gal survived all the brutal shoving. Come on now. This is milking a situation for more than it's worth, don't you think?

Hitler started off that way too....just sayin
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally

Another troll thread with a false and misleading title!

He was NOT a Marine! He was a pre-enlistment little snot who had not yet signed an oath or put on the uniform.

So how could the Marines discharge him?

They simply cancelled his pre-enlistment contract for administrative reasons. He lost his 'slot.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
No, never heard of it. But, she got...SHOVED? DAMN! What an outrage! SHOVED. Really. Shoved. WOW. Umm...Am I missing something? Shoved? Not RAPED, SHOT, VERBALY intimidated. Short sharp shove? I am NOT moved by this.
you must not have seen the video.

Did you even watch the video? The video is taken out of context, it only shows her getting shoved. We have no idea what she was doing seconds before. You can see her SMILING as its happening, so to call this an "assault" is ridiculous. She was there with the intention of disrupting the event and to cause trouble. A woman would not be grinning like that if she felt she was being harassed or assaulted. Chances are that dumb c*nt got what she deserved.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
No, never heard of it. But, she got...SHOVED? DAMN! What an outrage! SHOVED. Really. Shoved. WOW. Umm...Am I missing something? Shoved? Not RAPED, SHOT, VERBALY intimidated. Short sharp shove? I am NOT moved by this.
Assault is assault. You might want to check the laws in your state before you go shoving someone.

Pushing someone in a crowd isn't assault. Women don't have a big smile on their face as they are being assaulted. Unless it can be proven she was minding her own business and was singled out just for being black, he isn't guilty of anything.
No, never heard of it. But, she got...SHOVED? DAMN! What an outrage! SHOVED. Really. Shoved. WOW. Umm...Am I missing something? Shoved? Not RAPED, SHOT, VERBALY intimidated. Short sharp shove? I am NOT moved by this.

She got a little more than just shoved. You might want to watch the video.
Was she there to cause trouble like Rosa Parks on that bus? Seems to me if the girl was there to disrupt, she left herself open to pushback. Literally. Participate in civil disobedience? This is what you get.

BTW. Who names their kid Kayisha?

Do you have a book of Trump how a parents should name their kids? Are you saying that we should name our kids for your satisfaction?
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.
The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.

Look at this pussy. What is this got to do with Obama?
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
As a Marine vet, let me just say that I find this title highly misleading. You can't be discharged from something you were never a part of. If you are in DEP you are not a haven't been to boot camp, you haven't gotten your EGA, you aren't even close to being considered a Marine.

Now, this isn't trying to excuse this guy's actions, make light of them, or saying that there aren't bastards in the Marine Corps. However, I'd prefer to not go out of the way to tarnish the image of a lot of good men and women when it isn't warranted.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
No, never heard of it. But, she got...SHOVED? DAMN! What an outrage! SHOVED. Really. Shoved. WOW. Umm...Am I missing something? Shoved? Not RAPED, SHOT, VERBALY intimidated. Short sharp shove? I am NOT moved by this.
you must not have seen the video.

Did you even watch the video? The video is taken out of context, it only shows her getting shoved. We have no idea what she was doing seconds before. You can see her SMILING as its happening, so to call this an "assault" is ridiculous. She was there with the intention of disrupting the event and to cause trouble. A woman would not be grinning like that if she felt she was being harassed or assaulted. Chances are that dumb c*nt got what she deserved.
so you think there's a context that makes repeatedly shoving a woman in the back okay, or a context that makes shouting in her face acceptable? what context makes it okay?
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
As a Marine vet, let me just say that I find this title highly misleading. You can't be discharged from something you were never a part of. If you are in DEP you are not a haven't been to boot camp, you haven't gotten your EGA, you aren't even close to being considered a Marine.

Now, this isn't trying to excuse this guy's actions, make light of them, or saying that there aren't bastards in the Marine Corps. However, I'd prefer to not go out of the way to tarnish the image of a lot of good men and women when it isn't warranted.
on the contrary i think the story makes the marine corps look really good.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
No, never heard of it. But, she got...SHOVED? DAMN! What an outrage! SHOVED. Really. Shoved. WOW. Umm...Am I missing something? Shoved? Not RAPED, SHOT, VERBALY intimidated. Short sharp shove? I am NOT moved by this.
Assault is assault. You might want to check the laws in your state before you go shoving someone.

Pushing someone in a crowd isn't assault. Women don't have a big smile on their face as they are being assaulted. Unless it can be proven she was minding her own business and was singled out just for being black, he isn't guilty of anything.

In the legal sense, yes, pushing is considered assault. You may not agree that is should be, but it is legally.
"Hatred toward any group of individuals is not tolerated."

What he has done is not consistent with Marine Corp values.

It was a racial charged incident, and he mentioned the Marines during the altercation.
You're a fucking liar.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
As a Marine vet, let me just say that I find this title highly misleading. You can't be discharged from something you were never a part of. If you are in DEP you are not a haven't been to boot camp, you haven't gotten your EGA, you aren't even close to being considered a Marine.

Now, this isn't trying to excuse this guy's actions, make light of them, or saying that there aren't bastards in the Marine Corps. However, I'd prefer to not go out of the way to tarnish the image of a lot of good men and women when it isn't warranted.
on the contrary i think the story makes the marine corps look really good.

Pushing someone because they are saying something you don't like makes the marine corps look good?

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