Marines send Iran backed terrorist packing

The Bengahzi attack went on for hours with no response from the White House and no help sent in a region absolutely
ringed with military resources to call on.
He called the attack "an act of terror...not terrorism".

Obama slept while people died and then he was too fucking cowardly to even call this attack what it was...terrorism.

Not long afterwards he was cutting secretive deals with Iran to enrich them and help build a nuclear infrastructure capable of enriching uranium to weapons grade so the Mullahs would have their own nuclear missiles and bombs.

The best president Iran ever had.
You God damn lying fuck.

Within 90 minutes, Obama gave the military the order to what ever was needed to help in Benghazi.

You lying fucks should be ashamed that you piss on dead Americans with your lies.

Fuck you.

The Iran agreement stopped the nuclear weapon development & your fast assed orange buddy set them back on the path.
One only has to look at the iran nuclear deal to see obama was supporting terrorism!

My chin hit the floor when john kerry said openly on TV "well, we can't be certain that money wont be used for terrorism".

150 billion iranian assets unfrozen.
1.7 billion IN CASH flown into iran.

What a piece of filth!
Because stopping Iran from getting a nuke was helping terrorists.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.
We can tell in school you were only taught being gays is okay and you can change your gender.
We can tell you learned nothing in school as evident by your stupid bigoted posts.
You're pretty sanctimonious for someone supporting people that stood in front of caskets of veterans and an Ambassador that died serving America and premeditatedly lied their asses off about how they died, just for political purposes.

And they had nobody around them to help because Obama didn't want them to have help.

Everybody else had pulled their consulates out of the area because of terror threats, but your war hero Obama left ours in harm's way with no military backup.

Obama didn't do that because he was stupid as Democrats claim. He just didn't give a shit about them.

Yup and the day after they died he went off to his Vegas fund raiser without a care in the world. What a POTUS he was. I sure was glad to see the back side of that POS as he left office. What an uncaring asshole.
the day after, the attack was over.

Trump golfed during this Iraq event. So fuck off.

Seems like your the one who should fuck off. If you think Barry spent 24 hours mourning the dead in Benghazi your and idiot. An idiot who defends Obama who couldn't give three shits about dead men in Libya.

LMAO if Trump was golfing you can bet he had ears on what was going on in Iraq. Unlike Barry Trump can do two things at once and do them well. Which he proved with Iraq.

So fuck off retard.
That is the most ridiculous response ever.

I never said anything about mourning the dead,. I guess he should have stayed in DC & golfed


Of course he didn't mourn the dead. He couldn't care less.

Oh and I'm sure he would have played golf on the day they died if he could have.

Like Trump mourned the dead in Puerto Rico by hold back aid?
Like Trump mourned the dead soldier killed in Africa by calling his widow a liar?
Yup and the day after they died he went off to his Vegas fund raiser without a care in the world. What a POTUS he was. I sure was glad to see the back side of that POS as he left office. What an uncaring asshole.
the day after, the attack was over.

Trump golfed during this Iraq event. So fuck off.

Seems like your the one who should fuck off. If you think Barry spent 24 hours mourning the dead in Benghazi your and idiot. An idiot who defends Obama who couldn't give three shits about dead men in Libya.

LMAO if Trump was golfing you can bet he had ears on what was going on in Iraq. Unlike Barry Trump can do two things at once and do them well. Which he proved with Iraq.

So fuck off retard.
That is the most ridiculous response ever.

I never said anything about mourning the dead,. I guess he should have stayed in DC & golfed


Of course he didn't mourn the dead. He couldn't care less.

Oh and I'm sure he would have played golf on the day they died if he could have.

Like Trump mourned the dead in Puerto Rico by hold back aid?
Like Trump mourned the dead soldier killed in Africa by calling his widow a liar?

You are so full of shit. Aid wasn't held back, you should address your comments to those running PR.

What a fucking retard you are.
Yup and the day after they died he went off to his Vegas fund raiser without a care in the world. What a POTUS he was. I sure was glad to see the back side of that POS as he left office. What an uncaring asshole.
the day after, the attack was over.

Trump golfed during this Iraq event. So fuck off.

Seems like your the one who should fuck off. If you think Barry spent 24 hours mourning the dead in Benghazi your and idiot. An idiot who defends Obama who couldn't give three shits about dead men in Libya.

LMAO if Trump was golfing you can bet he had ears on what was going on in Iraq. Unlike Barry Trump can do two things at once and do them well. Which he proved with Iraq.

So fuck off retard.
That is the most ridiculous response ever.

I never said anything about mourning the dead,. I guess he should have stayed in DC & golfed

No, he chose to fly on our dime to Vegas to golf.

He went to a fund raiser, not golfing. Benghazi attack was over,

Trump is playing golf while our Iraq Embassy was under attack.

You can bitch & lie all you want about Obama but it will not change that Bone Spurs was golfing during the attack.
Obama went to campaign and golf. He even lied about it. Obama was in the white house when the bengazi attack happened. Did nothing. You say Trump was playing golf while the Iraq attack happened and Trump still took care of it. Trump is the man! Obama is a pussy.

Oh and in bengazi the red cross were more informed about what was going to happen. They got their people out. That's what happens when you have a president who finds out major world events on the eleven o'clock news.
One only has to look at the iran nuclear deal to see obama was supporting terrorism!

My chin hit the floor when john kerry said openly on TV "well, we can't be certain that money wont be used for terrorism".

150 billion iranian assets unfrozen.
1.7 billion IN CASH flown into iran.

What a piece of filth!
Because stopping Iran from getting a nuke was helping terrorists.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.
We can tell in school you were only taught being gays is okay and you can change your gender.
We can tell you learned nothing in school as evident by your stupid bigoted posts.
Bigoted posts? Lol, thanks for proving my point.
One only has to look at the iran nuclear deal to see obama was supporting terrorism!

My chin hit the floor when john kerry said openly on TV "well, we can't be certain that money wont be used for terrorism".

150 billion iranian assets unfrozen.
1.7 billion IN CASH flown into iran.

What a piece of filth!
Because stopping Iran from getting a nuke was helping terrorists.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.
We can tell in school you were only taught being gays is okay and you can change your gender.
We can tell you learned nothing in school as evident by your stupid bigoted posts.
Bigoted posts? Lol, thanks for proving my point.

You are an ignorant fuck on homosexuality & gender.

Being gay is OK. Being a fucking bigot like you, is not.
the day after, the attack was over.

Trump golfed during this Iraq event. So fuck off.

Seems like your the one who should fuck off. If you think Barry spent 24 hours mourning the dead in Benghazi your and idiot. An idiot who defends Obama who couldn't give three shits about dead men in Libya.

LMAO if Trump was golfing you can bet he had ears on what was going on in Iraq. Unlike Barry Trump can do two things at once and do them well. Which he proved with Iraq.

So fuck off retard.
That is the most ridiculous response ever.

I never said anything about mourning the dead,. I guess he should have stayed in DC & golfed

No, he chose to fly on our dime to Vegas to golf.

He went to a fund raiser, not golfing. Benghazi attack was over,

Trump is playing golf while our Iraq Embassy was under attack.

You can bitch & lie all you want about Obama but it will not change that Bone Spurs was golfing during the attack.
Obama went to campaign and golf. He even lied about it. Obama was in the white house when the bengazi attack happened. Did nothing. You say Trump was playing golf while the Iraq attack happened and Trump still took care of it. Trump is the man! Obama is a pussy.
View attachment 297853
Oh and in bengazi the red cross were more informed about what was going to happen. They got their people out. That's what happens when you have a president who finds out major world events on the eleven o'clock news.
He met with the joint chief & his other White House people & directed the military to do what ever it could.

That is taking action. you lying fuck.

Our embassy in Baghdad is underf sttscvk & yoiuyr fsat assed ore[zange hero was decodin g wshstyg cluyb to user.

So fuck off all you Trumpettes. Quit your fucking lying & admit Trump golfing pissed you off.
Trump should have Obama thrown in prison for murdering our ambassadors....or at least have some investigations into what happened in Benghazi.....

But since Obama is black, no one ever bothered to investigate Benghazi...….

the day after, the attack was over.

Trump golfed during this Iraq event. So fuck off.

Seems like your the one who should fuck off. If you think Barry spent 24 hours mourning the dead in Benghazi your and idiot. An idiot who defends Obama who couldn't give three shits about dead men in Libya.

LMAO if Trump was golfing you can bet he had ears on what was going on in Iraq. Unlike Barry Trump can do two things at once and do them well. Which he proved with Iraq.

So fuck off retard.
That is the most ridiculous response ever.

I never said anything about mourning the dead,. I guess he should have stayed in DC & golfed


Of course he didn't mourn the dead. He couldn't care less.

Oh and I'm sure he would have played golf on the day they died if he could have.

Like Trump mourned the dead in Puerto Rico by hold back aid?
Like Trump mourned the dead soldier killed in Africa by calling his widow a liar?

You are so full of shit. Aid wasn't held back, you should address your comments to those running PR.

What a fucking retard you are.
So you are claiming PR got the funding Congress gave it?
Trump should have Obama thrown in prison for murdering our ambassadors....or at least have some investigations into what happened in Benghazi.....

But since Obama is black, no one ever bothered to investigate Benghazi...….

Jesus Fucking Christ. You assfucks already had a pile of investigations into Benghazi.

How many ambassadors died?

The Trump and America backed Marines threw the Obama and Iran backed militant Terrorists off of American soil.

‘Marines 1, Iran 0’: Pro-Iran militants ‘fully withdraw from US embassy in Baghdad’ –

It's not that Obama couldn't have done the same. He just chose not to.

Trump did it like John Wayne would have done it. Like a real President.
So it took days for General Bone Spurs to send in Mariners stationed in nearby Kuwait,a 6 hour drive. Helicopters within 20 miles.

How far were the nearest help in Benghazi? Yet help wasthere faster than Trump got those marines to Baghdad.

Remember how you assfucks had a fit that Obama flew the next day to a campaign event after the attack was over and do not talk about their fat assed Captain Bone Spurs golfing while our embassy was under attack.
Nam was a bad time. Endless Progs are politicians who never served. Hillary never got her azz beat up as a child like men do. Obama seems the same way. Most men know this as it is a part of life. Psychotic and sociopaths who are vicious can cause a lot of misery. We have had them in our past. Trump does not seem to be this.
One only has to look at the iran nuclear deal to see obama was supporting terrorism!

My chin hit the floor when john kerry said openly on TV "well, we can't be certain that money wont be used for terrorism".

150 billion iranian assets unfrozen.
1.7 billion IN CASH flown into iran.

What a piece of filth!
Because stopping Iran from getting a nuke was helping terrorists.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.
We can tell in school you were only taught being gays is okay and you can change your gender.
We can tell you learned nothing in school as evident by your stupid bigoted posts.
Bigoted posts? Lol, thanks for proving my point.

You are an ignorant fuck on homosexuality & gender.

Being gay is OK. Being a fucking bigot like you, is not.
You don't teach that crap in elementary school dumbass. You teach them English, math, history, they aren't there to learn about how the teacher feels. I present the young people of today, after learning nothing but indoctrination.
Seems like your the one who should fuck off. If you think Barry spent 24 hours mourning the dead in Benghazi your and idiot. An idiot who defends Obama who couldn't give three shits about dead men in Libya.

LMAO if Trump was golfing you can bet he had ears on what was going on in Iraq. Unlike Barry Trump can do two things at once and do them well. Which he proved with Iraq.

So fuck off retard.
That is the most ridiculous response ever.

I never said anything about mourning the dead,. I guess he should have stayed in DC & golfed

No, he chose to fly on our dime to Vegas to golf.

He went to a fund raiser, not golfing. Benghazi attack was over,

Trump is playing golf while our Iraq Embassy was under attack.

You can bitch & lie all you want about Obama but it will not change that Bone Spurs was golfing during the attack.
Obama went to campaign and golf. He even lied about it. Obama was in the white house when the bengazi attack happened. Did nothing. You say Trump was playing golf while the Iraq attack happened and Trump still took care of it. Trump is the man! Obama is a pussy.
View attachment 297853
Oh and in bengazi the red cross were more informed about what was going to happen. They got their people out. That's what happens when you have a president who finds out major world events on the eleven o'clock news.
He met with the joint chief & his other White House people & directed the military to do what ever it could.

That is taking action. you lying fuck.

Our embassy in Baghdad is underf sttscvk & yoiuyr fsat assed ore[zange hero was decodin g wshstyg cluyb to user.

So fuck off all you Trumpettes. Quit your fucking lying & admit Trump golfing pissed you off.
Fact is Obama lied about his failure and took off. Trump took care of business and did great.
Seems like your the one who should fuck off. If you think Barry spent 24 hours mourning the dead in Benghazi your and idiot. An idiot who defends Obama who couldn't give three shits about dead men in Libya.

LMAO if Trump was golfing you can bet he had ears on what was going on in Iraq. Unlike Barry Trump can do two things at once and do them well. Which he proved with Iraq.

So fuck off retard.
That is the most ridiculous response ever.

I never said anything about mourning the dead,. I guess he should have stayed in DC & golfed


Of course he didn't mourn the dead. He couldn't care less.

Oh and I'm sure he would have played golf on the day they died if he could have.

Like Trump mourned the dead in Puerto Rico by hold back aid?
Like Trump mourned the dead soldier killed in Africa by calling his widow a liar?

You are so full of shit. Aid wasn't held back, you should address your comments to those running PR.

What a fucking retard you are.
So you are claiming PR got the funding Congress gave it?

I'd say PR received loads of our tax dollars.

Puerto Rico says to receive $16 billion in federal disaster aid
So it took days for General Bone Spurs to send in Mariners stationed in nearby Kuwait,a 6 hour drive. Helicopters within 20 miles.

How far were the nearest help in Benghazi? Yet help wasthere faster than Trump got those marines to Baghdad.

Remember how you assfucks had a fit that Obama flew the next day to a campaign event after the attack was over and do not talk about their fat assed Captain Bone Spurs golfing while our embassy was under attack.

You';e such a retard why don't you shoot yourself. OD on oxy or something and do America a favor.
Barry Hussein allegedly ordered pizza while Benghazi defenders ran out of ammunition and were killed and mutilated and dragged through the streets. President ordered attack helicopters and Marines to reinforce the embassy in Iraq. See the difference?

I have a thought, assdfuck. Look at where military help was located in regards to Baghdad & then in regards to Benghazi. Obama was in the Wite House during the attack. Trump was fucking golfing.

Obama ordered the military to do what it could immediately.

Fat ass bone spurs waited for days.
If you had a thought you'd have a headache.

Obama was caught with his panties around his ankles and people better than him died as a result.

There was nobody helping the troops in Benghazi because Obama didn't give a shit enough to deploy them.

How Americans see servicemen.
View attachment 297821

How Obama sees military servicemen.

View attachment 297822
Oh please. He gave the military the order. There was no one close enough to help.

as far as Obama, I know how your fat assed hero thinks about our troops. AS a draft dodger, Trump had the nerve to trash John McCain's service to this country. He said he did not like POWs. He trashed a Gold Star family. He called widow a liar the day she met her husband's casket at the airport.

You support Trump. So really, I know what you think about of soldiers.

Here you are using the deaths of Americans to lie. Fuck off.
/—/ Obozo went golfing when an American contractor was beheaded, Obozo couldn’t get away from the podium fast enough.
Barry Hussein allegedly ordered pizza while Benghazi defenders ran out of ammunition and were killed and mutilated and dragged through the streets. President ordered attack helicopters and Marines to reinforce the embassy in Iraq. See the difference?

I have a thought, assdfuck. Look at where military help was located in regards to Baghdad & then in regards to Benghazi. Obama was in the Wite House during the attack. Trump was fucking golfing.

Obama ordered the military to do what it could immediately.

Fat ass bone spurs waited for days.
If you had a thought you'd have a headache.

Obama was caught with his panties around his ankles and people better than him died as a result.

There was nobody helping the troops in Benghazi because Obama didn't give a shit enough to deploy them.

How Americans see servicemen.
View attachment 297821

How Obama sees military servicemen.

View attachment 297822

There weren't any troops to speak of in Benghazi,(it being a consulate, not an embassy) that was a major part of the problem. I think it was a CIA recruiting point for paid, northern Syria militias in preparation for the next middle east bungle, like the last middle east bungle before it. Hillary stuck her nosy nose into CIA business to make sure she knew what groups were being hired or rejected and kept her nose in far too long. Her lack of integrity was only matched by her lack of judgement. Not sure what Obama knew or when he knew it. I don't think he was pleased with her judgement, actions or lack there of, in the whole affair Sept 12, 2012. He failed to manage her prior to the event. She was gone within 6 months, by February 2013. I don't think she did anything prosecutor, lord knows they tried. Still, she was responsible. Those people worked for her, and Obama failed to keep her on a short enough string. He should have never hired her a political favor in the first place. She was a known quantity when he gave her the job.
If you are going to talk about Benghazi, you really should watch the movie "13 Hours" which is about the attack.

And, if you watch that movie, you would see that there were several points where they could have made better decisions. The ambassador was asked to go to a more secure location, but he said no, he would be okay where he was. Then, when he was told that on 9/11 there would be no events scheduled, he decided to send his protection detail back to their CIA station, about 2 miles away.

When the attack started, the CIA station chief refused to let his protection detail go get him. He made them wait almost 2 hours before he let them go rescue him, but by then it was too late.

As far as military aid? The only asset in the area was a surveillance drone. They started to mount a rescue mission from Sigonella, Sicily, but they didn't have all the required equipment. They then tried to mount a rescue mission from Adiamo Italy, but by then, it was too late.

And, all through the first part of the movie, both the CIA security team as well as the ambassador and people he talked to were pretty upset at the funding cuts that the Republicans had put into place that affected security of embassies overseas.

If I was going to lay fault at anyone's feet, the first person I'd hold responsible is the CIA station chief that delayed the rescue attempt.
Barry Hussein allegedly ordered pizza while Benghazi defenders ran out of ammunition and were killed and mutilated and dragged through the streets. President ordered attack helicopters and Marines to reinforce the embassy in Iraq. See the difference?

I have a thought, assdfuck. Look at where military help was located in regards to Baghdad & then in regards to Benghazi. Obama was in the Wite House during the attack. Trump was fucking golfing.

Obama ordered the military to do what it could immediately.

Fat ass bone spurs waited for days.
If you had a thought you'd have a headache.

Obama was caught with his panties around his ankles and people better than him died as a result.

There was nobody helping the troops in Benghazi because Obama didn't give a shit enough to deploy them.

How Americans see servicemen.
View attachment 297821

How Obama sees military servicemen.

View attachment 297822

There weren't any troops to speak of in Benghazi,(it being a consulate, not an embassy) that was a major part of the problem. I think it was a CIA recruiting point for paid, northern Syria militias in preparation for the next middle east bungle, like the last middle east bungle before it. Hillary stuck her nosy nose into CIA business to make sure she knew what groups were being hired or rejected and kept her nose in far too long. Her lack of integrity was only matched by her lack of judgement. Not sure what Obama knew or when he knew it. I don't think he was pleased with her judgement, actions or lack there of, in the whole affair Sept 12, 2012. He failed to manage her prior to the event. She was gone within 6 months, by February 2013. I don't think she did anything prosecutor, lord knows they tried. Still, she was responsible. Those people worked for her, and Obama failed to keep her on a short enough string. He should have never hired her a political favor in the first place. She was a known quantity when he gave her the job.
Total Bullshit.

As Secretary of State, she likely ad no input who the CIA was working with in Libya.

Embassy security was handle by career State people.

So why aren't you blaming Pompeo for this embassy attack?

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