Marines Without Leader For First Time In Over 100 Years. GOP Holding Military Families Hostage

Gen. David Berger stepped down as commandant of the Marine Corps on Monday, but had no permanent successor to hand off to, leaving the service without a Senate-confirmed leader for the first time since 1910.

The lapse in command is because Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is blocking senior military nominations in protest of a Pentagon abortion policy.

Republicans hate our military.
Go woke, no vote....Get back to basics of KILL, KILL, KILL, then maybe the military can have a real leader.

More than anything this highlights a major flaw in our legislative system. One person should not wield this much power. One person should not be able to stop the work of the Senate all by themselves.
I guess yer unfamaliar with the number of senate tiebraking votes by
V.P. Harris.That's ALL On her.Or the way Former House Speaker
Pelosi delighted in tearing up slowly with a twinkle in her eyes
while sucking slowly on some candy,President Trump's 2020
State of the Union Address.
As much as I hate that one Senator can have this much power and I think his stance is fucking stupid, this is really not a big deal.

The Commandant is an administrative position and has far less power than one would assume. They have no operational control over the Marines as that is delegated to Area Commanders such as CENTCOM or the Southern Command.

There are currently 200 military families this is effecting across all branches, at different rates.
I guess yer unfamaliar with the number of senate tiebraking votes by
V.P. Harris.That's ALL On her.Or the way Former House Speaker
Pelosi delighted in tearing up slowly with a twinkle in her eyes
while sucking slowly on some candy,President Trump's 2020
State of the Union Address.
You're swinging at the wrong pitch. This is purely a matter of senatorial blue slipping, and the "paper" filibuster.

Back when Mr Smith went to Washington, a senator had to continually hold the floor, to enact a filibuster. Now all it takes is a note saying they're doing a filibuster, and they don't need to stand there, or continually talk.
IMO it's unforgivable. I'm partial to Marines and the military anyway. That's one reason I find Trump so despicable.

What does this have to do with "Trump"? Its a dispute between Sleepy Joe and Sen. Tuberville.

Donald J. Trump has nothing to do with it.
Biden can't find a Marine General like Miley.... Miley is a whore and would lick Joe's ass hole for another chest ribbon....
Gen. David Berger stepped down as commandant of the Marine Corps on Monday, but had no permanent successor to hand off to, leaving the service without a Senate-confirmed leader for the first time since 1910.

The lapse in command is because Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is blocking senior military nominations in protest of a Pentagon abortion policy.

Republicans hate our military.

Ain't that the truth. For all talk of keeping "America Secure", people Tiny Tuberville are dead set on defunding or decreasing the size of our Military.
Gen. David Berger stepped down as commandant of the Marine Corps on Monday, but had no permanent successor to hand off to, leaving the service without a Senate-confirmed leader for the first time since 1910.

The lapse in command is because Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is blocking senior military nominations in protest of a Pentagon abortion policy.

Republicans hate our military.
Republican standing on principle. I get you never see that from demorats!
Okay I got the real story. All Biden has to do is to halt the armed forces from funding abortions and it ends. We have new leadership. The government isn't suppose to fund abortions anyway.
Okay I got the real story. All Biden has to do is to halt the armed forces from funding abortions and it ends. We have new leadership. The government isn't suppose to fund abortions anyway.
The Hyde Act doesn't apply to the military. You should mind your own business. Have you ever had an unwanted pregnancy?
Gen. David Berger stepped down as commandant of the Marine Corps on Monday, but had no permanent successor to hand off to, leaving the service without a Senate-confirmed leader for the first time since 1910.

The lapse in command is because Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is blocking senior military nominations in protest of a Pentagon abortion policy.

Republicans hate our military.
The article states there is an acting leader. So this entire thing is a lie.
Okay I got the real story. All Biden has to do is to halt the armed forces from funding abortions and it ends. We have new leadership. The government isn't suppose to fund abortions anyway.

Wrong. The military isn’t a state. The Dobbs decision doesn’t effect them. Only Congress can fund them, and only the President can give them orders. The Supreme Court has zero power.

And this is a losing cause for Republicans, at every level, and in every state. All Biden has to do is watch Republicans abort themselves out of office.

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