Marjorie Taylor Greene and the Republican Perversion of ‘Freedom’


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘The Republican delirium drawing the most attention is the party’s indulgence of Marjorie Taylor Greene as she turns madness into martyrdom. Mustn’t alienate the QAnon caucus! Can’t win elections without ’em, and if Democratic leaders aren’t exactly cannibals and pedophiles, well, they want higher taxes on the affluent and more Americans enrolled in Obamacare, which is pretty much the same thing.

But there was a less noted sequence of events recently that, in its way, said just as much about how lost the party is. As is so often the case in Republican politics, it involved guns.

Many House Republicans have been freaking out, no exaggeration, over the installation of metal detectors along their paths to the House floor. Some of them have pointedly bypassed the devices. Others have railed against them with a righteous fury that would lead you to believe that instead of being checked for lethal weapons, they’re having their Newsmax printouts shredded or being outfitted with muzzles. (Don’t get any ideas.)

Apparently, if you can’t pack heat in proximity to Nancy Pelosi, you’re living in a totalitarian state. That’s not me being sarcastic. That’s Representative Debbie Lesko’s actual interpretation of the events. Lesko, an Arizona Republican, tweeted that the new security screening was proof that lawmakers “now live in Pelosi’s communist America.”’

The GOP is the party of bizarre lies and madness; the Republican perversion of freedom, indeed.
‘The Republican delirium drawing the most attention is the party’s indulgence of Marjorie Taylor Greene as she turns madness into martyrdom. Mustn’t alienate the QAnon caucus! Can’t win elections without ’em, and if Democratic leaders aren’t exactly cannibals and pedophiles, well, they want higher taxes on the affluent and more Americans enrolled in Obamacare, which is pretty much the same thing.

But there was a less noted sequence of events recently that, in its way, said just as much about how lost the party is. As is so often the case in Republican politics, it involved guns.

Many House Republicans have been freaking out, no exaggeration, over the installation of metal detectors along their paths to the House floor. Some of them have pointedly bypassed the devices. Others have railed against them with a righteous fury that would lead you to believe that instead of being checked for lethal weapons, they’re having their Newsmax printouts shredded or being outfitted with muzzles. (Don’t get any ideas.)

Apparently, if you can’t pack heat in proximity to Nancy Pelosi, you’re living in a totalitarian state. That’s not me being sarcastic. That’s Representative Debbie Lesko’s actual interpretation of the events. Lesko, an Arizona Republican, tweeted that the new security screening was proof that lawmakers “now live in Pelosi’s communist America.”’

The GOP is the party of bizarre lies and madness; the Republican perversion of freedom, indeed.

The latest Dim obsession. Can't talk about the senile bed wetter Slo Joe so you bring up a freshman Congresswoman nobody has ever heard of or gives a shit about. She's very, very, scary!!! :lol:
‘The Republican delirium drawing the most attention is the party’s indulgence of Marjorie Taylor Greene as she turns madness into martyrdom. Mustn’t alienate the QAnon caucus! Can’t win elections without ’em, and if Democratic leaders aren’t exactly cannibals and pedophiles, well, they want higher taxes on the affluent and more Americans enrolled in Obamacare, which is pretty much the same thing.

But there was a less noted sequence of events recently that, in its way, said just as much about how lost the party is. As is so often the case in Republican politics, it involved guns.

Many House Republicans have been freaking out, no exaggeration, over the installation of metal detectors along their paths to the House floor. Some of them have pointedly bypassed the devices. Others have railed against them with a righteous fury that would lead you to believe that instead of being checked for lethal weapons, they’re having their Newsmax printouts shredded or being outfitted with muzzles. (Don’t get any ideas.)

Apparently, if you can’t pack heat in proximity to Nancy Pelosi, you’re living in a totalitarian state. That’s not me being sarcastic. That’s Representative Debbie Lesko’s actual interpretation of the events. Lesko, an Arizona Republican, tweeted that the new security screening was proof that lawmakers “now live in Pelosi’s communist America.”’

The GOP is the party of bizarre lies and madness; the Republican perversion of freedom, indeed.
Embracing the lunatic/paranoia of trump's Nazis by the Republican establishment will guarantee the Democrats increasing hold on all three branches of government.

The RINOs are as, or more important to the GOP's primary agenda to feed the greed of the billionaires and Big Business. The Republican establishment's placating trump's Nazis has already driven tens-of-thousands of the RINOs out of the GOP, which will soon make it the QOP. And trump's Nazis have their own agenda.

Congress will need armed guards, big armed guards, in the House and Senate chambers, always prepared to put a quick end to any firefight that breaks out among the lawmakers. Their body cameras always running.

The only ones thinking of qanon are Democrats. This must be something they made up. Another monster to hide under the bed.
Q's hiding under the bed alright, mostly from his own followers that would like to lynch him for the lies that led them down the rabbit hole.
her district Knew her positions and her history and 74 percent of those that voted voted for her.74 percent, remind me what democrat got anywhere near that in their districts. the democrats had no right to do what they did while ignoring Omar and her hateful speech WHILE in congress.
The perversion is catholic-CIA puppet Biden moving new catholics into the U.S. whilst the pandemic is in process and the economy wounded by the Chinese communist virus.

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