Marjorie Taylor Greene points to "common ground" between GOP, Nation of Islam

"On my recent visit to the DC Jail one of the things I picked up was some religious material. They had options. Christain and Islam," the first-term lawmaker and vocal Trump supporter said in the first of 17 tweets posted to to her account, adding that one of the reading materials offered was "Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam newspaper."

Well Marg, the Nation of Islam, is about as Muslim as Federal Express is Federal.

Fucking muppet.
It's weird anyway that minority groups that adopt right-wing ideas for the goal of "empowerment", like black nationalism, are seen as "left-wing".

Minorities with right-wing views such as nationalism will only work against oppression until they're the majority. Then they'll be just as oppressive as those they once fought against.

It's fighting fire with fire. You can't beat the right by adopting their ideas and still be in favor of justice.
I can remember when the GOP was trying to make Oblama look bad for a photo he had taken while at a Nation of Islam conference.

Didn’t have Marjorie Taylor Greene praising the Nation of Islam on the bingo card.
That'd be because "Later in her Twitter thread, Greene made a point of saying she is "strongly opposed to radical Islam."

P'raps, rather than trying to be clever in posting intentionally misleading things like this, you'd actually think about the efforts at division being pushed by the Left and consider where it will eventually lead us all. IOW... a person need not be a Trump supporter to distrust government efforts to push these unwanted, untrusted vaccines on citizens of many backgrounds, all over America.

Trump pushed for the vaccines, TOOK the vaccine, and recommends the vaccines. I know, weird, right?
Members of both groups are in a righteous holy war against what they perceive as evil.
Yet neither are trying to force people to take injections they don't trust. Odd, that, innit?
And I had such high hopes for MTG. She's lost it on this one. I would have thought she'd be one of those with common sense to support Trump's Muslim ban.
"On my recent visit to the DC Jail one of the things I picked up was some religious material. They had options. Christain and Islam," the first-term lawmaker and vocal Trump supporter said in the first of 17 tweets posted to to her account, adding that one of the reading materials offered was "Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam newspaper."

Well Marg, the Nation of Islam, is about as Muslim as Federal Express is Federal.

Fucking muppet.

Actually, that's not true at all. The Nation of Islam believes in Allah just any other Muslim denomination from the Sunnis to the Nation of Gods and Earths.
Apparently she didn’t realize who she was praising. Like referring to the KKK as Christians.
Still not as bad as Sheila Jackson-Lee (black woman who goes by the names of two Confederate military officers) and Hank Johnson, who believe, respectively, that south Vietnam and north Vietnam currently get along great and that too many people will cause Guam to tip over. Both have subsequently been re-elected.
If MTG is not challenged by her constituents to clarify her statements then her voters would be as stupid as Texas and Georgia democrats. And that’s pretty stupid!
You seem to want Trump supporters to disappear and leave the political world, so that you can retake the Republican Party.

That certainly sounds like being at war
"Seem" is not reality. I want two strong parties. Three would be better. THAT'S reality.

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