Mark Cuban: Trump's "batshit crazy", "a jagoff"


Mark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton, calls Donald Trump 'bats--- crazy'

By MJ Lee and Dan Merica CNN
July 31, 2016


Cuban also said that he had talked to Trump before he endorsed Clinton and urged the real estate mogul-turned-candidate that at some point he had to adapt and learn policy.

"I told him directly, at some point you have to learn, at some point you have to read and that that job is all about uncertainty and if you don't do the work, that is not good for this country," Cuban said. "And he just doesn't do the work."

In endorsing Clinton, Cuban said, "I am ready to vote for a true leader, I am ready to vote for the American Dream. I am ready to tell the world that I am here to endorse Hillary Clinton."ark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton, calls Donald Trump 'bats--- crazy'


Sounds like Cuban won't be investing in any of D. Trump's shady deals anytime soon...

Ohhhhh shocking. Someone who wanted Bloomberg to run for president and voted for Obama is endorsing Hillary.
Right around the time Republicans started voting for a limousine liberal from New York masquerading as a conservative. This election cycle is too bizarre.
He supports many things liberals oppose, socially he's more liberals than the average conservative but the economy is the driving force for the right and doing the same thing expecting different results got worn out.
We all know Hillary IS evil. Trump maybe too, but he is LIKELY the lesser of the two evils.

I prefer taking my chances on the lesser evil, rather than the greater evil.

It sucks, but what can one do about our absurd political class?

Here is the “lesser” evil making fun of a handicapped person:


And you’re voting for HIM?
Right around the time Republicans started voting for a limousine liberal from New York masquerading as a conservative. This election cycle is too bizarre.
He supports many things liberals oppose, socially he's more liberals than the average conservative but the economy is the driving force for the right and doing the same thing expecting different results got worn out.
We all know Hillary IS evil. Trump maybe too, but he is LIKELY the lesser of the two evils.

I prefer taking my chances on the lesser evil, rather than the greater evil.

It sucks, but what can one do about our absurd political class?

Here is the “lesser” evil making fun of a handicapped person:


And you’re voting for HIM?
You've posted that 5,000 times. What different results are you hoping for?

Mark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton, calls Donald Trump 'bats--- crazy'

By MJ Lee and Dan Merica CNN
July 31, 2016


Cuban also said that he had talked to Trump before he endorsed Clinton and urged the real estate mogul-turned-candidate that at some point he had to adapt and learn policy.

"I told him directly, at some point you have to learn, at some point you have to read and that that job is all about uncertainty and if you don't do the work, that is not good for this country," Cuban said. "And he just doesn't do the work."

In endorsing Clinton, Cuban said, "I am ready to vote for a true leader, I am ready to vote for the American Dream. I am ready to tell the world that I am here to endorse Hillary Clinton."ark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton, calls Donald Trump 'bats--- crazy'


Sounds like Cuban won't be investing in any of D. Trump's shady deals anytime soon...


Why in the world should anyone give a fuck what that moron says?
it does break my heart that it might not be from chicago, it was one of my best words growing up.
at least chicago invented the hamburger though.
Ah hell my wife liked shark tank, bet that love affair is over.

the establishment 1 percenters sure are lining up as dutiful little lemmings.
Well, I'm sure he meant "jagoff" and "batshit crazy" in the best possible way.

there was a comedian that did a bit about mobsters: "you are a low down scumbag piece of shit...." but i'm mean that in a nice way.....

Mark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton, calls Donald Trump 'bats--- crazy'

By MJ Lee and Dan Merica CNN
July 31, 2016


Cuban also said that he had talked to Trump before he endorsed Clinton and urged the real estate mogul-turned-candidate that at some point he had to adapt and learn policy.

"I told him directly, at some point you have to learn, at some point you have to read and that that job is all about uncertainty and if you don't do the work, that is not good for this country," Cuban said. "And he just doesn't do the work."

In endorsing Clinton, Cuban said, "I am ready to vote for a true leader, I am ready to vote for the American Dream. I am ready to tell the world that I am here to endorse Hillary Clinton."ark Cuban endorses Hillary Clinton, calls Donald Trump 'bats--- crazy'


Sounds like Cuban won't be investing in any of D. Trump's shady deals anytime soon...


The heavy-hitter list lining up against Trump is growing and will continue to do so. Jesus H the Democrats at their convention were praising John McCain's military service while Trump trashed him, "I like people that weren't captured".
That should tell you that the establishment...the so called elite that many on the left SUPPOSEDLY despise, are in Hillary's camp. Hillary is clearly the biggest Neocon elitist pol since...well...EVER!!!

When did D voters become one with the 1%?

Right around the time Republicans started voting for a limousine liberal from New York masquerading as a conservative. This election cycle is too bizarre.

More like folks are trying to vote against the establishment. Trump just is the vehicle and that ain't gonna change no matter what he says, unless Crooked Hillary drops out.

All these people being quoted as having some sort of revelation and now are not going to vote for Trump were not going to vote for anyone other than Crooked Hillary.

My opinion is that with the forces assembled against Trump and his apparent inability to filter this words the establishment will get what they want and crooked Hillary will be rewarded for years of pathological lying.
Anyone who thinks Cankles is a true leader, can't be too smart.

First of all your comment is off topic and if you believe (notice, I did not write think) Trump - the alternative to HRC - is a leader you have no idea what makes a leader.

Your posts strongly suggest you hate Sect. Clinton and imply you will support Trump. That alone suggests you are one of the angry white guys (AWG's) who never attended college.

My question for others, and something deserving of a thread on its own, is this: Why do so many AWG's who never attended college support Trump?
  • He has amassed a fortune via the labor of others
  • He has reportedly defaulted on his word and not paid contractors (who then could not pay workers)
  • He has filed for Bankruptcy, denying others their proper due
  • He is a bully who uses the same words and phrases over and over again yet says nothing
  • He evades every challenge by attacking the media as dishonest
  • He has no experience in governance
  • He has admitted to bribing elected officials to support his ambitions
  • He has refused to release his taxes
  • He has an odd and suspicious link to Putin and Russia
  • He is both a demagogue and a charlatan
  • He offers solutions on issues a POTUS cannot do without the Consent of the Senate
  • He has no understanding of the limitations imposed in COTUS on the office he seeks
Anyone who thinks Cankles is a true leader, can't be too smart.

First of all your comment is off topic and if you believe (notice, I did not write think) Trump - the alternative to HRC - is a leader you have no idea what makes a leader.

Your posts strongly suggest you hate Sect. Clinton and imply you will support Trump. That alone suggests you are one of the angry white guys (AWG's) who never attended college.

My question for others, and something deserving of a thread on its own, is this: Why do so many AWG's who never attended college support Trump?
  • He has amassed a fortune via the labor of others
  • He has reportedly defaulted on his word and not paid contractors (who then could not pay workers)
  • He has filed for Bankruptcy, denying others their proper due
  • He is a bully who uses the same words and phrases over and over again yet says nothing
  • He evades every challenge by attacking the media as dishonest
  • He has no experience in governance
  • He has admitted to bribing elected officials to support his ambitions
  • He has refused to release his taxes
  • He has an odd and suspicious link to Putin and Russia
  • He is both a demagogue and a charlatan
  • He offers solutions on issues a POTUS cannot do without the Consent of the Senate
  • He has no understanding of the limitations imposed in COTUS on the office he seeks

It is funny how lefties know all about Trump's background, but somehow don't know much about Clinton's background.

How is that possible?

Clinton has lots of governmental experience...all of it bad. She is the most corrupt pol in America today. She is completely and utterly owned by Wall Street and the banks. She is a horrendous warmonger and prolific liar.

Trump is bad, but nowhere near as bad as Cankles.
"I told him directly, at some point you have to learn, at some point you have to read and that that job is all about uncertainty and if you don't do the work, that is not good for this country," Cuban said. "And he just doesn't do the work."

That Trump is intellectually lazy comes as no surprise, and in that regard he represents most conservatives well.
Anyone who thinks Cankles is a true leader, can't be too smart.

First of all your comment is off topic and if you believe (notice, I did not write think) Trump - the alternative to HRC - is a leader you have no idea what makes a leader.

Your posts strongly suggest you hate Sect. Clinton and imply you will support Trump. That alone suggests you are one of the angry white guys (AWG's) who never attended college.

My question for others, and something deserving of a thread on its own, is this: Why do so many AWG's who never attended college support Trump?
  • He has amassed a fortune via the labor of others
  • He has reportedly defaulted on his word and not paid contractors (who then could not pay workers)
  • He has filed for Bankruptcy, denying others their proper due
  • He is a bully who uses the same words and phrases over and over again yet says nothing
  • He evades every challenge by attacking the media as dishonest
  • He has no experience in governance
  • He has admitted to bribing elected officials to support his ambitions
  • He has refused to release his taxes
  • He has an odd and suspicious link to Putin and Russia
  • He is both a demagogue and a charlatan
  • He offers solutions on issues a POTUS cannot do without the Consent of the Senate
  • He has no understanding of the limitations imposed in COTUS on the office he seeks

It is funny how lefties know all about Trump's background, but somehow don't know much about Clinton's background.

How is that possible?

Clinton has lots of governmental experience...all of it bad. She is the most corrupt pol in America today. She is completely and utterly owned by Wall Street and the banks. She is a horrendous warmonger and prolific liar.

Trump is bad, but nowhere near as bad as Cankles.

"lefties"? Hardly but your use of the word is only significant because it defines you as ignorant.

It is very easy to call others corrupt, it is much harder to be specific as to time, place and persons who engaged in such conspiracies with the target of your character assassination. Unless and until you provide substantive evidence which is probative to a specific occurrence of corruption, it would be wise for you to STFU. Otherwise you will remains and continue to expose your self as a pathologically angry fool.

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