Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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I think the incumbent is a literal disaster.

But he is still the duly elected President of the United States. So, when he walks into a room, it is customary, polite and appropriate to stand up.

When he speaks in the halls of Congress, one should not (actually) point out that he is a liar. Sometimes, silence is proper.

When a Congressperson gets to sit and listen to the President performing one of the Constitutional duties, like giving the State of the Union report TO Congress, the Congressperson should listen politely. Agreement not required. A bit of civility in paying due attention, however, is.

We all spout off on political hot button issues. Even Levin.

But, take a step back, take a deep breath and then proceed to behave like adults.

I won't take a back seat in my expression of disdain for President Obumbler. I think he is a terrible President and I cannot abide what he is inflicting on our Republic. But he is not doing it alone. He has lots of assistance (D) and few if any capable or effective opposition forces (R). So, until we collectively get our shit together, we are stuck with him and his inept "leadership." Still, when he shows up in Congress to give the SOTU address, our Congresscritters should be polite. Not for him. He sucks. But for the Office. Someday we might have a genuine President in that Office again.
Fair enough. But I have to say that it is also the duty of those we elect to show their distain, have some spine. Relatively FEW in the Repubican Party do. The Congresscritters can go back and watch what he said later...I really think they should walk out, and hold a rally of their own on the Capitol steps precisely to highlight the wrongs Obama and the Democrats are imposing on all of us to show precisely that the State of the Union is NOT good.
I think the incumbent is a literal disaster.

But he is still the duly elected President of the United States. So, when he walks into a room, it is customary, polite and appropriate to stand up.

When he speaks in the halls of Congress, one should not (actually) point out that he is a liar. Sometimes, silence is proper.

When a Congressperson gets to sit and listen to the President performing one of the Constitutional duties, like giving the State of the Union report TO Congress, the Congressperson should listen politely. Agreement not required. A bit of civility in paying due attention, however, is.

We all spout off on political hot button issues. Even Levin.

But, take a step back, take a deep breath and then proceed to behave like adults.

I won't take a back seat in my expression of disdain for President Obumbler. I think he is a terrible President and I cannot abide what he is inflicting on our Republic. But he is not doing it alone. He has lots of assistance (D) and few if any capable or effective opposition forces (R). So, until we collectively get our shit together, we are stuck with him and his inept "leadership." Still, when he shows up in Congress to give the SOTU address, our Congresscritters should be polite. Not for him. He sucks. But for the Office. Someday we might have a genuine President in that Office again.
Fair enough. But I have to say that it is also the duty of those we elect to show their distain, have some spine. Relatively FEW in the Repubican Party do. The Congresscritters can go back and watch what he said later...I really think they should walk out, and hold a rally of their own on the Capitol steps precisely to highlight the wrongs Obama and the Democrats are imposing on all of us to show precisely that the State of the Union is NOT good.

OF COURSE those elected representatives who disagree with Obumbler SHOULD articulate their disagreement with the man and the "why" underlying such disagreement. You are totally correct on that, T.

But since most Republican Congresscritters couldn't be bothered to articulate their opposition in a proper or effective manner (they won't even try), it is no substitute to grunt out their opposition by boycotting the SOTU address IN Congress. Churlish behavior like that would only serve to make them look childish and foolish.

I WANT there to be FORMAL and forceful and articulate OPPOSITION to Obumbler and his policies. But I don't want mere posturing cheap theater. The latter is not a good enough substitute for the failure of the GOP to give us the former.
I think the incumbent is a literal disaster.

But he is still the duly elected President of the United States. So, when he walks into a room, it is customary, polite and appropriate to stand up.

When he speaks in the halls of Congress, one should not (actually) point out that he is a liar. Sometimes, silence is proper.

When a Congressperson gets to sit and listen to the President performing one of the Constitutional duties, like giving the State of the Union report TO Congress, the Congressperson should listen politely. Agreement not required. A bit of civility in paying due attention, however, is.

We all spout off on political hot button issues. Even Levin.

But, take a step back, take a deep breath and then proceed to behave like adults.

I won't take a back seat in my expression of disdain for President Obumbler. I think he is a terrible President and I cannot abide what he is inflicting on our Republic. But he is not doing it alone. He has lots of assistance (D) and few if any capable or effective opposition forces (R). So, until we collectively get our shit together, we are stuck with him and his inept "leadership." Still, when he shows up in Congress to give the SOTU address, our Congresscritters should be polite. Not for him. He sucks. But for the Office. Someday we might have a genuine President in that Office again.
Fair enough. But I have to say that it is also the duty of those we elect to show their distain, have some spine. Relatively FEW in the Repubican Party do. The Congresscritters can go back and watch what he said later...I really think they should walk out, and hold a rally of their own on the Capitol steps precisely to highlight the wrongs Obama and the Democrats are imposing on all of us to show precisely that the State of the Union is NOT good.

OF COURSE those elected representatives who disagree with Obumbler SHOULD articulate their disagreement with the man and the "why" underlying such disagreement. You are totally correct on that, T.

But since most Republican Congresscritters couldn't be bothered to articulate their opposition in a proper or effective manner (they won't even try), it is no substitute to grunt out their opposition by boycotting the SOTU address IN Congress. Churlish behavior like that would only serve to make them look childish and foolish.

I WANT there to be FORMAL and forceful and articulate OPPOSITION to Obumbler and his policies. But I don't want mere posturing cheap theater. The latter is not a good enough substitute for the failure of the GOP to give us the former.
Cheap theatre or truth my friend. TRUE it is the duty of every person we elect to be there, stop, and listen...and even rebut...but then we live in dangerous times brought forth by those that have forgotten their place (every bit as much as WE citizens have forgotten OUR place of holding these people toward accountability) In my thinking, drastic times come for drastic measures...and seems to me that Tradition has already taken hits to the point to where it is unrecognizable.

Time a new tradition was to take root...Cheap theatre MAY BE how it might be viewed, but then standing on principles in my mind would trump that, and long overdue that such a statement has to take place.

My $.02 worth. How many people really watch the rebuttal(s) of the minority party after an SOTU? This act were it to take place, would have more impact for all the world to see.

At least principle will be making a stand.
Thanoss you pussy. We argued till the cows came home yesterday and no negs were exchanged, then today you neg me for a comment that wasn't even directed to you? If thats the game you want to play chump you will lose. Enjoy the ride pussy
because it would mean the Rs were all on one page and coordinated enough to pull it off.....that would signal future hell for the Left.....

but don't get your panties in a twist as it won't happen.....not while rinos are still worried about the 'moderate vote'......

NO republican can win an election without the moderate vote.

how has that worked out for us so far Nimrod?

I said moderate VOTE jackass. Not moderate candidate. And it has worked out very well for the DEMOCRATS because they keep getting their votes.

And that was the post you negged me for lol. A post speaking FACT. You are indeed young, and DUMB
Thanoss you pussy. We argued till the cows came home yesterday and no negs were exchanged, then today you neg me for a comment that wasn't even directed to you? If thats the game you want to play chump you will lose. Enjoy the ride pussy

Whining about neg rep? Please.

Not whining, sharing his patheticness with the world lol
Pot sucks. Nothing fun about it.

You've obviously never done it or got some really bad weed. Did you get that east coast laced shit? Poor dear. Ya gotta get some organic west coast stuff. It'll mellow you right the fuck out.

You do know everything that grows is organic right? All pot does is make you look like a jackass.

tapatalk post

MJ makes food & drink intense and wonderful, I remember sipping Ouzo over ice, sitting on a bean bag chair and listening to the stereo; it made the music nearly tactile and the touch of ones SO electric. AM talk shows make people into jackasses.
I think the incumbent is a literal disaster.

But he is still the duly elected President of the United States. So, when he walks into a room, it is customary, polite and appropriate to stand up.

When he speaks in the halls of Congress, one should not (actually) point out that he is a liar. Sometimes, silence is proper.

When a Congressperson gets to sit and listen to the President performing one of the Constitutional duties, like giving the State of the Union report TO Congress, the Congressperson should listen politely. Agreement not required. A bit of civility in paying due attention, however, is.

We all spout off on political hot button issues. Even Levin.

But, take a step back, take a deep breath and then proceed to behave like adults.

I won't take a back seat in my expression of disdain for President Obumbler. I think he is a terrible President and I cannot abide what he is inflicting on our Republic. But he is not doing it alone. He has lots of assistance (D) and few if any capable or effective opposition forces (R). So, until we collectively get our shit together, we are stuck with him and his inept "leadership." Still, when he shows up in Congress to give the SOTU address, our Congresscritters should be polite. Not for him. He sucks. But for the Office. Someday we might have a genuine President in that Office again.
Fair enough. But I have to say that it is also the duty of those we elect to show their distain, have some spine. Relatively FEW in the Repubican Party do. The Congresscritters can go back and watch what he said later...I really think they should walk out, and hold a rally of their own on the Capitol steps precisely to highlight the wrongs Obama and the Democrats are imposing on all of us to show precisely that the State of the Union is NOT good.

A comment on the efforts of past Republicans giving a rebuttal to the President's SOTU Address: Piss Poor!
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I think the incumbent is a literal disaster.

But he is still the duly elected President of the United States. So, when he walks into a room, it is customary, polite and appropriate to stand up.

When he speaks in the halls of Congress, one should not (actually) point out that he is a liar. Sometimes, silence is proper.

When a Congressperson gets to sit and listen to the President performing one of the Constitutional duties, like giving the State of the Union report TO Congress, the Congressperson should listen politely. Agreement not required. A bit of civility in paying due attention, however, is.

We all spout off on political hot button issues. Even Levin.

But, take a step back, take a deep breath and then proceed to behave like adults.

I won't take a back seat in my expression of disdain for President Obumbler. I think he is a terrible President and I cannot abide what he is inflicting on our Republic. But he is not doing it alone. He has lots of assistance (D) and few if any capable or effective opposition forces (R). So, until we collectively get our shit together, we are stuck with him and his inept "leadership." Still, when he shows up in Congress to give the SOTU address, our Congresscritters should be polite. Not for him. He sucks. But for the Office. Someday we might have a genuine President in that Office again.
Fair enough. But I have to say that it is also the duty of those we elect to show their distain, have some spine. Relatively FEW in the Repubican Party do. The Congresscritters can go back and watch what he said later...I really think they should walk out, and hold a rally of their own on the Capitol steps precisely to highlight the wrongs Obama and the Democrats are imposing on all of us to show precisely that the State of the Union is NOT good.

A comment on the efforts of past Republicans giving a rebuttal to the President's SOTU Address: Piss Poor!
You could always ask someone with a brain to explain to you what they said.
Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

Boy the blind Obama loved is unbelievable:cuckoo: He dragged out our still horrible economy. He forced Obamacare (which is unworkable) upon us without reading it or without any Bipartisan support. He pressed for gay marriage only after he first did not support it simply for political reasons and money. The seals killed bin-laden aided by the policies put in place by Bush. He followed Bush's timeline to end the Iraq war, but failed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement which as led to Iraq being over run with Al Quida and too much influence from Iran.:clap2:

Obama has positive accomplishments that historians can evaluate

Republican whining "Obama didn't do that, and fail, fail, fail" will not have much bearing

One of Obama's major accomplishments, his work force participation rate.. Thank you Obama!..."We love you" Obama:eusa_eh:

Participation rate in labor force matches 35-year low


Participation rate in labor force matches 35-year low - The Week in Charts - MarketWatch
Americans loved the last GOP political gimmicks....talking to empty furniture and shutting down national landmarks. I say go for it.

You mean Obama denies vets access to their own memorials as he opened the national mall for his leftist friends ?..You're not too bright are you :eusa_eh:

[ame=]WWII Veterans Shut Out But Illegals Welcomed to National Mall By President Obama - YouTube[/ame]
It just feels like something hateful Communists like Nancy Pelosi and Al Franken would do. I'd rather not go that route. Let's be better than that. Just my opinion anyway.

How is showing solidarity against the tyranny of this administration hate????? Would you say the same if it was a Paul's idea? Or is it just that you know Levin isn't a Paul fan?

I actually like Levin. But this just isn't a wise tactic. It's something straight out of the Communist Democrat playbook. I mean seriously, i could see Nancy Pelosi, Al Franken, or Barbara Boxer doing this. We all know Communists are whiny wankers. So let's not go their route. Let's respect the proceedings instead. The Communists' days are numbered anyway. Boycotting a State of the Union Address doesn't help the cause. But hey, that's just my opinion anyway.
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