Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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It would be the ultimate act of surrender.

actually if done effectively it would be the beginning of the end for the Left.....


Explain how

because it would mean the Rs were all on one page and coordinated enough to pull it off.....that would signal future hell for the Left.....

but don't get your panties in a twist as it won't happen.....not while rinos are still worried about the 'moderate vote'......
actually if done effectively it would be the beginning of the end for the Left.....


Explain how

because it would mean the Rs were all on one page and coordinated enough to pull it off.....that would signal future hell for the Left.....

but don't get your panties in a twist as it won't happen.....not while rinos are still worried about the 'moderate vote'......

A childish walkout would impress the American public?

Seems like it would only solidify the opinion of Republicans being obstructionist and petty partisan
actually if done effectively it would be the beginning of the end for the Left.....


Explain how

because it would mean the Rs were all on one page and coordinated enough to pull it off.....that would signal future hell for the Left.....

but don't get your panties in a twist as it won't happen.....not while rinos are still worried about the 'moderate vote'......

NO republican can win an election without the moderate vote.
if the walkout was well organized by all the Rs and carried out well it would signal a unified party with a unified message that was about to finally fight the Left in a meaningful way......

the wishy washy moderate vote would be attracted by this...
I don't know, seems like something whiny Communist Democrats would do. I'd rather not sink to their level. Let's err on the side of class, honor, and respect instead.
Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

I hope they do. It would mean a Democratic takeover of the House, for sure, and a bigger majority in the Senate.
It just feels like something hateful Communists like Nancy Pelosi and Al Franken would do. I'd rather not go that route. Let's be better than that. Just my opinion anyway.
I think the American people are long past such petty BS which would only create targets for a purge.
Obama should resign while he still can
What's hateful about refusing to listen to lies?

I hear ya. But think about it. It really is something a petty Communist Democrat would do. Let's not be them. We can be better. Let's show up and respect the proceedings instead.
I think the American people are long past such petty BS which would only create targets for a purge.
Obama should resign while he still can

Clearly you’re unaware of the fact that calling for Obama to “resign while he still can” is petty BS.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Since many RINO's follow Levin and Limbaugh's lead like cows on the way to the barn, can we expect the callous conservative collective will watch reruns of Sarah Palin's TV show instead of the SOTU Address? Willful ignorance prevents cognitive dissonance and critical thought.

Your ignorance is astounding.

tapatalk post

Your response suggests your ignorance is not willful. Were you dropped on you head often as an infant?

Only those blinded by a biased myopia refuse to see what is apparent every day on "New Posts": abject racism, bigotry and ain't Obama awful, sans evidence. This forum is not dominated by Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians or even Independents; it is dominated by loud and proud racists and other members of an extremist idiot fringe.
What's hateful about refusing to listen to lies?

I hear ya. But think about it. It really is something a petty Communist Democrat would do. Let's not be them. We can be better. Let's show up and respect the proceedings instead.

That sort of attitude is why Obama is president, and the current admin is crapping allover the procedures aswell as the Constitution of the US.

We are not obliged to respect the proceedings by participating in the sham that envelopes them. We should be protesting that the proceedings are being made a mockery of, rather than pretending it's just fine and dandy.
What's hateful about refusing to listen to lies?

I hear ya. But think about it. It really is something a petty Communist Democrat would do. Let's not be them. We can be better. Let's show up and respect the proceedings instead.

That sort of attitude is why Obama is president, and the current admin is crapping allover the procedures aswell as the Constitution of the US.

We are not obliged to respect the proceedings by participating in the sham that envelopes them. We should be protesting that the proceedings are being made a mockery of, rather than pretending it's just fine and dandy.

Oh i know it's just gonna be more lies. You're definitely right about that. But we gotta rise above the B.S. Things are gonna change. You watch & see. The Communist Globalist grip on our Nation is loosening. There is hope. So let's just stay calm and dignified. The game isn't over yet. Hang in there.
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I hear ya. But think about it. It really is something a petty Communist Democrat would do. Let's not be them. We can be better. Let's show up and respect the proceedings instead.

That sort of attitude is why Obama is president, and the current admin is crapping allover the procedures aswell as the Constitution of the US.

We are not obliged to respect the proceedings by participating in the sham that envelopes them. We should be protesting that the proceedings are being made a mockery of, rather than pretending it's just fine and dandy.

Oh i know it's just gonna be more lies. You're definitely right about that. But we gotta rise above the B.S. Things are gonna change. You watch & see. The Communist Globalist grip on our Nation is loosening. There is hope. So let's just stay calm and dignified. The game isn't over yet. Hang in there.

is there some sort of legislative requirement to attend....?
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