Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Since many RINO's follow Levin and Limbaugh's lead like cows on the way to the barn, can we expect the callous conservative collective will watch reruns of Sarah Palin's TV show instead of the SOTU Address? Willful ignorance prevents cognitive dissonance and critical thought.

Top 10 President

On what possible metric can that even be possible?

Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

Boy the blind Obama loved is unbelievable:cuckoo: He dragged out our still horrible economy. He forced Obamacare (which is unworkable) upon us without reading it or without any Bipartisan support. He pressed for gay marriage only after he first did not support it simply for political reasons and money. The seals killed bin-laden aided by the policies put in place by Bush. He followed Bush's timeline to end the Iraq war, but failed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement which as led to Iraq being over run with Al Quida and too much influence from Iran.:clap2:

I'm just rattlin his cage. Iron Maiden rocks. But my pot days have long since passed

Pot sucks. Nothing fun about it.

You've obviously never done it or got some really bad weed. Did you get that east coast laced shit? Poor dear. Ya gotta get some organic west coast stuff. It'll mellow you right the fuck out.

You do know everything that grows is organic right? All pot does is make you look like a jackass.

tapatalk post
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Since many RINO's follow Levin and Limbaugh's lead like cows on the way to the barn, can we expect the callous conservative collective will watch reruns of Sarah Palin's TV show instead of the SOTU Address? Willful ignorance prevents cognitive dissonance and critical thought.

Your ignorance is astounding.

tapatalk post
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Since many RINO's follow Levin and Limbaugh's lead like cows on the way to the barn, can we expect the callous conservative collective will watch reruns of Sarah Palin's TV show instead of the SOTU Address? Willful ignorance prevents cognitive dissonance and critical thought.

Many Americans have turned our backs on Cable TV. Long ago tired of the endless train of Left-wing propaganda.

But without regard to that, Obama is incapable of recognizing what is true, as he lacks objectivity. Therefore, it is a waste of time to listen to what he has to say, as without regard to the issue, he will not tell you what's true. He will tell you only what you want to believe is true.

Which is why the Left loves him, as they too have no means to be objective.

Liars and fools... . A distinction without a difference.
On what possible metric can that even be possible?

Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

Boy the blind Obama loved is unbelievable:cuckoo: He dragged out our still horrible economy. He forced Obamacare (which is unworkable) upon us without reading it or without any Bipartisan support. He pressed for gay marriage only after he first did not support it simply for political reasons and money. The seals killed bin-laden aided by the policies put in place by Bush. He followed Bush's timeline to end the Iraq war, but failed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement which as led to Iraq being over run with Al Quida and too much influence from Iran.:clap2:

Obama has positive accomplishments that historians can evaluate

Republican whining "Obama didn't do that, and fail, fail, fail" will not have much bearing
Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

Boy the blind Obama loved is unbelievable:cuckoo: He dragged out our still horrible economy. He forced Obamacare (which is unworkable) upon us without reading it or without any Bipartisan support. He pressed for gay marriage only after he first did not support it simply for political reasons and money. The seals killed bin-laden aided by the policies put in place by Bush. He followed Bush's timeline to end the Iraq war, but failed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement which as led to Iraq being over run with Al Quida and too much influence from Iran.:clap2:

Obama has positive accomplishments that historians can evaluate

Republican whining "Obama didn't do that, and fail, fail, fail" will not have much bearing

What would be a 'positive accomplishment' which you feel a historian will judge?

Raising the National Debt, through the most profound example of abuse of power and, the largest money laundering scheme in human history?

Longest period of economic malaise?

Most prolific liar?

Best example of a Trojan Horse since the Greeks were relevant?

You pick.
Boy the blind Obama loved is unbelievable:cuckoo: He dragged out our still horrible economy. He forced Obamacare (which is unworkable) upon us without reading it or without any Bipartisan support. He pressed for gay marriage only after he first did not support it simply for political reasons and money. The seals killed bin-laden aided by the policies put in place by Bush. He followed Bush's timeline to end the Iraq war, but failed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement which as led to Iraq being over run with Al Quida and too much influence from Iran.:clap2:

Obama has positive accomplishments that historians can evaluate

Republican whining "Obama didn't do that, and fail, fail, fail" will not have much bearing

What would be a 'positive accomplishment' which you feel a historian will judge?

Raising the National Debt, through the most profound example of abuse of power and, the largest money laundering scheme in human history?

Longest period of economic malaise?

Most prolific liar?

Best example of a Trojan Horse since the Greeks were relevant?

You pick.

Rinse and Repeat
Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

Boy the blind Obama loved is unbelievable:cuckoo: He dragged out our still horrible economy. He forced Obamacare (which is unworkable) upon us without reading it or without any Bipartisan support. He pressed for gay marriage only after he first did not support it simply for political reasons and money. The seals killed bin-laden aided by the policies put in place by Bush. He followed Bush's timeline to end the Iraq war, but failed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement which as led to Iraq being over run with Al Quida and too much influence from Iran.:clap2:

Obama has positive accomplishments that historians can evaluate

Republican whining "Obama didn't do that, and fail, fail, fail" will not have much bearing

OK, here is your opportunity to name one or two.

End of DOMA? End of DADT? Not closing Gitmo after buying a prison to do just that?
On what possible metric can that even be possible?

Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

Boy the blind Obama loved is unbelievable:cuckoo: He dragged out our still horrible economy. He forced Obamacare (which is unworkable) upon us without reading it or without any Bipartisan support. He pressed for gay marriage only after he first did not support it simply for political reasons and money. The seals killed bin-laden aided by the policies put in place by Bush. He followed Bush's timeline to end the Iraq war, but failed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement which as led to Iraq being over run with Al Quida and too much influence from Iran.:clap2:

By my looking into Obamacare it is workable for those who wish to sign up but it is god awfully expensive. Especially for those who had/have employer sponsored healthcare. Which, in my opinion, is going out the door soon, maybe next year. especially for those companies that don't think they need it to retain employees Which considering the job market is just about everyone who has job.
boycotting the SOTU will be the equivalent of the butt hurt kid taking his football home because he's been getting "shellacked" :boohoo:
boycotting the SOTU will be the equivalent of the butt hurt kid taking his football home because he's been getting "shellacked" :boohoo:

They can always put their fingers in their ears....

The fun part will be to see which loser Republican gives the rebuttal
Obama has positive accomplishments that historians can evaluate

Republican whining "Obama didn't do that, and fail, fail, fail" will not have much bearing

What would be a 'positive accomplishment' which you feel a historian will judge?

Raising the National Debt, through the most profound example of abuse of power and, the largest money laundering scheme in human history?

Longest period of economic malaise?

Most prolific liar?

Best example of a Trojan Horse since the Greeks were relevant?

You pick.

Rinse and Repeat

Love your sig.

Among the better examples of straw reasoning that I've encountered recently.

Good stuff. (Now the only questions that remain are:

1- Did you know that the reasoning was invalid? Meaning that you posted the deception as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant?

2- If not, do you regret being mislead by whoever used deceit as a fraudulent means to influence you?

If #1 is answered in the affirmative, then you're just a liar and as such you represent a threat to those around you.

If #2 is answered in the affirmative, you're a fool, but with some discernible means to overcome it. Good luck.

If #1 is answered in the negative, then you're a fool, with little hope of overcoming it. Again, good luck!

If #2 is answered in the negative, then you're a fool, with no means of overcoming it.)
Last edited:
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB. But in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

It would be the ultimate act of surrender.
I don't know. I do LIKE the idea but why give the socialists another weapon to use, before the midterms?
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB. But in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

It would be the ultimate act of surrender.

Very true

But even Republicans are too bright to listen to a moron like Levin
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB. But in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

It would be the ultimate act of surrender.

actually if done effectively it would be the beginning of the end for the Left.....
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB. But in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

It would be the ultimate act of surrender.

actually if done effectively it would be the beginning of the end for the Left.....


Explain how
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