Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Now don't knock anyone who was doing that, some of us were still politically involved. Even serving in the military. Now getting high and listening to the grateful Dead was a whole 'nother issue as very many were to high to vote and thought that one would speak for the whole communion.

However most shock jocks will say what they need to get ratings.


I'm just rattlin his cage. Iron Maiden rocks. But my pot days have long since passed
Perot would have fixed the country how stupid are you?

Here is something HE did that the government couldn't: Just prior to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the government of Iran imprisoned two EDS employees in a contract dispute. Perot organized and sponsored their rescue. The rescue team was led by retired U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel Arthur D. "Bull" Simons. When the team was unable to find a way to extract their two prisoners, they decided to wait for a mob of pro-Ayatollah revolutionaries to storm the jail and free all 10,000 inmates, many of whom were political prisoners. The two prisoners then connected with the rescue team, and the team spirited them out of Iran via a risky border crossing into Turkey. The exploit was recounted in a book, On Wings of Eagles by Ken Follett, which became a best-seller. In the 1986 miniseries, Perot was portrayed by Richard Crenna.

LOL He was a crack pot that only ran because Bush pissed him off. The man had absolutely no idea how the three branches worked. You remember those stupid 30 minuet commercials he ran?

Sounds like you are describing Obama there not Perot, although Obama didn't have to pay for his commercials the far left networks were more than glad to do it for free and are still doing it.

Never thought of that ..... Your right though. Obama definitely stole the idea for Perot. There was one good thing that happened because of Perot. Without him we wouldn't have had Clinton and because of Clinton we got the Newt congress.....Of course years later the Republicans fucked it up .
Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Now don't knock anyone who was doing that, some of us were still politically involved. Even serving in the military. Now getting high and listening to the grateful Dead was a whole 'nother issue as very many were to high to vote and thought that one would speak for the whole communion.

However most shock jocks will say what they need to get ratings.


I'm just rattlin his cage. Iron Maiden rocks. But my pot days have long since passed

Pot sucks. Nothing fun about it.
What kind of argument is that? What was I probably 20 when Perot ran? So I was a young idealist. At least I was involved. What were you doing at 20? Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Get off my nuts bitch

To be honest...with the exception of Huckabee
All are a bunch of assholes

I liked Perot's money management
Alan Keys was on the scene when I was a die hard christian
Huckabee seemed like a man of honor who spoke his mind regardless of the consequences and I agreed with most of his ideas
Santorum was my second choice because Cain dropped out just before the primaries.

I think they all would be leaps and bounds better than what we've had for the last decade

All would have been a disaster

More reason we can't elect conservatives

Keyes? Santorum?
To be honest...with the exception of Huckabee
All are a bunch of assholes

I liked Perot's money management
Alan Keys was on the scene when I was a die hard christian
Huckabee seemed like a man of honor who spoke his mind regardless of the consequences and I agreed with most of his ideas
Santorum was my second choice because Cain dropped out just before the primaries.

I think they all would be leaps and bounds better than what we've had for the last decade

All would have been a disaster

More reason we can't elect conservatives

Keyes? Santorum?

It doesn't matter what you think cum stain your not a republican.
To be honest...with the exception of Huckabee
All are a bunch of assholes

I liked Perot's money management
Alan Keys was on the scene when I was a die hard christian
Huckabee seemed like a man of honor who spoke his mind regardless of the consequences and I agreed with most of his ideas
Santorum was my second choice because Cain dropped out just before the primaries.

I think they all would be leaps and bounds better than what we've had for the last decade

All would have been a disaster

More reason we can't elect conservatives

Keyes? Santorum?


Nothing more
I liked Perot's money management
Alan Keys was on the scene when I was a die hard christian
Huckabee seemed like a man of honor who spoke his mind regardless of the consequences and I agreed with most of his ideas
Santorum was my second choice because Cain dropped out just before the primaries.

I think they all would be leaps and bounds better than what we've had for the last decade

All would have been a disaster

More reason we can't elect conservatives

Keyes? Santorum?


Nothing more

Be serious

President Keyes? President Santorum?
Nah. I find it interesting that Gramps.....a dude who says that he wants the GOP to stop focusing on social issues....says that he'd like Rick. Santorum to become our president.

Now don't knock anyone who was doing that, some of us were still politically involved. Even serving in the military. Now getting high and listening to the grateful Dead was a whole 'nother issue as very many were to high to vote and thought that one would speak for the whole communion.

However most shock jocks will say what they need to get ratings.


I'm just rattlin his cage. Iron Maiden rocks. But my pot days have long since passed

Pot sucks. Nothing fun about it.

You've obviously never done it or got some really bad weed. Did you get that east coast laced shit? Poor dear. Ya gotta get some organic west coast stuff. It'll mellow you right the fuck out.
It's even worse than that. We HAVE President Obumbler.


We, the People, despite the safeguard of an Electoral College, put THAT moron into the Oval Office.


Top 10 President

On what possible metric can that even be possible?

Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

Top 10 President

On what possible metric can that even be possible?

Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

1. Speculation
2. Lol a net negative if you ask me
3. Twisted in the wind
4. Fucked over Dealership owners & lined the pockets of union thugs.
5. Yup
6. Bush ended the Iraq war dummy. And Afghanistan has fallen apart under Obama.

So you got 1 metric to place him top ten.
On what possible metric can that even be possible?

Glad you asked

1. Stopped a depression
2. Passed comprehensive healthcare
3. Pressed for Gay Rights
4. Saved the Auto Companies and Financial Sector
5. Killed Bin Laden
6. Ended Iraq and Afghan wars

Easy top 10 president of all time

1. Speculation
2. Lol a net negative if you ask me
3. Twisted in the wind
4. Fucked over Dealership owners & lined the pockets of union thugs.
5. Yup
6. Bush ended the Iraq war dummy. And Afghanistan has fallen apart under Obama.

So you got 1 metric to place him top ten.

Republicans shouting fail will not influence historians

In evaluating a president, they look at the challenges you were handed, how you responded to those challenges and lasting legacy

Obama was handed two wars and an economy in collapse
Obamacare will be around for generations

Top 10 presidency
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