Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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Those are the social issues sparky. LOL OMG you really do think conservatives are trying to do things like keep the pill from women and keep homosexuals in the closet LMAO How precious of you

There you go again. Making up shit to argue against.

Let me help ya buddy, you clearly need it.

We get wrapped up in many social issues that absolutely kill us.

Income inequality
War on women

That shit is the weapon of choice for the left and you hard heads are so dumb you fall into the trap EVERY TIME. Obama and the dems have given us so much ammunition but this is what the discussion ALWAYS revolves around.
Has NOTHING to do with abortion or faith. Has everything to do with being smarter than your opponent and being able to keep the discussion focused where it belongs.

LMAO I am wrong...I did think you were just a rude RINO but the truth is far worse... Your stupid. You are the low information voter....The helpful idiot. You honestly believe all the shit you are told by the news. You are so sad.

I don't watch the news. I read this board and I notice the trends. All you have to do is look at the most popular threads and read the comments in them. If a dem posts an anti gop gay thread many here obsess endlessly over it and it will soon have dozens upon dozens of pages of responses. But you want me to believe thats somehow not a factor? The left paints us as intolerant and those threads are proof as to why.
Oh and in case you were wondering im pro life.

But the thing is if you want to change the laws you must first WIN THE ELECTIONS.

IF it takes accepting these lily livered watered-down RINO Republicans to "win" [sic] elections, we will CONTINUE to discover that we STILL cannot get any meaningful laws passed (or bad lolberal laws repealed).


What IS needed is getting the GOP to become a Party with commitment to principle. Winning just to win is NOT now and never should have been the point. Much as I dislike liberal Democrats' political philosophy, I AM willing to admit that they usually STAY their fucking course. They will STEADFASTLY accept incremental change provided it is in their favored direction. It all adds up.

The damn Republican Party buys the horse hockey about accommodation and compromise as though there was something inherently important about passing laws. There isn't. The passage of no new laws would be highly preferable to passing lots of laws that amount to the continued movement of our Republic to the left.

I agree but at some point you gotta realize either your methodology or message itself is a loser. Im not advocating winning just to win. Im advocating winning to make a difference afterwards. Look at what the democrats did when Obama got elected. He ran on all the anti Bush nonsense for votes then acted upon and partially achieved his real goals. And all the anti Bush shit is just like it was before he took office.

I KNOW you are advocating what you are advocating FOR that purpose. I deem it commendable.

I am pretty much a fan of yours here and even though I like much of what Thanatos says, I dislike his attacks on you (and vice versa).

My question is this: if we value winning in order (afterwards) too "make a difference," then it HAS TO BE THE CASE that we NEED people to win who WILL make a difference. The same old same old RINOs supported by the tired GOP elites is NEVER going to get that task accomplished. Instead, we will get just lots more of the vapid LOSERS like Boehner.
IF it takes accepting these lily livered watered-down RINO Republicans to "win" [sic] elections, we will CONTINUE to discover that we STILL cannot get any meaningful laws passed (or bad lolberal laws repealed).


What IS needed is getting the GOP to become a Party with commitment to principle. Winning just to win is NOT now and never should have been the point. Much as I dislike liberal Democrats' political philosophy, I AM willing to admit that they usually STAY their fucking course. They will STEADFASTLY accept incremental change provided it is in their favored direction. It all adds up.

The damn Republican Party buys the horse hockey about accommodation and compromise as though there was something inherently important about passing laws. There isn't. The passage of no new laws would be highly preferable to passing lots of laws that amount to the continued movement of our Republic to the left.

I agree but at some point you gotta realize either your methodology or message itself is a loser. Im not advocating winning just to win. Im advocating winning to make a difference afterwards. Look at what the democrats did when Obama got elected. He ran on all the anti Bush nonsense for votes then acted upon and partially achieved his real goals. And all the anti Bush shit is just like it was before he took office.

loser???? Hey dummy when did a conservative get the Republican nomination for president in the last 20 years? How about we actually run a conservative instead of a bitch like you?

Is this the part where you are gonna whine that I mock you for being a Christian after a post like this? Lol

Pixie dust & fairy tales for all!
There you go again. Making up shit to argue against.

Let me help ya buddy, you clearly need it.

We get wrapped up in many social issues that absolutely kill us.

Income inequality
War on women

That shit is the weapon of choice for the left and you hard heads are so dumb you fall into the trap EVERY TIME. Obama and the dems have given us so much ammunition but this is what the discussion ALWAYS revolves around.
Has NOTHING to do with abortion or faith. Has everything to do with being smarter than your opponent and being able to keep the discussion focused where it belongs.

LMAO I am wrong...I did think you were just a rude RINO but the truth is far worse... Your stupid. You are the low information voter....The helpful idiot. You honestly believe all the shit you are told by the news. You are so sad.

I don't watch the news. I read this board and I notice the trends. All you have to do is look at the most popular threads and read the comments in them. If a dem posts an anti gop gay thread many here obsess endlessly over it and it will soon have dozens upon dozens of pages of responses. But you want me to believe thats somehow not a factor? The left paints us as intolerant and those threads are proof as to why.
the trends???? By whom? The five morons who make all the evil Jew, stupid ****** and perverted fag threads?
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Dude you've labeled me everything under the moon and assign all our problems to me or people like me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example my previous voting record is as follows:

Ross Perot
Alan Keys
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum

All conservatives and all lost. How exactly is that in any way a reflection upon me?
Levin is a rightwing douchebag looking for attention

Walking out on the state of the union would be a disaster for the GOP

Levin is a genuine genius and is far more often right than not. He is bright note of hope for this waning Republic. Lolberals castigate him because in the contest of ideas, they lack the ability to compete.

On the other hand, nobody is perfect. Levin's "SOTU GOP boycott in Congress" suggestion is simply not worthy of further discussion.

Levin is a genius in his ability to push buttons with Republicans

Anyone who would propose what he did is a fucking idiot

Wrong. He is a genius because he is a student of history and political philosophy as well as a serious student of our Constitution and its intent and purpose.

He is a genius for his ability and willingness to clearly and accurately articulate those things.

He may get riled up, but passion on this front is a good thing if the opposition (i.e., you liberals) is so dangerously WRONG. And it is. You are.

What he proposed in this case is, in my estimation, pretty pointless. That does not make him an idiot or a fucking idiot. Your claim is stupid. It merely makes him wrong on that one. BFD. You liberals are wrong about almost everything. You liberals must be galactic fucking idiots.
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This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Sounds if this shock jock got what he wanted with his comments.
Conservatives can't even come close to the GOP nomination

How do you expect them to win a general election?
When did we run one?

You run one every election


They are an embarassment

Says the far left Obama drone that voted for that embarrassment Obama twice.

Only the far left would view anyone with any conservative values as an embarrassment. Look at what the far left has done to the Democratic party, that is true embarrassment.
Dude you've labeled me everything under the moon and assign all our problems to me or people like me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example my previous voting record is as follows:

Ross Perot
Alan Keys
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum

All conservatives and all lost. How exactly is that in any way a reflection upon me?

Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?
Dude you've labeled me everything under the moon and assign all our problems to me or people like me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example my previous voting record is as follows:

Ross Perot
Alan Keys
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum

All conservatives and all lost. How exactly is that in any way a reflection upon me?

Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?

What kind of argument is that? What was I probably 20 when Perot ran? So I was a young idealist. At least I was involved. What were you doing at 20? Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Get off my nuts bitch
Dude you've labeled me everything under the moon and assign all our problems to me or people like me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example my previous voting record is as follows:

Ross Perot
Alan Keys
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum

All conservatives and all lost. How exactly is that in any way a reflection upon me?

Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?

What kind of argument is that? What was I probably 20 when Perot ran? So I was a young idealist. At least I was involved. What were you doing at 20? Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Get off my nuts bitch

I wasn't even old enough to vote then and even I saw the man was full of shit and crazier then hell.....The only man worse was Paul.
Dude you've labeled me everything under the moon and assign all our problems to me or people like me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example my previous voting record is as follows:

Ross Perot
Alan Keys
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum

All conservatives and all lost. How exactly is that in any way a reflection upon me?

Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?

Perot would have fixed the country how stupid are you?

Here is something HE did that the government couldn't: Just prior to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the government of Iran imprisoned two EDS employees in a contract dispute. Perot organized and sponsored their rescue. The rescue team was led by retired U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel Arthur D. "Bull" Simons. When the team was unable to find a way to extract their two prisoners, they decided to wait for a mob of pro-Ayatollah revolutionaries to storm the jail and free all 10,000 inmates, many of whom were political prisoners. The two prisoners then connected with the rescue team, and the team spirited them out of Iran via a risky border crossing into Turkey. The exploit was recounted in a book, On Wings of Eagles by Ken Follett, which became a best-seller. In the 1986 miniseries, Perot was portrayed by Richard Crenna.
Dude you've labeled me everything under the moon and assign all our problems to me or people like me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example my previous voting record is as follows:

Ross Perot
Alan Keys
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum

All conservatives and all lost. How exactly is that in any way a reflection upon me?

Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?

What kind of argument is that? What was I probably 20 when Perot ran? So I was a young idealist. At least I was involved. What were you doing at 20? Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Get off my nuts bitch

To be honest...with the exception of Huckabee
All are a bunch of assholes
Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Now don't knock anyone who was doing that, some of us were still politically involved. Even serving in the military. Now getting high and listening to the grateful Dead was a whole 'nother issue as very many were to high to vote and thought that one would speak for the whole communion.

However most shock jocks will say what they need to get ratings.
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Dude you've labeled me everything under the moon and assign all our problems to me or people like me. That couldn't be further from the truth.

For example my previous voting record is as follows:

Ross Perot
Alan Keys
Mike Huckabee
Rick Santorum

All conservatives and all lost. How exactly is that in any way a reflection upon me?

Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?

Perot would have fixed the country how stupid are you?

Here is something HE did that the government couldn't: Just prior to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the government of Iran imprisoned two EDS employees in a contract dispute. Perot organized and sponsored their rescue. The rescue team was led by retired U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel Arthur D. "Bull" Simons. When the team was unable to find a way to extract their two prisoners, they decided to wait for a mob of pro-Ayatollah revolutionaries to storm the jail and free all 10,000 inmates, many of whom were political prisoners. The two prisoners then connected with the rescue team, and the team spirited them out of Iran via a risky border crossing into Turkey. The exploit was recounted in a book, On Wings of Eagles by Ken Follett, which became a best-seller. In the 1986 miniseries, Perot was portrayed by Richard Crenna.

LOL He was a crack pot that only ran because Bush pissed him off. The man had absolutely no idea how the three branches worked. You remember those stupid 30 minuet commercials he ran?
Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?

What kind of argument is that? What was I probably 20 when Perot ran? So I was a young idealist. At least I was involved. What were you doing at 20? Getting high and jammin to iron maiden cassets?

Get off my nuts bitch

To be honest...with the exception of Huckabee
All are a bunch of assholes

I liked Perot's money management
Alan Keys was on the scene when I was a die hard christian
Huckabee seemed like a man of honor who spoke his mind regardless of the consequences and I agreed with most of his ideas
Santorum was my second choice because Cain dropped out just before the primaries.

I think they all would be leaps and bounds better than what we've had for the last decade
Your fucking kidding right? You voted for Perot? Holy shit how stupid are you?

Perot would have fixed the country how stupid are you?

Here is something HE did that the government couldn't: Just prior to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the government of Iran imprisoned two EDS employees in a contract dispute. Perot organized and sponsored their rescue. The rescue team was led by retired U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel Arthur D. "Bull" Simons. When the team was unable to find a way to extract their two prisoners, they decided to wait for a mob of pro-Ayatollah revolutionaries to storm the jail and free all 10,000 inmates, many of whom were political prisoners. The two prisoners then connected with the rescue team, and the team spirited them out of Iran via a risky border crossing into Turkey. The exploit was recounted in a book, On Wings of Eagles by Ken Follett, which became a best-seller. In the 1986 miniseries, Perot was portrayed by Richard Crenna.

LOL He was a crack pot that only ran because Bush pissed him off. The man had absolutely no idea how the three branches worked. You remember those stupid 30 minuet commercials he ran?

Sounds like you are describing Obama there not Perot, although Obama didn't have to pay for his commercials the far left networks were more than glad to do it for free and are still doing it.
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