Mark Levin outs himself as a traitor

You Never Trumpers will be held to account for Hillary getting electing.. you own it.

Hold on a minute, I am not a "nevertrumper" and never have been, but this argument that people who don't support Trump are somehow responsible for him not winning is full of fail.... ANYBODY can run for president and claim they lost because people didn't support them! The GOP could've nominated George Pataki and turned around and blamed those who didn't support him for the inevitable loss.... you see how that works? It's NOT the fault of people who don't support the candidate if that candidate loses. The JOB of a candidate is to get you to vote for him or her. It is 100% THEIR responsibility to win!

If Trump loses, it's totally because he didn't convince enough people to vote for him. It is no one else's fault and you can't blame anyone else. It is entirely up to Trump to make his case to the people and convince them he is the man for the job over Hillary Clinton. He has to win those people over to his side. It's not their obligation to come to him. It is sheer petulance to be making this silly argument that it's someone else's fault if Trump loses. TRUMP owns this... no one else!
In truth, the election was the GOP's for the taking. The blame for the loss goes to those who voted Trump in as the Candidate. He is likely the ONLY person in America who can not beat her.

Yea, we'll see about that.. Despite you Never Trumpers, he's going to win this election..
Levin has not attacked Trump. He has called him into question over things he has said, flip-flops, policy that doesn't jibe with Conservatism... that's being critical, not attacking. If you don't think he has gone after McConnell, Boehner and Ryan, you've not been listening to his show, he has eviscerated all three on numerous occasions. He doesn't attack Trump supporters... he has a short fuse when it comes to morons calling in to his show. If you're going to call in and challenge him, you better be wearing your asbestos underwear. That's just Levin's style and it is what has made him so wildly popular.

As for the Constitution and Conservatism, he gets it better than anyone else on talk radio. He knows what the hell he's talking about, he has done his homework, he has researched this stuff to no end and he doesn't mind educating mush-brains.

I don't feel the least bit betrayed by Levin, he has never stated that he wasn't going to vote for Trump! In fact, he even had Trump on his show once! Yes, he was a Cruz supporter, just as many of us Conservatives were Cruz supporters... it's the TRUMP crowd who turned rabid on US and somehow got it in their heads that we were all "nevertrumpers" for some odd reason. Cruz himself has not said that he won't vote for Trump... he just didn't endorse him.

Surely you understand that you can't turn everyone who doesn't worship Donald Trump into your adversary, right? I mean... that's a guaranteed losing strategy if that's what you're going to demand. There are some of us who are going to vote for Trump but disagree with many of his policy ideas and things he says.... and that's okay!
I agree with most of this, but I am glad you said some. I for one, will not cast a vote for Trump regardless of the circumstance.

WHAT?? I'm so disappointed and amazed by the attitude.. I don't get you never Trumpers.. I really don't. Our country will literally be no more if Hillary gets in office.. the SCOTUS will forever destroy anything left that resembled the US Constitution from gun control, to controlling elections, wide open borders .. so you NEVER TRUMPERS won't ever have to cast another vote PERIOD.. Foolish foolish .. OMG.
Tell Me something. We have the government we have because people say, "OMG, if we don't vote for X, our country is going to be destroyed!!!!" Now you want Me to do it again?

The whole uprising against the establishment is because people have been voting AGAINST the other side for 30+ years.

Now you want do do MORE of the same?

No thank you.

Hillary is no worse than Trump will be. I keep hearing we have to protect the SCOTUS. There is NO guarentee that Trump won't continue to be liberal in his views and appoint liberal Supreme Court Justices. None. Please don't say that he's better than Hillary.

He is not.

We had an anti-establishment candidate that WOULD have nominated Constitutional Constructionists to the Supreme Court. However, everyone decided to nominate a liberal as the GOP candidate.

I"m sorry your disappointed, but trust Me. You are not nearly as disappoint as I am that those who I thought were sensible people decided to abandon their principles and beliefs.

Tell Me, do you have a reason why you would not vote for HIllary? Because if you do, then consider those reasons and remember this. I detest Trump as much as I detest Hillary and simply will not vote for either.

I am done being a sheep and voting against someone or something.

It is time to take our country back from the political parties.

That's funny that you think you know so much about Donald Trump being more of the same since he's never held office.. which makes an ass out of you.. after all, they say-- Assumptions only make an ass out of ourselves.. Anyone who says they detest Donald Trump as much as Hillary and claims to be a Conservative is either fucking retarded or a liar.. or A GLOBALIST SHILL...
I'm making no assumptions at all. His history and background are freely available to anyone willing to ensure that their values and principles are being represented by the person they intend to vote for.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump do not represent Mine in any manner at all, as I don't vote liberal.

Do you know how you can judge a persons character and political beliefs?

You check them at a time when they (the person you are researching) are not running for office and don't have a need to impress sheep to get them to vote for them. It is then that you can take the real measure of that person.

Donald Trump is saying what he has to say to get elected. His ENTIRE history is counter to what he is saying.

Sorry, I'm not buying it.

I'm also sorry you felt it necessary to insult Me simply because I won't do what you are doing.

Have a nice morning.

You're right.. I should not have insulted you. You don't deserve that. I disagree with what you're doing vehemently but that isn't a reason to hurl insults at you. I apologize, sincerely.
Well, I don't have the visceral personal hatred of him you do. My point that I listen to him for short durations over a long time isn't exactly a ringing endorsement.

I think he's personally a good guy. He tends to be preachy and he also belabors boring points. So I quickly tire of him. Personally I listen to a wide range of views.

I also find it kind of funny that he considers himself libertarian leaning. I've never heard any particular libertarian point come from him
I actually loved his Fox show until he decided that San Francisco wanting to ban circumcision was evidence that there would be a 2nd Holocaust; and when later, he literally had Rabbis on his show to talk about this non-existent threat to Judaism.

In 2009 I was actually Beck's biggest fan.

True, his conspiracy theories can be over the edge. To me that just cracks me up more. The guy totally can come off as a loon. For Democrats though, being as loony as Beck is mainstream. Other times he sounds very lucid. He's sort of a right version of Geraldo
The problem is that he is talking about serious issues along with these crackpot theories that he doesn't even believe. He himself actually destroyed a hugely successful show just because he thought the tone of it was too serious.

Oh, I think he believes his crackpot theories. What makes you think he doesn't?
You think he really believes the world is out to get the Jews because one city wants to stop snipping penises?

Come on. He is obviously just an imitator of Alex Jones while not having even half the intelligence to pull it off.

I googled it. Your paraphrase was a lie. That was a skewed version of what he said
I actually loved his Fox show until he decided that San Francisco wanting to ban circumcision was evidence that there would be a 2nd Holocaust; and when later, he literally had Rabbis on his show to talk about this non-existent threat to Judaism.

In 2009 I was actually Beck's biggest fan.

True, his conspiracy theories can be over the edge. To me that just cracks me up more. The guy totally can come off as a loon. For Democrats though, being as loony as Beck is mainstream. Other times he sounds very lucid. He's sort of a right version of Geraldo
The problem is that he is talking about serious issues along with these crackpot theories that he doesn't even believe. He himself actually destroyed a hugely successful show just because he thought the tone of it was too serious.

Oh, I think he believes his crackpot theories. What makes you think he doesn't?
You think he really believes the world is out to get the Jews because one city wants to stop snipping penises?

Come on. He is obviously just an imitator of Alex Jones while not having even half the intelligence to pull it off.

I googled it. Your paraphrase was a lie. That was a skewed version of what he said
I watched the episode when he said it.

After that episode he proceeded to use his show as a vehicle to stop the "2nd Holocaust" until he was taken off the air.
Mark Levin outlined his reasons why he's not voting for Trump. (after dedicating whole show to trashing him)

It can't be seen as a matter of preference.

The Democrat party is not the second opinion of Americanism, they are immersed in Socialist agenda. Karl Marx was not American, The government he spawned were mass murderers.

We are at a crossroads in our country, are we going to continue down the same Socialist path that is screwing the whole country up , or are we going to make an attempt at reform?

Mark Levin has had a good time, making money and acting like a conservative , but at the end of the day, he's all for the Socialist status quo.

Attempting to take away voted from the Republican nominee and losing to the Supreme court to Socialists, is not a light issue.
So, in your new party, nobody can dissent at all. LOL I bet you are lining up with Trump to kiss Putin's ass, as well.
True, his conspiracy theories can be over the edge. To me that just cracks me up more. The guy totally can come off as a loon. For Democrats though, being as loony as Beck is mainstream. Other times he sounds very lucid. He's sort of a right version of Geraldo
The problem is that he is talking about serious issues along with these crackpot theories that he doesn't even believe. He himself actually destroyed a hugely successful show just because he thought the tone of it was too serious.

Oh, I think he believes his crackpot theories. What makes you think he doesn't?
You think he really believes the world is out to get the Jews because one city wants to stop snipping penises?

Come on. He is obviously just an imitator of Alex Jones while not having even half the intelligence to pull it off.

I googled it. Your paraphrase was a lie. That was a skewed version of what he said
I watched the episode when he said it.

After that episode he proceeded to use his show as a vehicle to stop the "2nd Holocaust" until he was taken off the air.

Jew haters are so demented I'd never believe what one said to me without independent validation. And what you said isn't what the web said he said. He said it was part of an anti-semitic campaign, you said he said the world is against Jews. Way stronger than what he said. A lot of people are against Jews, particularly the left and international left. But a lot of us support them too. Clearly anti-semitism is part of the San Francisco motivation. But you exaggerated it. Ironic when you're mocking him for being extreme ...

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