Mark Levin: There’s a Hamas wing of the Democratic Party

Nope. The haters on college campuses yelling “we side with HAMAS” and ”Kill the Jews!” are ALL Democrats. So was the Cornell guy who said he found the massacre of innocent Jews “exhilarating.” So was the Stanford teacher who demanded Jews identify themselves and then stand in the corner.

Everyone can see that the Jew-hate is emanating from the Democrats.

(Cue up….but six years ago, Charlottesville!)
HAM ASS is defended by all of the liberal extremists in the US.
This is what happens when a nation has open borders and massive immigration of refugees... they don't come here to be an American citizen... they come here for other reasons and then they vote for people like them....
Exactly. The immigrants coming in today don't vote the way Americans should vote.
Nope. The haters on college campuses yelling “we side with HAMAS” and ”Kill the Jews!” are ALL Democrats. So was the Cornell guy who said he found the massacre of innocent Jews “exhilarating.” So was the Stanford teacher who demanded Jews identify themselves and then stand in the corner.

Everyone can see that the Jew-hate is emanating from the Democrats.

(Cue up….but six years ago, Charlottesville!)
Actually that does not reflect Cornell...

This is his response.

This is one personand Cornell refuted and condemned the actions of Hamas...

This is the thing, you hate Democrats so much that you have to take everything bad in the world and make it the Democrats fault.. You don't care or want the truth.
Every major Democrat voice have been in unison condemning the actions of Hamas on that day and called them war ciminals and terrorists... That is a fact..
There is more proof of Trump supporters celebrating the hamas attacks...

Remember them, Trump said some of them were fine people.

Nick Fuentes called the attack “suspicious,” suggesting Israel will “benefit from this crisis both domestically and internationally.”
Yes, the guy who had dinner with Trump. Think how your head would explode if Biden did that.

So please stop trying your shit... It just not working and only shows that you would crawl of Isreali dead bodies trying to find any reason to blame a Democrat...
He doesn‘t love HAMAS. He was pointing out that the Jews at the pro-Palestinian protests are siding with HAMAS.
We have been showing that not wanting to kill children is not siding with Hamas...

The problem you have, is when the pictures of Hamas War Criminals murdering those people were going around the world. The rest of the world was thinking how horrible this is and how can we stop this cycle of violence on both sides.
You were thinking, How can we blame this on Democrats... Fuck any semblance of truth, you just wanted to use those death bodies to blame Democrats.
So when you see Democrats (and Republicans) wanting to stop the bombing of children, you say that trying to protect children is siding with Hamas.
Think of what you are saying. Protecting children is siding with Hamas.

Next think you will be saying, You have to support Hamas to protect children being killed... Lovely argument from you....
Actually that does not reflect Cornell...

This is his response.

This is one personand Cornell refuted and condemned the actions of Hamas...

This is the thing, you hate Democrats so much that you have to take everything bad in the world and make it the Democrats fault.. You don't care or want the truth.
Every major Democrat voice have been in unison condemning the actions of Hamas on that day and called them war ciminals and terrorists... That is a fact..
There is more proof of Trump supporters celebrating the hamas attacks...

Remember them, Trump said some of them were fine people.

Nick Fuentes called the attack “suspicious,” suggesting Israel will “benefit from this crisis both domestically and internationally.”
Yes, the guy who had dinner with Trump. Think how your head would explode if Biden did that.

So please stop trying your shit... It just not working and only shows that you would crawl of Isreali dead bodies trying to find any reason to blame a Democrat...
If that’s not pure projection, I don’t know what is.
Nope. The haters on college campuses yelling “we side with HAMAS” and ”Kill the Jews!” are ALL Democrats . . . .

And that is it, the bottom line.

In every possible way, Democrats embrace evil.

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